As reported by the Financial Times – the chief executives of Vestas and Ørsted point to the problem of lengthy and complicated processes and procedures surrounding project approval in the wind industry. They pointed out that this threatens the achievement of climate goals. “We need a fundamental review on how we dramatically shorten the consenting process.” – Mads Nipper, Ørsted chief executive, told the Financial Times. Henrik Andersen, Vestas chief executive, responded to the question of whether governments are doing enough to improve the situation: “I think not. We spend a lot of time listening to why they’re going to apologise for why they didn’t do what they should have done in the past five years. There is a task force required in every government right now that needs to accelerate permitting.” The problem gains importance in the face of the need to accelerate independence from fossil fuels from Russia. The appeal is in line with the plan of action and recommendations prepared by the European Commission as part of its May release of the REPowerEU package.
