The joint HELCOM-VASAB (Vision & Strategies Around the BlaticSea) Maritime Spatial Planning Working Group (HELCOM-VASAB MSP WG) is about to proceed to the interim assessment of the progress in implementing the Regional Maritime Spatial Planning Roadmap 2021-2030. In this context, a dedicated Task Force prepared a survey which aims to support this process.

This survey targets different sectors and stakeholders, from private (e.g. shipping, fishing, energy, etc.) to public authorities (i.e. local, national) as well as civil society (NGOs) that are usually involved in the MSP processes.

The survey will be open until 14 February 2025. 

The Regional Maritime Spatial Planning Roadmap 2021-2030 includes five objectives that are planned to be implemented through several Joint Actions:

Objective 1: Implementation of maritime spatial plans builds knowledge base for the new MSP cycle

The Baltic Sea countries collaborate in the monitoring and evaluation of their Maritime Spatial Planning processes. Special consideration will be given to the application of the ecosystem-based approach and the precautionary principle. The maintenance of an up-to-date knowledge database and the application of modern analysis tools are an important aspect of this work. The Baltic Sea countries strive to move towards coherence of approaches to monitoring and evaluation, the improvement of assessment practices to build a regional MSP knowledge base and the capacity of MSP practitioners and decision-makers.

Objective2: Maritime Spatial Planning improves regional policy coherence

This Roadmap will lead the Baltic Sea countries through a new planning cycle when the implementation of adopted maritime spatial plans will be taking place. In general, this will be a period of evaluation of national MSP frameworks and regional co-operation. Therefore, in particular it is crucial to understand implications from targets of other national, regional and EU level (e.g., Green deal) policies to the achievements of targets set in maritime spatial plans.

Objective 3: Maritime Spatial Planning contributes to achieving progress towards good environmental status of the Baltic Sea set in the Baltic Sea Action Plan

Maritime Spatial Planning applies an ecosystem-based approach with an aim to reduce environmental pressures of sea-based human activities on the Baltic Sea ecosystem and to strengthen protection and restoration of marine species and habitats. Hereby contributing to achieving Good Environmental Status (GES), supporting implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan and the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) as well as the EU Biodiversity strategy 2030. This objective focuses on extended integration between MSP and environmental management and development of common impact assessment frameworks and review of Guidelines for the implementation of ecosystem– based approach in Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the Baltic Sea area (EBA-guidelines).

Objective 4: Maritime Spatial Planning contributes to sustainable blue economy

MSP is part of a framework for sustainable ocean economy development. A sustainable blue economy provides social and economic benefits and equitable MSP for current and future generations and restores, protects and maintains the diversity, productivity, resilience, core functions, and intrinsic value of marine ecosystems, and is based on clean technologies, renewable energy, and circular material flows.

Objective 5: Spatial planning contributes to climate change mitigation, adaptation and increased resilience of the Baltic Sea Region

Climate change is a global challenge which has to be addressed in MSP. There is a need to get a better joint understanding of how sectors and the marine environment will be affected by climate change and to strengthen the role of MSP to adapt to climate change and contribute to measures of climate change mitigation.

Next steps

During 2028 

Sound basis for an adaptive Maritime Spatial Planning 2roces applying the ecosystem-based approach is built. Check-up of the state of all Roadmap outputs and documents constituting regional MSP framework. Final correction of the Roadmap and identification of final steps to achieve its objectives.

By 2030

Final assessment of the regional MSP framework and achievement of the Roadmap goal and objectives. Final stocktaking of the availability of the Roadmap outputs, evaluation of the state of the regional MSP framework, conclusion on the achievement of the Roadmap goals and objectives, recommendations for the new cycle of MSPs development and the Roadmap update.

Access the survey:

Source: European Commission