According to the Minister Jonson – the reaction time in the event of a missile attack could go from 2 minutes to 60 seconds with wind farms in the way. With war in close vicinity, Sweden finds itself in a serious security situation. Defence interests must carry significant weight when these kinds of decisions are made. Sweden also has a special responsibility within NATO for security in the Baltic Sea.
Swedish Defence Minister Pal Jonson informed that Swedish government decided to reject the applications of 13 offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea, while granting one (Poseidon) on the Swedish west coast.
Minister Jonson added that it is especially important for the Swedish Armed Forces to be able to operate at full capability in those areas of the Baltic Sea where applications now have been rejected. The proximity to the heavily militarized Kaliningrad area is also important in this context. The wind farms could also lead to reduced intelligence-gathering capabilities and disrupt sensors used to detect submarines. Based on the assessment of the Armed forces, building offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea would have unacceptable consequences for Swedish security explained Swedish Defence Minister.
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