The Commission, the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) have launched a survey on enhancing regulatory environments for stakeholder engagement in electricity infrastructure projects in the EU, under the EU’s Pact for Engagement. The survey is open for 4 weeks, i.e. until 23 February 2025. 

To support an effective energy transition, the Pact for Engagement stresses, amongst other things, the need to enhance the adequate regulatory support for early, regular and meaningful stakeholder engagement activities in grid projects. The questionnaire will assist the three organisations to better understand practices, opportunities and challenges, and enabling conditions, related to regulatory and legal frameworks of stakeholder engagement in European electricity infrastructure development.

The survey is intended for grid operators across Europe (TSOs and DSOs) and National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs). Ultimately, the results should contribute to enhanced regulatory environments for activities on the basis of developing dedicated chapters on stakeholder engagement that accompany grid investment plans. The intention is to present intermediate insights from the questionnaire and potential follow-up activities are  at the 11th Energy Infrastructure Forum in June 2025 and at the Pact for Engagement Stakeholder Meetings, facilitated by the European Commission.

Source: European Commission