On the 10th of August 2023 the Danish Energy Agency will hold a market dialogue on a potential transition scheme for the open door scheme.

On the 1st of February 2023 the Danish Energy Agency suspended the offshore open door procedure until further clarification of the open door scheme conflict with EU law.

In continuation of the government’s announcement on 19th of April, The Danish Energy Agency is working on an adjustment of the open door scheme, so that it complies with EU regulations. Cf. the political agreement on Denmark’s Marine Plan from 7th of June 2023, three potential offshore wind turbine projects Kadetbanke, Paludan Flak and Vikinge Banke can apply for a possible adjusted arrangement.

Purpose of the market dialogue

The Danish Energy Agency is working on clarifying the legal and technical possibility of a transition scheme for the open door scheme. In this context, the Danish Energy Agency wants to get the market’s input and views, which can be used in preparing the scheme.

See the questions related to the market dialogue.

Further information and registration

The market dialogue will take place on the 10th of August 2023 in the Energy Agency at Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43, 1577 Copenhagen V. It will also be possible to participate online.

Registration with a note about physical or online participation as well as preferred language of Danish or English must be given to embdp@ens.dk and cap@ens.dk at the latest on the 7th of August 2023.

After the market dialogue, there will be an opportunity to submit supplementary written input with a deadline of 17th. August.

Source: Danish Energy Agency