Construction work on the Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority’s investment project entitled “Building the capacity of the seaport in Świnoujście for offshore wind energy” [„Budowa zdolności przeładunkowej portu morskiego w Świnoujściu do potrzeb morskiej energetyki wiatrowej”] has entered its final stage. Investment works are progressing according to the schedule and contractual provisions agreed with the future lessee Orlen Neptun 2 Spółka z o.o., the general contractor for construction works, as well as the CEF funding agreement signed with the European Commission.

The following infrastructure will be built as a result of the project “Building the capacity of the seaport in Świnoujście for offshore wind energy”:

– a wharf with a length of 249.2 m, a lifting capacity of 50 KN/m2 and a technical depth of 12.5 m for the reloading of wind tower elements;
– a 245.8 m long quay with a load capacity of 50 KN/m2 and a technical depth of 12.5 m intended for the pre-assembly of wind tower components;
– 10 berths with a capacity of 500 KN/m2 intended for the pre-assembly of wind tower components;
– a 1070 m long harbour channel with a turntable and a harbour basin deepened to 12.5 m;
– a new approach fairway with a depth of 12.5 m and a width of 140 m will lead to the quays.

The construction of the new port infrastructure will result in the following:

– the provision of safe entry and berthing for jack-up vessels of LOA 182m, BEAM 60m and maximum draught of 11.0m and other seagoing vessels;
– efficient transhipment operations for oversized cargo (primarily OWF construction elements) and thus integrate Świnoujście’s port into the supply chain associated with offshore wind energy development;
– efficient installation and future servicing of Offshore Wind Farms generating “green energy”;
– effective integration of the Świnoujście port’s supply chain related to offshore wind energy development.

According to the current schedule of construction works for the two quays and dredging works in the harbour basin, the investment will be completed in December 2024 with the granting of an occupancy permit, respectively:

– the two quays together with the pre-assembly stations – on 20.12.2024 (a saving of 9 days with respect to the contractual date agreed with the General Contractor, as well as on the date indicated in the contract with the lessee of the quays – Orlen Neptun 2 Spółka z o.o.);
– dredging to a technical depth of 12.5m in all access basins – on 01.09.2024 (saving of 10 months with respect to the contractual date agreed with the General Contractor, as well as well ahead of the date indicated in the contract with the wharf lessee – Orlen Neptun 2 Spółka z o.o.).

Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority (ZMPSiŚ SA) received 85 per cent co-financing of the total cost of the project entitled “Building the capacity of the seaport in Świnoujście for offshore wind energy”. The funding comes from the Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027 (CEF 2). The total cost of the project is €77.5 million, the amount of co-financing is €65.9 million.

Source: ZMPSiŚ SA