Spain assumes the Presidency in the second half of 2023, from July 1 to December 31, in a period of great challenges for the Member States and the European Union as a whole. The Spanish Presidency has established four priorities for its semester. Wind energy will play an important role within the Green Transition and Reindustrialise the EU priorities.
Reindustrialise the EU and ensure its open strategic autonomy
The EU has benefited greatly from the last seven decades of global openness, which has enabled it to achieve levels of economic growth and social welfare that would not have been possible under protectionism. The EU has become overly dependent on third countries in areas like energy, health, digital technologies, and food as a result of this openness, which has also made it easier for industries in strategic sectors to offshoring. The current geopolitical, technological, and environmental changes give us the chance to buck this trend, bring new businesses and jobs to Europe, and lessen our reliance on external vulnerabilities.
The Spanish Presidency will pursue this goal on two fronts. On the one hand, it will support those issues that support the growth of Europe’s strategic industries and technologies (including wind energy), the enlargement and diversification of its trade relations, and the strengthening of its supply chains, with a focus on Latin America and the EU-CELAC Summit. On the other hand, it will put forth a comprehensive, forward-thinking plan to guarantee the EU’s economic security and global leadership by 2030, adding depth and continuity to the work of the European institutions and the Versailles Roadmap adopted by the 27 Member States.
Advance in the green transition and the environmental adaptation
For Europeans, preventing climate change and environmental degradation is a huge opportunity as well as a moral and legal duty. If we successfully implement the green transition, we will be able to significantly reduce our reliance on raw materials and energy, lower our electricity costs, improve the competitiveness of our businesses, and generate close to one million new jobs in this decade alone.
The Spanish Presidency will make every effort to facilitate this change. We will advocate for an electricity market reform that will hasten the adoption of renewable energy sources, lower electricity costs, and increase system stability. We will work to hasten the legislative proceedings on Fit for 55-related matters, such as the Gas and Hydrogen package and the rules governing energy efficiency. Additionally, we will support initiatives aimed at reducing waste and microplastics, developing sustainable products, and producing green fuels. All of these are done so that the EU can continue to take the lead in the global effort to combat climate change, which it does by generating wealth and new opportunities across its entire territory.
Promoting greater social and economic justice
The GDP of Europe will not be able to grow indefinitely. Making sure that the wealth created benefits all citizens and helps to raise their opportunities and living standards will be necessary. Not only do we need a more competitive economy, but also one that is fair and compassionate.
As a result, the Spanish Presidency will fight tax evasion by large multinational corporations, which costs the EU 1.5 GDP points annually—the same amount it spends on housing and environmental protection—and will support the establishment of minimum and common standards on corporate taxation in all Member States. We will also work to ensure that the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021–2027 is properly revised and that the fiscal rules are adequately changed in order to end austerity, increase transparency, and combine the sustainability of public finances with the proper financing of the green and digital transitions. Finally, we will advocate for the expansion of workers’ rights for a variety of groups, including children, women who have experienced violence, and people with disabilities.
Strengthening European unity
The EU must maintain its unity in a world marked by uncertainty and rising geopolitical tensions. Because of this, Member States must continue to advance in their integration and create the tools necessary for them to jointly address the major problems of our time.
In order to achieve this, the Spanish Presidency will push for a deeper internal market, the completion of the banking union and the union of the capital markets, the consolidation and enhancement of shared instruments like the NextGenerationEU funds, a more effective and coordinated management of the immigration and asylum processes, and a coordinated support for Ukraine and other neighboring states. We’ll also work to promote a new stage in the evolution of the European project and the development of our shared identity and values.