On 11 January 2024, the founding General Assembly of the Polish Chamber of Offshore Wind Energy (PIMEW), which will be a continuation of the Polish Offshore Wind Energy Society (PTMEW), was held in Gdynia. The founding members officially approved the statutes. Jakub BudzyĆski was appointed President of the Polish Chamber of Offshore Wind Energy (PIMEW). The founders indicated that PIMEW is the next step to strengthen the Polish offshore wind energy sector.
Building on the legacy of the Polish Offshore Wind Energy Society (PTMEW), PIMEW assumes a broader mandate with expanded functions. At its core, PIMEW’s mission is to create an environment conducive to the robust growth of the Polish offshore wind industry.
PIMEW’s multifaceted approach encompasses various strategic initiatives. Foremost is the commitment to the promotion of local manufacturers and service providers, aiming to bolster the domestic supply chain. By highlighting and supporting local talent, PIMEW seeks to enhance the global competitiveness of Polish companies in the offshore wind sector.
The chamber also commits to fine-tuning and creating essential support tools, including financial instruments such as insurance and credit, to empower businesses in the industry. This comprehensive framework is designed to underpin the sector’s financial sustainability and success.
Recognizing the importance of a supportive legislative environment, PIMEW is poised to play a role in proposing legal changes and draft acts. By engaging in advocacy at the legislative level, the chamber aims to create an environment that not only facilitates industry operations but also positions Poland as a frontrunner in offshore wind energy.
PIMEW’s agenda extends to the establishment of local, technical industry standards, ensuring the quality and safety of products and services. This commitment not only fosters innovation but also instills a culture of continuous improvement within the sector.
In the global marketplace, export promotion is a crucial component of industry growth. PIMEW is set to engage in intensive, structured export promotion activities, aiming to elevate the international standing of the Polish offshore wind supply chain.
Lastly, PIMEW underscores the importance of continuous support for academic, technical, and professional education. By investing in education and skills development, the chamber aims to cultivate a pool of talent equipped to drive innovation and excellence in the offshore wind industry.
The inauguration of PIMEW marks a pivotal moment for the Polish offshore wind sector, symbolizing a united front toward sustainable growth and innovation. As the chamber embarks on its journey, it promises to be a catalyst for change, shaping the future of Poland’s renewable energy landscape and contributing to the global shift towards sustainable practices.