The Gdansk University of Technology is one of the Polish universities that educates experts in the offshore wind energy sector. Prof. D.Sc. of Gdańsk University of Technology Marcin Łuczak, from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, Director of the Offshore Wind Energy Centre, answers BalticWind.EU’s questions. The commentary was originally published in BalticWind.EU Quarterly Country Report Poland Q1 2022.
The CMEW Director points out that both the university and CMEW observe a very high level of activity of many entities in the organisation of human resources training on many levels. He points out that at the national level, in the Ministry of Climate and Environment, operates the Coordinating Council for Offshore Wind Energy. The Council oversees the implementation of the „Sectoral Agreement for the Development of Offshore Wind Energy in Poland”. The Council also establishes a number of working groups, and one of them will work on personnel development and the education system.
At the regional level, the Pomeranian Offshore Wind Energy Competence Centre operates within the Pomeranian Platform for the Development of Offshore Wind Energy in the Baltic Sea. The platform also includes a „competence” Working Group, which coordinates preparation of the education system to educate personnel for particular stages of the supply chain.
Gdansk University of Technology educates experts
The Gdansk University of Technology also contributes to offshore wind and research development. The university coordinates the agreement of Pomeranian universities „Science for Sea”. The agreement was signed by the Maritime University of Szczecin, the Federation of Military Academies (the Naval Academy and Air Force Academy), Gdansk University of Technology, Koszalin University of Technology, University of Gdansk, Gdynia Maritime University, Szczecin University, and West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin.
Łuczak reports that the Gdansk University of Technology is running a master’s degree program in Ocean Engineering, with a specialisation in „Design and Construction of Marine Energy Systems”. The course is implemented in cooperation with the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences, the Department of Wind Energy of the Technical University of Denmark, and PGE Baltica. In addition, the Gdansk University of Technology, in collaboration with the Maritime University, is preparing the launch of a Master’s degree program in „Offshore wind energy”.
The full commentary you can find in BalticWind.EU Quarterly Country Report Poland Q1 2022.