10 05, 2024

The Guardian: World’s top climate scientists expect global heating to blast past 1.5C target

By |May 10th, 2024|CLIMATE|

In an exclusive survey conducted by The Guardian, hundreds of leading climate scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have revealed alarming predictions about the trajectory of global temperatures. The consensus among these experts indicates that the world is poised to surpass the critical 1.5-degree Celsius target set to mitigate climate change, with [...]

21 03, 2024

EcoVadis, WindEurope and leading wind industry organisations launch ‘Wind Energy Initiative’

By |March 21st, 2024|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

Today, EcoVadis, WindEurope and five leading wind energy industry organisations - ENGIE, Hitachi Energy, Siemens Gamesa, Statkraft and Vestas – announce the launch of the ‘Wind Energy Initiative’. The Initiative aims to accelerate the uptake of sustainable practices by fostering strong collaboration between trading partners and amplifying positive impacts across their value chains. European politicians, [...]

21 03, 2024

WindEurope: Rebound in wind energy financing in 2023 shows that the right policies attract investors

By |March 21st, 2024|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

Investments in wind energy in Europe more than doubled in 2023 compared to 2022, driven by record financing of offshore wind projects. An easing of inflationary pressures, greater certainty in electricity markets, and improved tariff indexation by Governments created a more favourable investment climate. Despite a tightening of financing conditions, Europe invested a record €48bn [...]

19 03, 2024

Jobs, nature protection, energy security, local communities – WindEurope Annual Event in Bilbao showcases the ‘value of wind’

By |March 19th, 2024|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE, TOP NEWS|

From 20-22 March more than 12,000 people gather in Bilbao for the WindEurope Annual Event 2024. This comes at a time of growing optimism for Europe’s wind industry. Investments in new wind farms are up. Auction volumes are at record levels. More permits are coming through. The supply chain is returning to profit. Government action [...]

15 03, 2024

Ignitis Renewables invites to Save the Baltic Sea together


International green energy company Ignitis Renewables supports the expedition Save the Baltic Sea and invites to pay attention to the ecological state of the sea and work together in preserving the Baltic Sea. During the nine-month walk around the Baltic Sea, the expedition and its partners will invite citizens, governments, organisations and businesses to take [...]

11 03, 2024

Europe’s Climate Crisis: A Ticking Time Bomb

By |March 11th, 2024|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

Europe is facing an unprecedented climate crisis, according to a new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The first ever European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA) report paints a stark picture: extreme heat, drought, wildfires, and flooding, phenomena we've increasingly encountered in recent years, are poised to intensify. These are not distant threats but immediate challenges [...]

4 03, 2024

2023 Clean Energy Landscape: Global surge and regional disparities in solar, wind, and electric vehicles, balanced by challenges in nuclear and energy efficiency


Global clean energy deployment scaled new heights in 2023, with annual additions of solar PV and wind growing 85% and 60% respectively. Capacity additions for these two technologies reached almost 540 GW, with China accounting for the majority of both. Clean energy deployment in 2023, however, remained too concentrated in advanced economies and China, with [...]

4 03, 2024

IEA: Major growth of clean energy limited the rise in global emissions in 2023

By |March 4th, 2024|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

Global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions rose less strongly in 2023 than the year before even as total energy demand growth accelerated, new IEA analysis shows, with continued expansion of solar PV, wind, nuclear power and electric cars helping the world avoid greater use of fossil fuels. Without clean energy technologies, the global increase in [...]

22 02, 2024

Transparency International EU: Alarming corporate lobbying in climate safeguard negotiations

By |February 22nd, 2024|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE, OPINIONS|

Current developments have alarmingly revealed the extent of corporate lobbying in negotiations on safeguarding the climate. Take COP28, where a record number of fossil fuel lobbyists made an appearance, or the upcoming COP29 being hosted by Azerbaijan, a major oil and gas exporting country. This shows how urgent it is to protect these discussions from [...]

20 02, 2024

OX2 and SMHI will collaborate to restore parts of the Baltic Sea through artificial oxygenation


SMHI has been granted a research grant from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate to investigate, in collaboration with, among others, OX2, whether artificial oxygenation can contribute to restoring parts of the Baltic Sea that are currently oxygen-free. The oxygen gas is a by-product from hydrogen production at two [...]

15 02, 2024

Global leaders pledge to strengthen energy security and accelerate clean transitions to keep 1.5 °C target alive during IEA Ministerial Meeting

By |February 15th, 2024|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

Co-chaired by France and Ireland, meeting of ministers from around the world delivers mandates for IEA on membership talks with India, opening a regional centre in Singapore, launching a critical minerals security programme, and leading on implementation of COP28 outcomes.  Energy leaders from around the world met in Paris this week for the International Energy [...]

12 01, 2024

Global Renewable Revolution: IEA Charts Record Growth, Highlights Financing Challenge for Sustainable Future


World added 50% more renewable capacity in 2023 than in 2022 and next 5 years will see fastest growth yet, but lack of financing for emerging and developing economies is key issue. The world’s capacity to generate renewable electricity is expanding faster than at any time in the last three decades, giving it a real [...]

8 12, 2023

GOWA’s Ambitious Offshore Wind Target Can Contribute to the Tripling Renewables Target by 2030

By |December 8th, 2023|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

At COP28, global leaders committed to tripling renewable power capacity by 2030, following the recommendations of IRENA’s flagship report World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023. Amongst renewable energy sources, offshore wind plays a significant role in accelerating the energy transition and achieving the tripling target. According to the report, the world must install nearly 500 gigawatts [...]

