7 03, 2023

Important step for Skåne Offshore Wind Farm – granted Natura 2000- permit


The County Administrative Board of Skåne has granted the energy company Ørsted a permit for construction and operation of Skåne Havsvindpark in connection with a Natura 2000 area south of Skåne. Skåne Offshore Wind Farm can produce about 7 TWh of electricity, equivalent to half of Skåne's electricity consumption today. The County Administrative Board has [...]

7 06, 2022

Baltic RCC began operations. The center will coordinate the development of electric power systems


The Baltic Regional Coordination Centre (Baltic RCC) has officially started operations in Tallinn. An executive was elected for this purpose. The purpose of the center will be to coordinate the planning of the development of electricity systems as well as some of the day-to-day activities of the operators to guarantee the security of electricity supply. [...]

11 03, 2022

Polish opening of the Baltic Sea to floating wind farms


Floating wind farms (so called “floating wind”) are one of the main directions of development of this sector. Also in the case of the Baltic Sea, investors more and more often indicate the potential lying in this technology, especially in places where due to the bottom characteristics and depth level the application of floating farms [...]

8 02, 2022

Support scheme and concept for the 2nd offshore wind project – the Lithuanian Ministry of Energy targets for 2022


Lithuania, as one of the Baltic countries, wants to use the opportunities of offshore wind energy development. The first offshore wind farm will be built by 2030, while renewables auction for the first offshore wind farm is planned for 2023. Offshore wind could cover up to a quarter of the energy consumed in the [...]

25 01, 2022

First offshore wind power research permits granted for Finland’s exclusive economic zone

By |January 25th, 2022|FINLAND, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

The Government has granted research permits for three offshore wind power projects in Finland’s exclusive economic zone. Wpd Finland Oy was granted a permit on 20 January 2022 for the research area west of Jakobstad. OX2 Finland Oy received permits for two projects in the research areas west of Hailuoto and Jakobstad last week. [...]

12 01, 2022

Daniel Fraile Montoro: The wind sector needs partners in the energy transition in Europe

By |January 12th, 2022|OPINIONS|

Daniel Fraile Montoro, Director for Market Intelligence in Wind Europe said in an interview for BalticWind.EU, that the European Union and all the countries, are committed to reaching climate neutrality by 2050. "There's been many studies showing that the best way to achieve that is through electrification of the energy system. Electricity is much [...]

10 01, 2022

IMCA finalises Guidelines for Walk to Work (W2W) Operations

By |January 10th, 2022|OFFSHORE|

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has expanded its ‘Guidelines for Walk to Work (W2W) Operations’ (IMCA M254). Originally published in October 2020, the guidelines were produced to help standardise the way in which vessels give personnel safe access to offshore structures, both in the wind and oil & gas industries, and were developed [...]

10 01, 2022

Valentin Novakovic: High-performance sensors and data analysis is key to optimising critical energy infrastructure 

By |January 10th, 2022|OPINIONS|

The development of renewable energy sources is linked to the expansion of the distribution and transmission network. The expanding electricity grid requires constant monitoring of its functioning, especially in real-time. We talked with Valentin Novakovic, manager from Ampacimon, who presented us with a way to measure the condition of the [...]

7 01, 2022

Victoria Gilbert: Offshore wind is a fabulous growth area 

By |January 7th, 2022|OPINIONS|

The difficulty of energy transformation and the efficient development of wind energy will not be implemented without the highest level of service. Swire Energy Services is one of the most experienced partners in the wind industry. We asked Victoria Gilbert, Technical Lead Offshore Wind at Swire Energy Services, about energy [...]

5 01, 2022

Denmark announces new Power-to-X strategy

By |January 5th, 2022|DENMARK, OFFSHORE|

The Danish Government has released a proposal for a new strategy to promote and navigate the future development of Power-to-X (PtX) projects in Denmark. The Danish PtX strategy aims at reducing CO2 emissions, balancing the Danish power system and providing export opportunities for green fuels and PtX technology. […]

8 12, 2021

SITE Development Day 2021: Environmental policy in Eastern Europe

By |December 8th, 2021|

This year’s SITE Development Day conference will focus on environmental policy in Eastern Europe, with a particular emphasis on global warming, energy transformation, and energy security. An increased awareness and sense of emergency around the challenge of global warming is reflected in events such as the UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021 (Cop26). Yet, the [...]

7 12, 2021

Premiere of the “Green Hydrogen from Renewable Energy Sources in Poland” Report CONFERENCE + DEBATE

By |December 7th, 2021|

Analysis of the technical and economic feasibility of producing "green" hydrogen using wind power in Poland. The report will identify the main barriers blocking the development of large-scale production of "green" hydrogen. It will also present the impact of wind-powered hydrogen production on the National Power System. It will also describe the balance of benefits [...]

15 09, 2021

Michał Kurtyka: We want the greatest possible participation of Polish entrepreneurs in the development of offshore wind energy sector

By |September 15th, 2021|OPINIONS, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

The energy potential of the Polish part of the Baltic Sea is considered to be one of the largest in the region. For this reason, offshore wind energy will be a key tool enabling the construction of a modern, zero-emission and safe energy system – says Michał Kurtyka, Minister of [...]

