25 11, 2022

Polish offshore farms to be secured against terrorist attacks

By |November 25th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

Potential threats to offshore wind farms, ways to protect them, and legal aspects of the security of operation of these facilities are the subject of the analysis "Protection of energy infrastructure in the aspect of offshore wind energy development in Polish maritime areas", authored by Lieutenant Commander Tomasz Chyła, MSc, Eng., an expert at the [...]

24 11, 2022

Fraunhofer IWES: Successful measuring campaign for 50Hertz in the Baltic Sea

By |November 24th, 2022|GERMANY, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Sassnitz, November 2022. The Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES has successfully completed a boulder detection campaign off the coast of the island of Rügen in the German Baltic Sea on behalf of 50Hertz. In order to allow efficient planning of the grid operator’s new offshore platform seismic measuring techniques have been employed to [...]

22 11, 2022

Acceleration of clean and just transition to renewable energy needed to meet COP27 agreements

By |November 22nd, 2022|OFFSHORE, REGULATORY, TOP NEWS|

The United Nations Climate Change Conference COP27 closed on November 20th with an agreement to provide “loss and damage” funding for vulnerable countries hit hard by climate disasters. “This outcome moves us forward” said Simon Stiell, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary. “We have determined a way forward on a decades-long conversation on funding for loss [...]

21 11, 2022

Energy islands are the future of offshore wind energy

By |November 21st, 2022|DENMARK, GERMANY, OFFSHORE|

So far 30 GW offshore wind farms in Europe are nearly all connected to the energy system through subsea power cables that run to mother country. As WindEurope indicates in the not-too-distant future many of them will connect to new “energy islands” which will centralise the transmission of the energy they produce. Some of these [...]

15 11, 2022

Estonian government: we aim to expedite development of renewable energy

By |November 15th, 2022|ESTONIA, OFFSHORE|

Estonian government approved activities designed to streamline the transition to the use of renewable energy at cabinet meeting on November 10th. The country has set itself the goal of producing as much renewable electricity by 2030 as its total annual consumption. The accelerated development of renewable energy will focus on wind power, with the government [...]

15 11, 2022

FWPA: over 13 GW offshore wind planned in Finland

By |November 15th, 2022|FINLAND, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

According to the Finnish Wind Power Association’s (FWPA) half-year review of wind power projects, in addition to onshore wind power, potential offshore wind power areas are also of interest to project operators. There are currently 13 offshore wind power projects planned, with a total output of nearly 13,500 megawatts. More than 3,200 MW more offshore [...]

13 11, 2022

Linklaters: The wind of change for the Polish energy sector is blowing strongly from the Baltic Sea


For Poland, the Baltic has always been a window to the world. Today, it is also an opportunity for Poland to become independent from coal-based energy through the development of offshore wind energy in the Polish exclusive economic zone. This new industry could become the flywheel of the Polish energy transition, so necessary today. Stable [...]

9 11, 2022

Jakub Budzynski, PTMEW: Poland as offshore industry hub for the Baltic region

By |November 9th, 2022|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS, POLAND|

Polish industry has a great opportunity to permanently strengthen its position in global supply chains of the offshore wind energy sector. We are already a leader in the Baltic. The key to seizing this opportunity is to build competence, develop cooperation within a technical dialogue between specific sectors and companies - says Jakub Budzyński, Vice [...]

3 11, 2022

Ilmatar begins comprehensive seabed survey for 2.1 GW offshore wind energy project north of Åland

By |November 3rd, 2022|FINLAND, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

The Finnish energy company Ilmatar is starting a technical survey of the seabed over an area of 600 square kilometres north of Åland. The planned wind farm is intended to be connected to both Sweden and Finland and is projected to supply around 10 per cent of Finland’s annual electricity consumption. – This is the operational launch of Ilmatar’s investment [...]

