11 11, 2022

Baltic Sea Transmission System Operators prepare to manage risks on electricity adequacy


The leaders of the Baltic Sea electricity transmission system operators met in Helsinki on 2nd of November to discuss the energy crisis in Europe and the electricity adequacy of the region.  The transmission system operators of the Baltic Sea region actively cooperate and share information on the security and the electricity supply situation in the [...]

4 11, 2022

GWO: Wind Limited Access Standard released

By |November 4th, 2022|OFFSHORE|

Global Wind Organisation (GWO) released the Wind Limited Access Standard. This new standard was developed to provide a minimum viable safety training for infrequent visitors to onshore and offshore wind turbine generators (WTG) environments when supervised by at least two GWO Basic Safety Training (BST) qualified persons.  The standard consists of two, three-and-a-half hour modules. [...]

19 10, 2022

Swedish Wind Energy Association: In the Tidö Agreement, the government should ensure technology neutrality and a level playing field

By |October 19th, 2022|OFFSHORE, REGULATORY, SWEDEN|

On 14 October, Daniel Badman, VD/CEO of the Swedish Wind Energy Association (Svensk Vindenergi), commented on the Tidö Agreement presented by the Moderate Coalition Party (Moderaterna), Christian Democrats, Liberals and Sweden Democrats. The political agreement is the basis for a deal that allows the formation of a government after the September parliamentary elections.  According to [...]

13 10, 2022

Baltic Power project driving new investments


Poland’s first installation terminal to be located in Świnoujście and a turbine factory to be built by Vestas in Szczecin are two new investment projects now afoot in connection with the Baltic Power offshore wind farm.  The joint venture project between the ORLEN Group and Northland Power will require 76 state-of-the-art 15 MW turbines from [...]

29 11, 2021

Denmark and Lithuania discuss offshore wind energy development in Klaipeda

By |November 29th, 2021|DENMARK, LITHUANIA, OFFSHORE|

Today in Klaipeda starts the”Offshore industry in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea: get ready for business”conference, which will bring together representatives of the offshore wind energy sector from Denmark and Lithuania, as well as parties interested in the development of the industry. According to Danish Ambassador to Lithuania [...]

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