10 09, 2021

RWE plans to build offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea

By |September 10th, 2021|GERMANY, TOP NEWS|

As announced by the German Federal Network Agency today, the RWE – Essen-based energy company – was awarded two offshore wind sites. In the North Sea, RWE was able to secure a lease (N-3.7) for an offshore wind farm with a potential capacity of 225 megawatts (MW). A second site [...]

9 09, 2021

OWC to assess wind conditions for future German offshore wind tendering sites

By |September 9th, 2021|GERMANY, TOP NEWS|

Offshore wind consultancy OWC has been awarded a contract by Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie/BSH) to analyse and assess wind conditions for two future German offshore wind tendering sites.  OWC, an AqualisBraemar LOC Group (ABL Group) company, has assembled a team of internal experts and external cooperation partners, including Fraunhofer IWES and ProPlanEn, [...]

2 09, 2021

WindEurope: Offshore wind continues to break new boundaries

By |September 2nd, 2021|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS|

Offshore wind continues to break new boundaries – WindEurope said in a statement. Europe has 120 offshore wind farms already. The EU wants much more and sees offshore wind producing around 20% of our power by 2050. The first 6 months of this year have seen some significant developments which give confidence that this can be achieved. [...]

1 09, 2021

Iberdrola signs land lease agreement for Baltic Eagle operations building

By |September 1st, 2021|GERMANY, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Iberdrola and the port of Sassnitz (Fährhafen Sassnitz GmbH) have signed the lease agreement for the new operations and maintenance building that will serve the Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm, at a ceremony chaired by the Prime Minister of the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig. The agreement delivers another important milestone in the offshore [...]

30 08, 2021

Michal Olszewski: The offshore wind construction projects are exposed to various risks

By |August 30th, 2021|INTERVIEW, OPINIONS|

– The insurers must take into account many more potential risks – such as the risk related to the use of vessels, heavy cranes or e.g. the risk associated with varying wave heights. Due to the above-described reasons, the insurance market has created insurance terms and conditions dedicated and specific to offshore wind construction and [...]

27 08, 2021

High steel prices can hit the offshore wind energy

By |August 27th, 2021|OFFSHORE|

Steel is an essential element in the development of renewable energy sources - there is no doubt about that. However, its significantly increasing price may be reflected in higher wind project implementation costs. The coming years will be a test for wind developers and manufacturers of wind turbines components. The rise in steel prices, driven [...]

25 08, 2021

Huisman will provide improved installation tools for the Orion ship

By |August 25th, 2021|OFFSHORE|

Huisman, a global supplier of technical solutions, has signed a contract with DEME to supply installation tools for the Orion vessel used in offshore wind energy. The Orion installation vessel will operate, among others, at the Arcadis Ost 1 offshore wind farm in Germany in the Baltic Sea. Huisman and DEME specialists recently worked together [...]

23 08, 2021

Germany has started consultations on the expansion of the electricity grid

By |August 23rd, 2021|GERMANY, OFFSHORE|

The German regulator, the Federal Transmission Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur - BNetzA), started consultations in August for the second draft network development plan for its expansion until 2035. The BNetzA also presented its assessment of the infrastructure development. The power grid development plan for 2021-2035 includes measures to expand the German transmission network, which are necessary [...]

19 08, 2021

Experts from Société Générale to advise PGE on financing the Baltica 2 and Baltica 3 farms

By |August 19th, 2021|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

The Polish state-owned company PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna has selected a financial advisor to arrange and obtain financing for the construction of the Baltica 2 and Baltica 3 offshore wind farms. It is the French investment bank Société Générale. The selection of the financial advisor was carried out on the basis of the Polish [...]

17 08, 2021

New offshore wind regulations in Poland may exclude foreign companies

By |August 17th, 2021|OFFSHORE, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

The Polish media reached the unofficial version of the ordinance of the Minister of Infrastructure on the assessment of applications submitted in the adjudication proceedings regarding, among others, the requirements that must be met by companies investing in offshore wind farms in Poland. The new regulations may exclude foreign and private concerns from investing [...]

17 08, 2021

Polish recreational fishermen are concerned about the development of offshore wind farms

By |August 17th, 2021|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

In countries planning the development of offshore wind farms, representatives of the fishing sector often protest loudly. Fishermen fear that the development of wind turbines will deprive them of their livelihood – wind turbines may be built in fishing areas or may limit their development. Similar voices are being raised not only in Estonia, [...]

6 08, 2021

Andris Vanags: Latvia has a lot of untapped potential in the wind sector

By |August 6th, 2021|LATVIA, OPINIONS|

The European Commission (EC) has adopted a package of legislative proposals setting out legislative tools to achieve Europe’s climate goals which will promote greener solutions, sustainability and energy independence. The main changes include improving the legislation to promote wider use of renewable energy, an elaborated and stricter system of emission [...]

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