3 11, 2022

Border consultation for Utposten 2 wind farm

By |November 3rd, 2022|OFFSHORE, PROJECTS, SWEDEN|

Svea Wind Offshore, a Swedish RES developer, is launching consultations as part of the border-setting process for the Utposten 2 wind farm.  A meeting organised by Svea Wind Offshore will take place in Gävle on 21-22 November. The meeting in Gävle will include a general presentation of the project and information on the planned activities, [...]

2 11, 2022

Offshore Wind Poland conference on 16-17 November in Warsaw

By |November 2nd, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

Offshore wind energy will accelerate significantly in the coming decades. It will be one of the fastest growing renewable energy sectors, especially in Poland. Poland could become the largest offshore wind market in the Baltic Sea with up to 28 GW of capacity. Experts will discuss how to exploit the potential of offshore wind farms [...]

27 10, 2022

Estonian-Latvian offshore wind farm joint project location revealed


Today, the Estonian Government confirmed the location of the ELWIND joint Estonian-Latvian offshore wind energy project in the Estonian maritime area. Based on studies and analyses, the most suitable development area for the joint project in Estonian waters is the sea area west of the Sõrve peninsula. "Estonia's offshore wind energy is an untapped potential [...]

26 10, 2022

Ørsted and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners join forces to develop approx. 5.2 GW of offshore wind in Denmark

By |October 26th, 2022|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Ørsted and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) have entered into a partnership to develop approx. 5.2 gigawatts of offshore wind in Denmark across four projects – 3 GW of which are in the Baltic Sea. The partnership can accelerate the green transformation greatly, create value in the offshore wind industry, strengthen value- and job creation, and create [...]

25 10, 2022

Lithuanian government approves requirements for prospective offshore wind park developers


Last week, the Government of Lithuania approved the requirements for prospective offshore wind park developers to participate in next year’s tender. The Government decision confirmed the requirements for tender participants’ financial capacity and experience in carrying out projects of this kind, as well as obligations to contribute to environmental protection and the well-being of the [...]

25 10, 2022

Ocean Winds was awarded a positive environmental decision for the BC-Wind offshore wind farm

By |October 25th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Ocean Winds, an international company dedicated to offshore wind energy and created as a 50-50 joint venture by EDP Renewables and ENGIE, received for its BC-Wind project in the Baltic Sea a so-called “Environmental Decision” that successfully completed the environmental impact assessment process. The decision was taken by the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection (RDOŚ) in Gdańsk, Poland, [...]

24 10, 2022

Baltic Power met for the third time with companies interested in participating in the construction and operation of an offshore wind farm

By |October 24th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

More than 400 people from 215 companies met at the Baltic Power Supply Chain Meeting 2022 in Sopot. The third edition of the Baltic Power conference focused on the key suppliers, who presented the scopes of the planned works, the schedules for their execution and the areas in which they are looking for Polish suppliers. [...]

24 10, 2022

Lithuanian government strengthens communication of first offshore wind farm


"Offshore Wind Park" is a strategic investment of Lithuania. Implementation will significantly increase the country's energy security by reducing the country's dependence on energy imports. The Ministry of Energy has just launched a page where it presents the most important information about the project. In one place you can find, among other things, the status [...]

21 10, 2022

Pomeranian Centre for Offshore Energy Competence is developing cooperation with Polenergia and Equinor Polska

By |October 21st, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Rumia Invest Park is setting up a Pomeranian Centre for Offshore Energy Competence on the city's premises, where those wishing to do so will gain the training necessary to work in the offshore industry. The leaders of the offshore wind energy sector, Polenergia Group and Equinor Poland, have just joined the initiative.  
The meeting, during [...]

20 10, 2022

Baltica Offshore Wind Farm with Environmental Decision for Connection Infrastructure

By |October 20th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

The Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Gdansk issued a decision on the environmental conditions for the connection infrastructure, i.e. the transport of the produced power from Baltica  Offshore Wind Farm, Baltica 2 and Baltica 3, to be implemented in two stages.  This allows the project’s investors – PGE and Ørsted – to continue the [...]

