COP 27 GWEC Wind and Solar Pavilion: Decarbonising Industries – Green Hydrogen X Offshore Wind: A solutions collaboration
November 10, 2022 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Large-scale renewable energy can support decarbonisation of hard-to-abate sectors such as heating, industry and transport. Zooming in on the hard to abate sectors associated with industrialisation in developing countries such as cement and steel, we can look at how these industries are helping to accelerate the deployment of renewables to support a net zero pathway. Offshore wind has the potential to produce green hydrogen, coupling two key decarbonisation solutions. The opportunities and socio-economic benefits of this are huge and offer the potential to decarbonise hard to abate and end-use sectors. Whilst we acknowledge these opportunities we invite a high level and open discussion on how the offshore wind energy industry can further support the production of green hydrogen to become deployable at a large scale.