The government refuses 24 applications to set up offshore wind turbines through the open door scheme without further processing. It is a huge failure, believes Green Power Denmark. The companies have applied to build offshore wind turbines in the confidence that the government stood by the current arrangement. The companies have waited patiently for the government to investigate whether the scheme is in breach of the EU’s competition rules. But now the door is closed without further ado.

In connection with the negotiations on an offshore plan, the government has informed the parties that it is going ahead with three projects that have applied to set up offshore wind turbines through the open door scheme. However, it is still uncertain whether the three projects will be implemented. The rest of the projects are rejected.

– This is completely unheard of. The government is slowing down a green industrial adventure, and it is failing the confidence of the companies that have to invest in the green transition of the future, says Kristian Jensen, CEO of Green Power Denmark.

– The government says no thanks to the companies that are ready to establish lots of offshore wind turbines, so that consumers can quickly get cheap, green electricity, and Denmark can start the production of green fuels for planes and ships. It is incomprehensible, says Kristian Jensen.

Last week, a historic agreement was reached on the supply of state-owned offshore wind farms. But they cannot stand alone, believes Green Power Denmark.

– The government tenders for offshore wind turbines cannot replace the open door scheme. We need a rapid market-driven expansion if Denmark is to become a leading country in the production of green fuels. Here, we cannot wait until the offshore wind farms, which have been established following the government tender, are in operation in 2030. Because by then, other countries will have long been on the market for green hydrogen and green fuels for heavy transport, says Jensen.

The parties in the Danish Parliament have been negotiating for weeks on a plan for how we will use the marine areas in the future. It is a really good plan, believes Green Power Denmark

– The government is using the negotiations on the marine plan to push a string of offshore wind farms down the drain. We have listened to the government and been constructive in order to complete as many projects as possible. But the government has chosen to close 24 projects, and we will lose production of at least 12 GW of green electricity, says Kristian Jensen.

Source: Green Power Denmark