6th Scientific Conference “Energy Security – Pillars and Development Perspective – Rzeszow, Poland
September 13, 2021 - September 14, 2021
We invite you to participate in the 6th Scientific Conference “Energy Security – Pillars and Development Perspective”, which is planned for 13-14 September 2021 at the Rzeszow University of Technology. The Conference is organized by the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Institute for Energy Policy and the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Management of the Rzeszow University of Technology in cooperation with the “Eurointegration” Student Academic Circle.
As every year, the aim of the Conference is to contribute to scientific and expert discussion on energy policy, energy security, and the wider energy sector. We believe that creating a platform for discussion with scientists, experts, representatives of public administration, energy companies, NGOs, business journalists and students, we will be able to contribute to the development of scientific achievements in this area of knowledge.
We plan that the themes of the 6th Conference will be a continuation of the scientific discussion on the policy of natural gas and crude oil supply; hydrogen use; low-emission transport and electromobility; offshore wind energy; cyber security in the energy sector; stability of energy, raw materials and fuels supply systems in the aspect of contemporary sabotage and terrorist threats; nuclear energy; energy transition; as well as starting a discussion on flexibility services and virtual power plants. In recognition of the changing political, economic, social and technological conditions, we will discuss energy projects that can leverage economic development. We seek answers on how to create sources of competitive advantage by the state as well as the company.