On 13 August 2024, the Management Board of Polenergia announced that they were informed of European Commission’s decision stating that public aid granted to OWF Bałtyk II and OWF Bałtyk III is compatible with the internal market, by means of the decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office of 4 May 2021 on granting the right to cover negative balance for the offshore wind farm projects OWF Bałtyk 2 and OWF Bałtyk 3.

The Commission’s decision was issued in an individual notification procedure, after which the Commission did not raise any objections to the public aid granted at a level not exceeding PLN 319.60/MWh for electricity generated and injected into the grid under each of the Projects.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Act on Promoting Electricity Generation in Offshore Wind Farms, the next step will be to obtain a decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office setting a specific price (not higher than the one resulting from the Commission’s decision) constituting, after indexation with inflation, the basis for settlement of the differential contract in the 25-year period of support. The regulatory authority has 90 days from the date of receiving information on the Commission’s decision to issue the said decision.

Source: Polenergia