20 10, 2022

The Danish Energy Agency invites to a supplementary hearing regarding Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm


Supplementary 5-weeks public hearing on the sea-based part of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of the plan for Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm (OWF). The signatory parties of the Climate Agreement on green electricity and heat of 25 June 2022 have decided to move Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm to a more southern location (light-green area in the above [...]

19 10, 2022

OCEaN: Speed up offshore wind and grid development with robust and timely Maritime Spatial Planning

By |October 19th, 2022|OFFSHORE, REGULATORY|

At a joint conference on nature positive offshore energy infrastructure hosted by Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) and WindEurope, the Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature (OCEaN) confirmed that it is possible to speed up offshore wind and related electricity grid deployment while protecting and restoring nature. Offshore wind and related electricity grid infrastructure are imperative [...]

19 10, 2022

Swedish Wind Energy Association: In the Tidö Agreement, the government should ensure technology neutrality and a level playing field

By |October 19th, 2022|OFFSHORE, REGULATORY, SWEDEN|

On 14 October, Daniel Badman, VD/CEO of the Swedish Wind Energy Association (Svensk Vindenergi), commented on the Tidö Agreement presented by the Moderate Coalition Party (Moderaterna), Christian Democrats, Liberals and Sweden Democrats. The political agreement is the basis for a deal that allows the formation of a government after the September parliamentary elections.  According to [...]

18 10, 2022

OFFSHORE Career Day 2022 in Gdańsk – Catch the big fish!

By |October 18th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

The first edition of the OFFSHORE Career Day at Gdańsk University of Technology is coming up. The event will be a possibility to talk to representatives of many companies about choosing a career path in the renewable energy sector.  The organisers of the event invite students and graduates, as well as those interested in offshore [...]

18 10, 2022

PGE Group chooses the port of Ustka as servicing hub for offshore projects

By |October 18th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

An operations and maintenance base for PGE Group and Offshore Wind Energy Competence Center’s  offshore wind farms will be established in the port of Ustka. PGE Baltica, which implements the PGE Group's offshore programme, has presented plans for the development of the port’s area for offshore projects. The decision to establish our future operations and [...]

17 10, 2022

BEMIP: Milestones for the BALTIC SEA offshore development – countries of the region are to agree capacity goals by January 2023

By |October 17th, 2022|OFFSHORE, REGULATORY, TOP NEWS|

Member states of the Baltic Sea region are supposed to agree their capacity goals for offshore renewable energy for 2030-2040-2050 by 24 January 2023 to enable the EU transmission operators’ network to devise a plan for the development of the strategic integrated offshore grid. The deadline is close, and the European Network of Transmission Operators [...]

13 10, 2022

Baltic Power project driving new investments


Poland’s first installation terminal to be located in Świnoujście and a turbine factory to be built by Vestas in Szczecin are two new investment projects now afoot in connection with the Baltic Power offshore wind farm.  The joint venture project between the ORLEN Group and Northland Power will require 76 state-of-the-art 15 MW turbines from [...]

12 10, 2022

Siemens Gamesa turbine prototype set a 24-hour world record

By |October 12th, 2022|DENMARK, OFFSHORE|

  Siemens Gamesa has recently announced that their SG 14-222 DD offshore wind turbine prototype, which is the world's largest in operation, has set a new world record. The prototype turbine produced 359 megawatt-hours within a 24-hour time period, which according to Siemens Gamesa, is comparable with energy needed to drive 1.8 million kilometers in [...]

10 10, 2022

The Land and Environmental Court in Sweden rejects the application for offshore wind power within Gävle municipality

By |October 10th, 2022|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

The Land and Environmental Court in Östersund has informed on the 5th of October that it has rejected Utposten 2's application for a permit for offshore wind power within Gävle municipality. We have reported on the Utposten 2 project here. This is because the applicant did not meet the requirements of the Environmental Code for [...]

