1 03, 2022

Energy sector’s responsibility in the face of war in Ukraine

By |March 1st, 2022|OPINIONS, TOP NEWS|

Last week, when Russia brutally attacked Ukraine triggering a war just across the border of the European Union, is a moment in history when the development of the offshore wind industry must also be viewed through the prism of these tragic events. Ukraine's independence has been compromised, and so has Europe's security. In this context, [...]

11 01, 2022

Sweden could lead the Baltic region in ‘green’ steel production


Produkcja stali i morska energetyka wiatrowa to dwa obszary, które są coraz bardziej zależne od siebie. Nie będzie wiatraków bez stali, natomiast „zielonej” stali – bez produkcji OZE i bezemisyjnego wodoru. Pierwsze kroki w bezemisyjnej produkcji stali poczyniła Szwecja i to właśnie ten kraj może zostać liderem regionu Morza Bałtyckiego [...]

1 11, 2021

Vattenfall explores new ways to quantify biodiversity

By |November 1st, 2021|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

Vattenfall and French based CDC Biodiversité, a leading European organization in biodiversity assessments, have started a collaboration to assess Vattenfall’s biodiversity footprint. This is an important step for Vattenfall on the journey to secure a net positive approach for nature by 2030. […]

21 07, 2021

Newsroom: A strong result and a development drives the transition for Vattenfall


Vattenfall’s President and CEO Anna Borg comments on the interim report for January-June 2021. “Achieving our goal of enabling fossil-free living within one generation requires that we cooperate with customers and other partners – also outside of the energy sector. Partnerships therefore have a central role in Vattenfall’s strategy”, says [...]

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