15 07, 2022

WindEurope: Negative bidding in German offshore wind law threatens supply chain


The German Parliament has adopted a new Offshore Wind Law (WindSeeG). It makes important changes to the design of Germany’s offshore wind auctions. It established two different types of auctions, one of which involves negative bidding with no caps on the amounts developers bid. This is bad: uncapped negative bidding means additional costs for electricity [...]

7 03, 2022

Gdynia will provide education of key personnel for the development of wind farms in the Baltic Sea

By |March 7th, 2022|OPINIONS, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

A groundbreaking Offshore Wind Energy Center has been established at Gdynia Maritime University. This is where the future workforce that will build the offshore wind sector in the Baltic Sea will be educated. In March, the first groundbreaking managerial studies are launched. We talk to the creators of the Executive Offshore Wind MBA in Poland. [...]

7 03, 2022

Construction of installation terminal for offshore wind farms in Gdansk to be completed in 2025

By |March 7th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

On 1 March 2022, Poland's Council of Ministers adopted a resolution amending the offshore wind farm installation terminal regulations. Originally, the government wanted to carry out the investment in Gdynia, but eventually decided on Gdansk. The new resolution was submitted by the Ministry of Infrastructure. The installation terminal is to be built in the Port [...]

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