As of 4 April 2022, the Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen) has received 47 applications within the framework of the so-called open-door program. 16 of them were rejected due to overlap with state land reservations. The agency has received a number of applications for very large projects (capacity of more than 1 GW each), several of which are located far from the coast.
The Danish Energy Agency will now send six more proposals for public consultation. Applications are located in areas 1-3, 7, 11 and 12 – numbered according to maps. Due to the nature of the projects in terms of size and, in a few cases, distance from the coast, the Danish Energy Agency has examined whether the proposals fall under the rules of the open-door program. The Danish Energy Agency has assessed that this is the case. The Board will therefore proceed with the substantive consideration of the applications, which includes consultations with the authorities.

Source: Energistyrelsen
The final decision on whether a project can be granted a feasibility study will depend on a specific assessment that will take into account a number of different factors, including environmental, natural, safety, shipping, fishing or planning with regard to the overall development of offshore wind turbines, the extent of wind resources and regarding overall grid planning, etc.
If the application process results in the granting of a permit for a feasibility study, this does not mean that approval will be granted for the installation of offshore wind turbines at the site, but only that the studies necessary for the project can be carried out.
See the full list of applications: