The National Energy Regulatory Council (VERT) informs that during the submission period of the auction that took place between 31 March 2023 – 29 May 2023, two bidders have submitted their offers. Compliance with the auction’s requirements will be evaluated by the VERT Committee. 

The state-owned company Ignitis Group has reportedly submitted applications to compete, according to the Baltic News Service (BNS). The other companies mentioned by media to do so – the Danish renewable energy company European Energy along with the Norwegian offshore wind farm company Vårgrønn – informed BalticWind.EU that “with the deadline for bids to the tender of the 700MW offshore wind park in Lithuania having now expired, Vårgrønn and European Energy can confirm that they did not participate in the tender”.

Two wind parks, each with a 700 MW capacity, are being prepared for construction in the Baltic Sea by Lithuania. The second offshore wind park in the Baltic Sea is expected to be auctioned off with state funding, and the announcement of that auction is scheduled for September of this year. However, according to BNS, these plans could change depending on the outcome of the first auction, which is currently taking place.

Next steps

According to VERT – the first meeting of the Committee will take place live on 1 June 2023. Both bidders will be invited to attend the Committee meeting and will be able to participate either in person or remotely.

In subsequent Committee meetings, the compliance of Competition Participants with the established requirements will be evaluated, and a list of Competition Participants who meet the requirements will be compiled. This will have to be done within 30 calendar days at the latest (in the case of a large number of documents, this deadline may be extended by 7 calendar days).

If both bidders meet the requirements, the Bidding Phase for the Power Plant Development Charge will proceed. The potential winner of the tender would be known the day after the Bidding for the Power Plant Development Charge stage, but would only be announced if it is in the interest of national security. The verification of compliance with the national security interest could take about 60 calendar days. The successful bidder will be known around the beginning of September 2023.

If at least one Competition Participant does not meet the requirements set for Competition Participants, the Competition will be considered unsuccessful.

Source: VERT, BNS