The Offshore Wind Energy Centre at Gdynia Maritime University (UMG) launched the third edition of its Executive Offshore Wind MBA postgraduate program on October 27. BalticWind.EU is a media partner of the studies.

The ceremony was attended by the Deputy Rector for Education at Gdynia Maritime University, PhD Sambor Guze, Professor at UMG, UMG Council Member, and Chairman of Inter Marine Group, Slawomir Kalicki, and Jakub Budzynski, Vice President of the Polish Offshore Wind Energy Society.

Among the guests were also representatives of the embassies with honorary patronage of the EOW MBA program. A short speech was delivered by His Excellency Ole Toft , Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Poland, and Huub von Freytag Drabbe, Head of the Economic Department of the Netherlands Embassy.

The floor was also taken by representatives of partner universities, which cooperate with UMG in the implementation of studies – Dominic Kudlacek from Hochschule Bremerhaven and Fleming Ƙstergaard representing Business Academy SouthWest from Denmark. The two partner universities run the first Offshore Wind Energy MBA program in Europe and the world. The teaching staff of this program will lead selected UMG study modules.

Partners in the Executive Offshore Wind MBA postgraduate program include many leading companies of the offshore wind industry such as Siemens Gamesa, Seaway7, SSE Renewables, Kongstein, Semco Maritime, Vestas, Ƙrsted, Intermarine, DNV, GE Power, RWE, MAG, Polish Register of Shipping and MEWO. BalticWind.EU is a media partner. Partners co-shape the EOW MBA program by participating in the Program Council and providing their experts as lecturers. At the inauguration ceremony, the business partners were represented by Agata Staniewska-Bolesta, Managing Director Offshore Poland at Ƙrsted, Richard den Hollander, Global Business Development and Account Management Director at Seaway 7, and Paweł Weiner, President of MAG Offshore.

The Executive Offshore Wind MBA postgraduate program is conducted entirely in English in cooperation with Hochschule Bremerhaven and Business Academy SouthWest of Denmark. It is designed for offshore wind workers, as well as for individuals and companies that plan to develop in this area. The degree program lasts two years (four semesters) and includes a total of 540 hours of classroom instruction and additional activities such as visits to companies in the industry, expert webinars, etc. A “study tour” in Denmark is included, with planned visits to leading companies in the wind energy sector. The third edition of the program has attracted candidates who already work in companies operating in the offshore wind market and various related industries, who see their chance to start a career in the rapidly growing sector through participation in the EOW MBA. A total of 18 people were qualified for the third edition, including 4 ladies.

The projected potential of the industry creates a unique career opportunity for those with managerial education confirmed by a prestigious MBA degree. Completing the first in Poland and second in Europe MBA program for the offshore wind sector, culminating in an international Executive Offshore Wind MBA diploma will certainly allow you to take advantage of these opportunities. The organizers anticipate that graduates will be among the most sought-after managers and professionals in the Polish and international offshore wind energy industry, and that companies directing their employees to the program will gain motivated staff, unique competencies and a huge number of inspiring solutions.

Deputy Rector for Education, Assosiate Professor,

Sambor Guze PhD, DSc, Professor at UMG, Deputy Rector for Education at Gdynia Maritime University saidĀ The mission of the Gdynia Maritime University, Poland’s oldest maritime university, is to prepare personnel capable of effectively meeting the challenges of today’s maritime economy, especially maritime transportation. That’s why we are making an effort to expand our educational offerings with new first-cycle, second-cycle, postgraduate courses and the Executive Offshore Wind MBA program. The coming years are about meeting the challenge of training human resources for offshore wind power. We already have more than a decade of experience in educating for the Offshore Technology (“Technologie Offshorowe”) specialty. We also see other niches in educational offerings, as confirmed by an initial market needs analysis. It showed that in the next few years of offshore wind development, there will be a need for offshore wind managers in addition to offshore specialists, power engineers, electrical engineers and mechanics. Such a person must have unique industry knowledge and developed management and leadership skills. This is the educational goal of the first in Poland MBA program dedicated to this sector of the economy.

Tomasz Harackiewicz, Deputy Director of the UMG Offshore Wind Energy Centre, indicated thatĀ –Ā By completing the Executive Offshore Wind MBA program, its participants will acquire practical managerial competencies at strategic and operational levels in key management areas. These will include both universal competencies (e.g., strategy, finance, human resource management), as well as knowledge and skills specific to the OWE sector (e.g., logistics and supply chain, wind farm economics, regulations).

The lecturers are international class experts in various areas of management and offshore wind energy. The selection criterion was not only their substantive knowledge and managerial or consulting experience, but also their didactic experience in conducting trainings and studies for managers. In other words, the lecturers are not only expert practitioners, but are also experienced in working with executives, including at top MBA programs in Poland and abroad.

Source: Offshore Wind Energy Centre of the Gdynia Maritime University