European Energy is going to start delivering green hydrogen to Port Esbjerg starting from the first half of 2023 from its production facilities in Esbjerg.
The supply of green hydrogen to Port Esbjerg will be produced at European Energy’s wind farm in Måde near Esbjerg.
– We are honored to be selected as the first to deliver green hydrogen without subsidies to Port Esbjerg, says Emil Vikjær-Andresen, Head of Power to X at European Energy. The green hydrogen will be used in a fuel cell to generate fossil free power to vessels in the port reducing the emissions of CO2 and air pollution particles.
When producing green hydrogen, a large of amount of heat is generated. Instead of letting this go to waste, the excess heat will be fed into the local district heating network in Esbjerg demonstrating how to combine the power, fuel, and heating sector in one and the same project.
– This project demonstrates sector coupling in practice and will give us invaluable knowledge of the day-to-day operations of a PtX-facility. This will be invaluable in our steps to further optimize the large number of projects we are developing, says René Alcaraz Frederiksen, Head of Project Economics & Optimization, Power to X.
The contract reflects that European Energy is at the forefront of the green transition producing not only renewable energy but also green hydrogen and district heating.
– There is an increasing demand for renewable based energy from vessels calling our port. This green hydrogen fuel cell technology will add an important capacity to our onshore power supply grid. Furthermore, this is a mobile unit enabling us to deploy the unit in any port section where needed, CEO Dennis Jul Pedersen, Port Esbjerg.
Esbjerg municipality recently approved the building of the new PtX-facility in Måde near Esbjerg. The power used to fuel the electrolysis-proces in the PtX-facility will primarily be from two test wind turbines in Esbjerg set up by European Energy.