1 12, 2021

MEPs set out recommendations for speeding up the deployment of offshore wind

By |December 1st, 2021|OFFSHORE, REGULATORY, TOP NEWS|

MEPs set out recommendations for speeding up the deployment of offshore wind, in a report adopted on Tuesday. The report voted in the Industry, Research and Energy committee in response to a European Commission communication stresses that meeting the 2030 and 2050 targets require speeding up the deployment of offshore renewable energy (ORE), but a [...]

21 07, 2021

Newsroom: A strong result and a development drives the transition for Vattenfall


Vattenfall’s President and CEO Anna Borg comments on the interim report for January-June 2021. “Achieving our goal of enabling fossil-free living within one generation requires that we cooperate with customers and other partners – also outside of the energy sector. Partnerships therefore have a central role in Vattenfall’s strategy”, says [...]

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