For years, the Polish Wind Energy Pavilion of the Polish Wind Energy Association has been a fixed point for promoting and strengthening our country’s position among the leaders of Europe’s green transformation. The international WindEnergy trade fair will take place from 24-27 September in Hamburg. The theme of this year’s stand will be the new opening of the Polish wind market and building a stable supply chain. The PWEA Polish Pavilion zone will feature the biggest giants of the Polish wind energy market, both onshore and offshore, including PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna.

Poland’s energy transition is gaining momentum, with wind power becoming its main pillar. Poland is the third largest wind power market in the European Union, after Denmark and Germany. The energy potential of the Polish part of the Baltic Sea is considered to be one of the largest in Europe, reaching up to 33 GW. Its utilisation would make it possible to meet almost 60% of Poland’s electricity needs. Onshore wind energy, on the other hand, with a minimum distance of 500 metres, could provide approximately 41 GW by 2040.

WindEnergy Hamburg is the world’s largest business platform for the wind industry, enabling the exchange of information and views, networking and important deals. As the largest wind energy organisation in Poland, PWEA has been active at an international level for years, building Poland’s position in the entire European wind energy chain. As every year, PWEA brings together a strong representation of the wind energy sector from Poland in the Polish Pavilion.

– Poland is a very promising market for wind energy investments, our potential is still untapped. As a country we have a lot to offer in terms of onshore opportunities and eagerly awaited offshore wind farm projects. I am proud that, together with the leaders of the Polish wind market, we will present our indigenous potential at an international event of such high standing. Our pavilion this year, bringing together the pioneers of the domestic wind energy sector, will emphasise that Poland is an active participant in the European energy transition and its role is still growing, notes Janusz Gajowiecki, President of the Polish Wind Energy Association.

The PWEA Polish Pavilion opens up unlimited opportunities for partners in terms of B2B meetings, building a contact base and establishing new relationships and partnerships. The conference agenda ranges from issues concerning the stability of supply chains or wind turbine technology, through sustainability, networks and financing to regulation. This year’s edition will also focus on sourcing skilled professionals to meet the labour market demands of the booming wind energy sector. Among the exhibitors at this year’s pavilion is Polska Grupa Energetyczna.

– In September, Hamburg will become the global platform for cooperation and exchange of experience of the global wind industry. That is why the PGE Group, as the largest domestic producer of electricity from renewable sources and the largest offshore wind investor in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea, is co-creating the Polish Pavilion together with PWEA. At events such as WindEnergy in Hamburg you simply have to be there, says Bartosz Fedurek, CEO of PGE Baltica, which implements the PGE Group Offshore Programme.

For 25 years PWEA has been actively strengthening the position of Polish wind industry companies on the international arena and supporting them in building a positive image as entities with many years of experience and specialised know-how. The Polish stand at the global event is not only a reputable one, but also an opportunity to establish fruitful partnerships with foreign market leaders.

International cooperation key to meeting the EU’s 2030 RES targets

– We are joining forces and invite you to co-create the Polish Wind Energy Pavilion at WindEnergy in Hamburg. We will emphasise that the transformation towards clean energy must go hand in hand with industrial competitiveness and increasing employment along the entire value chain in Europe. Building international business relationships is the best way to create a strong European supply chain for the offshore and onshore sector and to create a framework for international cooperation in this area, emphasises Piotr Czopek, Vice President of Wind Industry Hub.

The Wind Industry Hub Foundation, which works to support the building of a strong industry and service base for the wind sector, will be part of the Polish Wind Energy Pavilion. With its activities, WIH strengthens Polish companies in their expansion into foreign markets and develops the inflow of foreign investment into Poland.

Source: PWEA