Lithuania is preparing a national map of hydrogen technology development. The Ministry of Energy of Lithuania informs that after a comprehensive analysis, independent foreign experts, working with Lithuanian institutions and companies, will present possible solutions for the hydrogen value chain. This is an opportunity to implement green hydrogen production technology using energy produced by wind farms in the Baltic Sea.
The Lithuanian ministry notes that almost all major European countries have developed and published hydrogen strategies. Recent studies indicate that demand for hydrogen in Europe will outstrip supply over the next ten years. Therefore, it will be important to buy and transport hydrogen from the Baltic States and Scandinavia, which are seen as potential hydrogen producers due to favorable conditions for RES development, such as offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea.
To develop the hydrogen roadmap, an agreement was signed between Baringa Consulting Limited, a UK-based international consulting firm working with Civitta, an international management consulting firm, Amber Grid, the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator, and EPSO-G. A contract worth 145,000 euro was signed by representatives of Baringa Consulting Limited after they won the public tender launched in the summer of 2021.
The Lithuanian hydrogen sector development plan to 2050 and the action plan for its implementation until 2030 are expected to be ready in spring 2022.
– Green hydrogen is essential for decarbonizing the energy, industrial, and transportation sectors. Therefore, Lithuania also needs to assess what role hydrogen should play in achieving its decarbonization goals and what benefits it can bring to Lithuania. The study should serve as a roadmap for further plans related to green hydrogen, explains Dainius Kreivys, Lithuanian Minister of Energy.
The plan to create a strategic hydrogen value chain was included in the declaration of the Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform, created in November 2020 at the initiative of the Ministry of Energy. Launched with the participation of 19 representatives from the public sector, business, and academia, the platform now brings together more than 45 participants who actively interact in various working groups on hydrogen applications in industry, transport, and energy.
The Ministry of Energy of Lithuania informs that in order to prepare a roadmap for hydrogen development in Lithuania, it will be necessary to review the situation in the EU regarding the factors influencing the development of the hydrogen sector. It is the reduction of CO2 emissions, the development of RES, the implementation of new technologies, the development of transport, the interaction between different systems. Long-term recommendations, visions and strategies for the development of the hydrogen sector developed by international organizations in the fields of energy, transport, industry, and households will be analyzed. The region’s potential for hydrogen development will also be assessed as well as proposals from state institutions, companies, organizations, and members of the Lithuanian Hydrogen Platform related to the development of the hydrogen sector.
Source: Ministry of Energy of Lithuania