8 12, 2023

Offshore wind energy: Patent insight report

By |December 8th, 2023|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

Renewables represent key solutions to decelerate the impacts of climate change and limit global warming to 1.5°C. Offshore wind has witnessed a surge of interest from the energy community as a means to support the decarbonisation of energy systems and end-use sectors, owing to its considerable energy potential and cost-competitiveness. According to IRENA statistics, a [...]

7 12, 2023

Launch of Global Offshore Wind Accelerator as a Flagship Initiative of $250+ Million Fund for Sustainable Oceans

By |December 7th, 2023|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

Launched at COP28, Ocean Energy Pathway (OEP) is a new global non-profit that accelerates the global clean energy transition by unlocking the tremendous potential of offshore wind power. Ocean Energy Pathway (OEP) is a flagship initiative supported by the newly announced Ocean Resilience and Climate Alliance (ORCA), a $250 million+ USD funder collaborative focused on [...]

3 12, 2023

EU leads global initiative at COP28 to triple renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency measures by 2030

By |December 3rd, 2023|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

At the World Climate Action Summit in Dubai today, President Ursula von der Leyen launched the Global Pledge on Renewables and Energy Efficiency together with the COP28 Presidency and 118 countries. This initiative, first proposed by the Commission President at the Major Economies Forum in April, sets global targets to triple the installed capacity of [...]

31 10, 2023

The first PtX tender in Denmark has been determined: Six projects will establish electrolysis capacity on more than 280 MW


The Danish Energy Agency has concluded the Power-to-X Tender and six projects will win the State Aid. Four different companies are behind the six winning projects and can now start building up the production of green hydrogen in Denmark. The Danish Energy Agency can now reveal the winners of the first Danish Power-to-X (PtX) tender [...]

17 10, 2023

Lack of ambition and attention risks making electricity grids the weak link in clean energy transitions

By |October 17th, 2023|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

First-of-its-kind global study finds the world must add or replace 80 million km of grids by 2040, equal to all grids globally today, to meet national climate targets and support energy security Efforts to tackle climate change and ensure reliable supplies of electricity could be put at risk unless policy makers and companies quickly take [...]

16 10, 2023

RWE launches global Floating Wind Co-use Competition

By |October 16th, 2023|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

RWE, one of the world leaders in offshore wind, has launched its first global “Floating Wind Co-use Competition”. The company is looking for solutions to promote co-existence with other sea users and biodiversity enhancement. RWE is dedicated to accelerating the development and demonstration of innovative and sustainable solutions that be specifically applied to floating offshore [...]

26 09, 2023

IEA: The path to limiting global warming to 1.5 °C has narrowed, but clean energy growth is keeping it open

By |September 26th, 2023|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE, TOP NEWS|

Update of IEA’s landmark Net Zero Roadmap shows greater ambition and implementation, supported by stronger international cooperation, will be critical to reach climate goals. Driving greenhouse gas emissions from the world’s energy sector to net zero and limiting global warming to 1.5 °C remains possible due to the record growth of key clean energy technologies, [...]

25 09, 2023

IEA report: Momentum behind low-emissions hydrogen continues to grow


Momentum behind low-emissions hydrogen continues to grow despite the slow roll-out of financial incentives and stubborn cost pressures that threaten to delay projects, says new IEA report. But production levels can still increase substantially by 2030 if all announced projects are realised and greater efforts are made on encouraging uptake. The number of announced projects [...]

28 07, 2023

IRENA: Diversifying critical material supply chains minimises geopolitical risks

By |July 28th, 2023|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

New report on the geopolitics of critical materials sees significant concentration in supply chains and calls for collaborative strategies to sustain the energy transition Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 12 July 2023 – The energy transition requires a dramatic increase in the supply of critical materials, yet their supplies chains remain vulnerable to a range [...]

27 07, 2023

International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopts 2050 climate neutrality target


Dieter Janecek, Federal Government Coordinator for the Maritime Industry and for Tourism, welcomes the agreement which was reached at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on the 7th of July 2023. He said: "Today is an important day for the mitigation of climate change: IMO has adopted more stringent climate targets to foster the decarbonisation of [...]

28 06, 2023

IRENA: Annual Renewable Power Must Triple by 2030

By |June 28th, 2023|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook calls for annual renewable power additions of 1,000 GW by 2030 to keep 1.5°C climate target within reach. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirate, 22 June 2023 – In the first volume of the World Energy Transitions Outlook (WETO) 2023 released today, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) identifies the way [...]

19 06, 2023

RED II: Breakthrough for an ambitious expansion of renewable energies in the EU


On June 16, the member states of the European Union approved a comprehensive redesign of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED) in the Committee of Permanent Representatives. The European target for renewable energies will thus be significantly increased from 32% to 45% in 2030. This means a doubling of the share of renewable energies compared [...]

16 06, 2023

IRENA: Global offshore wind energy can grow from 55 to reach 380 GW

By |June 16th, 2023|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

The urgent need for immediate action to address climate change is emphasized once again by the latest climate report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). To limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C, the international community must take immediate and bold steps. Offshore renewables, including offshore wind and ocean energy, hold significant potential in [...]

12 06, 2023

All parties in the Danish Parliament agree on a new marine plan


Agreement on Denmark's Marine Plan strengthens nature protection of the sea, the development of renewable energy and more sustainable development of fisheries. In a time marked by increased global tensions, the need for a green transition, protection of nature and development of the fishing industry, the government, together with all the parties in the Parliament, [...]

29 05, 2023

Antarctic sea ice settles at record low in 2023

By |May 29th, 2023|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

Antarctic sea ice has likely reached its minimum extent for the year, at 1.79 million square kilometers (691,000 square miles) on February 21, 2023, according to scientists at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) at the University of Colorado Boulder. The 2023 minimum is the lowest in the 45-year satellite record. This year’s [...]

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