Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego wants to sign agreements on the implementation of the National Recovery Plan with the ministries of climate and state assets in June, said BGK Vice President of the Management Board Marta Postuła.

“We are the entity that negotiates the terms of signing the NRP implementation with the ministries that are responsible for it. An amount of around EUR 30 billion is going through BGK in the form of instruments, largely in the form of loans, but we also have an instrument for hydrogen, which is a grant instrument” – said Marta Postuła, BGK Vice President of the Management Board,  during the European Financial Congress in Sopot.

“At the moment, we are opening the entire pool. We are waiting for the final details and signing with the ministers responsible for the areas concerned. We hope to sign an agreement with the Ministry of State Assets later in June, as well as with the Ministry of Climate.”

According to Postuła, BGK is working with the Ministry of State Assets to mobilise funding for offshore wind energy. The amount of funding will be around €4.9 billion.

“At the moment we are negotiating with the Ministry of State Assets for this project, as well as negotiating with large projects. We are to have an end result, an indicative result of 3 GW, at least two projects must be financed. We hope that the agreement will be signed by the end of June and we will be able to start exploring offshore projects” – the BGK Vice President said.

Negotiations are underway for the funds to be disbursed later than 2026, she added.

Source: PAP Business