Lithuanian Energy Agency (LEA) plays one of the key roles in the development of offshore wind energy in Lithuania. In response to questions, the agency tells BalticWind.EU its tasks, role, and challenges in 2022. The commentary was originally published in BalticWind.EU Quarterly Country Report Lithuania Q1 2022.
Lithuanian Energy Agency points out in its reply to BalticWind.EU’s questions, that they have been involved in the development of the 1st offshore wind park in Lithuania since the end of 2020.
“Primary role of the Agency was to identify the initial scope of studies and works needed to be carried out within the approved by the Government territory in the Baltic Sea, as well as to develop necessary documentation and to carry out related international public procurements. As a result of this work, Lithuania initiated implementation of the needed Spatial Planning and Strategic Environmental Assessment as well as Environmental Impact Assessment in 2021. It is also worth mentioning that public procurements for geological seabed studies and wind speed measurement campaigns, which are critically important for the development of the offshore territory, are in the final stages and are planned to be commenced this Spring”, Agency informed.
What about the challenges for the development of Lithuanian offshore wind farms? Agency indicated that as it has been already announced that Lithuania will be holding the country’s first offshore wind auction for the capacity of 700 MW in September 2023, it goes without saying that the major challenge is to keep up with the set offshore project schedule and to have in hand all major studies completed and ready for the developers and investors by the auction date.
The full article you can find in BalticWind.EU Quarterly Country Report Lithuania Q1 2022.