41.4 GW from onshore wind energy by 2040 is possible. The Ministry of Climate and Environment has added to the list of legislative and programmatic works of the Council of Ministers a draft law amending the Law on Investment in Wind Power Plants and certain other laws (UD89). The planned date for the adoption of the draft by the Council of Ministers is the third quarter of 2024. The latest estimates by the Polish Wind Energy Association show that the change of the minimum distance in the Act from 700 to 500 metres alone will unlock a wind potential of approximately 41 GW by 2040.

Wind energy is and will continue to be one of the key pillars of Poland’s energy transition. The eagerly awaited by the entire industry, local government and industry, the new provisions freeing onshore wind investments, especially the abolition of the general 10H rule and the new minimum distance of 500 metres, are included in the solutions planned in the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Investment in Wind Power Plants and certain other laws (UD89).

Unlocking onshore wind energy while respecting local communities and the environment will benefit the Polish economy and society. It is estimated that new wind farms in the best development scenario will guarantee, in the perspective to 2030, PLN 70-133 billion in GDP growth, PLN 490-935 million in additional revenues for local governments, around PLN 80 billion in orders for products and services in the supply chain and around 100 000 new jobs.

– Wind energy is not only our energy independence and security, but also the cheapest electricity – its generation cost is 3-3.5 times lower than from fossil fuels. This is a very important and long-awaited law, as the subject is extremely important for the entire Polish not only energy sector, but also economy. For years, the blockade of investment in renewable energy sources has severely hampered the energy transition. This long-awaited change will quickly unblock investment in onshore wind energy, thus allowing the benefits of cheap green energy to be unlocked, as well as enabling the ambitious EU RES targets to be met, explains Janusz Gajowiecki, President of the Polish Wind Energy Association.

Source: PWEA