Baltic Sea Offshore Wind 2023 Outlook Live Webinar
January 30, 2023 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Join us for Baltic Sea Offshore Wind 2023 Outlook LIVE WEBINAR organised by BalticWind.EU!
The Baltic Sea has the potential to develop over 90 GW of offshore wind capacity. In recent days, BalticWind.EU has published a series of interviews where we’ve invited WindEurope, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the European Commission and the European Parliament, representatives of wind energy associations in the Baltic Sea region, as well as leaders of the offshore industry to voice their opinions on topics crucial to the effective development of the industry.
These interviews show that this year will be crucial in accelerating the development of offshore in the Baltic Sea. We have set ambitious goals. Now we must focus on implementation and building offshore wind farms. During the LIVE WEBINAR we’ll be looking at how to deliver a rapid buildout of wind and doubling down on the major obstacles.
Join us for this high-level online debate on 30 January at 11.00 a.m. CET to learn more!
11.00-11.05 Welcome remarks by Paweł Wróbel Managing Director of BalticWind.EU
11.05 -11.45 Debate moderated by Anna Gumbau
Kristian Jensen, CEO of Green Power Denmark
Heike Winkler, Managing Director of WAB, Germany
Lasma Livzeniece, Executive Director of Latvian Wind Energy Association, Latvia
Rytis Kėvelaitis, CEO of Energy Unlimited, Lithuania
Karolina Lipińska, Head of Pomeranian Platform for Offshore Wind, Poland
Daniel Badman, CEO of the Swedish Wind Energy Association
11.45 – 11.55 Q & A session
11.55-12.00 Closing remarks by Anna Gumbau
The debate will take place on the Zoom platform. In addition, the live broadcast will take place on the BalticWind.EU channel on LinkedIn and Twitter.