On March 21, 2023, the Danish Energy Agency informed that it has resumed the case processing of Jammerland Bugt Offshore Wind Farm, Lillebælt South Offshore Wind Farm, Omø South Offshore Wind Farm and Nordre Flint Offshore Wind Farm.

The Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities has, in dialogue with the State Aid Secretariat, now assessed that the pre-investigation permits issued by the Danish Energy Agency in the period 2014-2019 for Jammerland Bugt Offshore Wind Farm, Lillebælt South Offshore Wind Farm, Omø South Offshore Wind Farm and Nordre Flint Offshore Wind Farm are not in breach of EU law, and that the projects’ possible future establishment permits and electricity production permits will not be in breach of EU law either.

All four projects were granted feasibility study permits several years ago, and thus when the market situation was different from today.

On February 1, 2023, the Danish Energy Agency suspended processing 33 “open-door“ projects until further clarification of EU law issues.

Next steps

The Danish Energy Agency is still in the process of assessing the other projects under the open door scheme and will finalize the assessment as soon as possible.

The Danish Energy Agency will continuously communicate to the stakeholders about the further process for the individual cases.

Source: Danish Energy Agency