10 10, 2022

Baltic Windustry: business and science coming together to build offshore in Poland

By |October 10th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

Opportunities and benefits of cooperation between universities and the offshore wind industry was the main theme of the Baltic Windustry Conference, which was held on 8 September 2022 in Gdansk, Poland. The main focus of the meeting organized by the Offshore Wind Energy Center of Gdańsk University of Technology and the Polish Wind Energy Association [...]

6 10, 2022

Lessons from explosions on Nord Stream I and II for wind farms in the Baltic Sea


When pursuing offshore wind farm projects, it is necessary to consider a variation of risks to ensure their safe operation. The recent events related to the explosions that damaged the Nord Stream I and II pipelines further highlight such necessity, writes PhD Rafal Miętkiewicz, Assistant Professor at the Polish Naval Academy of the Heroes of [...]

6 10, 2022

RWE bids for offshore wind seabed permit in Poland

By |October 6th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

Poland is going ahead with its offshore wind build-out program by starting a competitive  process for an offshore wind seabed permit within 53.E1 area in the Polish Baltic Sea. RWE is in  the race and has submitted a bid for the up to 1.5-gigawatts (GW) site, located around  75 kilometres off the coast of [...]

5 10, 2022

French experience and Polish local content: we are all constantly learning and looking for synergies

By |October 5th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

On the 13th of September 2022 a unique event: the "Polish-French Offshore Day" was held at the Gdańsk Entrepreneurship Incubator STARTER. It combined a meeting of the Pomeranian Platform for Offshore Wind Energy Development in the Baltic Sea and a segment focused on presenting the French experience gained during 10 years of the formation [...]

30 09, 2022

Lithuanian government approves regulations to accelerate RES development

By |September 30th, 2022|OFFSHORE|

On April 13, the Lithuanian government approved amendments to legislation drafted by the Ministry of Energy to accelerate the development of RES in Lithuania. The new legislation removes the bureaucracy and excessive restrictions on photovoltaic and wind power plants and encourages the formation of energy communities, the department says. The [...]

29 09, 2022

Sustainable offshore wind supply chain development: Cooperation will be key to achieve expansion goals

By |September 29th, 2022|OFFSHORE|

Offshore Wind has gathered momentum in Europe and the United States, where governments in several markets significantly accelerated and increased their expansion plans for offshore wind and green hydrogen. With a declaration signed today by six organisations and associations from Europe and the United States on the occasion of the [...]

21 09, 2022

DNV Technical Seminar on Electrical Systems for Offshore Wind: design, verification and certification of offshore power substations

By |September 21st, 2022|OFFSHORE|

Offshore electricity substations were one of the key topics that experts focused on during the first “DNV Technical Seminar on Electrical Systems for Offshore Wind”. Experts from DNV and Semco Maritime presented the subject of design, verification and certification of offshore power substations in offshore wind farm projects. […]

15 09, 2022

Smulders and Haizea to cooperate in Baltic Power

By |September 15th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Smulders and Haizea Bilbao S.L. have signed a Selected Supplier Agreement under which the two companies – subject to them concluding on the final contract – will cooperate for the supply and fabrication of more than 70 transition pieces for the Baltic Power offshore wind farm in the Polish Baltic [...]

12 09, 2022

PG expands offshore wind power cooperation with PGE Baltica

By |September 12th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

PGE Baltica, the company responsible for the implementation of the PGE Group’s Offshore Programme, will be a partner in the 6th edition of the Offshore Wind Energy postgraduate studies conducted at the Gdańsk University of Technology. A letter of intent signed with university authorities on Thursday, 8 September 2022, paves [...]

2 09, 2022

Danish Energy Agency launches consultation on six more location applications under open-door program


As of 4 April 2022, the Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen) has received 47 applications within the framework of the so-called open-door program. 16 of them were rejected due to overlap with state land reservations. The agency has received a number of applications for very large projects (capacity of more than [...]

