The German regulator, the Federal Transmission Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur – BNetzA), started consultations in August for the second draft network development plan for its expansion until 2035. The BNetzA also presented its assessment of the infrastructure development.

The power grid development plan for 2021-2035 includes measures to expand the German transmission network, which are necessary to ensure secure electricity supplies until 2035. The necessary offshore transmission links are also identified in the network development plan. These calculations are based on the federal government’s goal of accelerating the development of renewable energy.

The current process of grid expansion is based on ambitious scenarios in the context of renewable energy sources development. The measures take into account the increase in energy production from wind, water and sun. In this way, climate goals are also taken into account.

According to the Bundesnetzagentur, an additional DC link is now required between Lower Saxony and Hesse. In addition, AC connections also need to be upgraded or re-established.

Along with the preliminary results of the network development plan assessment, Bundesnetzagentur has also published a draft environmental report that identifies, describes and assesses the likely environmental impact of network expansion projects.

Public opinion and public agencies and organizations are invited to submit comments by October 20, 2021. As part of the consultation, the Bundesnetzagentur is organizing information meetings in Lübeck on August 31, in Münster on September 2, and online on September 14 and 16.

Source: Bundesnetzagentur