2 09, 2022

Bornholm Energy Island – an agreement between Denmark and Germany on implementation of project to supply up to 4.5 million homes with electricity

By |September 2nd, 2022|DENMARK, GERMANY, OFFSHORE|

Denmark and Germany have agreed to complete the planned Bornholm Energy Island, after Ministers Habeck and Jørgensen gave the green light for it to be annexed to their countries. Once established in 2030, the Energy Island will be the first of its kind that can supply 3.3 to 4.5 million [...]

31 08, 2022

The Marienborg Declaration: Baltic Sea Countries declare more cooperation in offshore wind


On 30 August 2022 the Heads of Governments and Energy Ministers of the 8 countries around the Baltic Sea signed the Marienborg Declaration. They committed to new volumes for the build-out of offshore wind in the Baltic Sea and agreed to cooperate more closely on it and on energy more [...]

26 08, 2022

PGE promotes offshore wind energy

By |August 26th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

More than 18,000 residents and tourists, spending their vacations at the Polish seaside, visited the educational zone organized by the PGE Foundation – “PGE BEACH – KNOW THE POWER OF THE BALTIC WIND”. […]

23 08, 2022

Poland supports Ukraine’s wind power sector

By |August 23rd, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

The outbreak of war in Ukraine has also affected the energy sector, including the wind industry. Russian hostilities are frequently targeting critical infrastructure, including wind installations. Poland is supporting Ukraine and their wind industry. A special platform called Work4Wind has recently been launched to help Ukrainian wind workers find jobs [...]

18 08, 2022

RWE selects certifying partner for F.E.W Baltic II offshore wind farm

By |August 18th, 2022|OFFSHORE|

RWE has selected UL Solutions to certify the design premises of the F.E.W. Baltic II wind farm. The certification will be conducted in accordance with global standards and in consultation with the Polish Register of Shipping (PRS), an independent and recognized appraisal institution. As the second largest player in the [...]

15 08, 2022

Sweden’s acceleration in offshore wind energy

By |August 15th, 2022|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

Over the last few months the Swedish Government has made important announcements on offshore wind. Sweden does not yet use the full offshore wind potential its large coastlines offer. But they want to make up the lost ground. And the wind industry is lining up impressive gigawatt-scale projects in Swedish [...]

11 08, 2022

German offshore wind energy – summary

By |August 11th, 2022|GERMANY, OFFSHORE|

The following text is published courtesy of the author Benjamin Wehrmann and the Clean Energy Wire website. Author: Benjamin Wehrmann, Clean Energy Wire Offshore wind power has been the last of several renewable power technologies rolled out at a large scale in Germany’s energy transition but has shown its ability [...]

9 08, 2022

Edgaras Maladauskas: The biggest challenge will be the development of port infrastructure in Klaipeda

By |August 9th, 2022|LITHUANIA, OFFSHORE|

The Lithuanian Wind Power Association (LVEA) has been operating in Lithuania since 2005. It brings together investors in the wind energy sector, including offshore wind energy and supply chain companies. Deputy Director, Edgaras Maladauskas, talks about the organization’s plans for 2022 in a commentary for BalticWind. EU. […]

4 08, 2022

Marlinks enters German market with Arcadis Ost 1

By |August 4th, 2022|OFFSHORE|

Marlinks has won a contract to monitor the condition of cables for the Arcadis Ost 1 wind farm in Germany. Arcadis Ost is located in an area of the Baltic Sea with difficult seabed conditions. Topsoil accelerates the movement of the submarine cable into the lower soil layers and increases [...]

2 08, 2022

GWEC: 5-point plan to accelerate RES development

By |August 2nd, 2022|OFFSHORE|

Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) have released a roadmap for policymakers to chart a way out of the current energy crisis and climate change. The five-point plan, “Accelerating renewables to achieve energy security, affordability and climate action”, addresses the need to restore order to energy [...]

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