RES developer OX2 is planning to build an offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea in the Swedish economic zone. The Aurora wind power plant will be located 20-30 km off the coast of Gotland and Öland. Its capacity may reach 5.5 GW, while wind turbines – 15-25 MW.
According to the developer’s website, the wind farm is named Aurora, which comes after the goddess of dawn in Roman mythology. The wind installation is expected to generate about 24 TWh, equivalent to the electricity consumption of about 5 million households. With Aurora, the Swedes will be able to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by more than 14 million tonnes per year. By comparison, Sweden’s total emissions in 2019 were about 50 million tonnes.
The predicted capacity of the wind farm was set at 5.5 GW. Depending on the size of the wind turbines, their number will reach 220-370 and their unit capacity will reach 15-25 MW. The farm will cover an area of 1045 km 2. The highest overall height of the wind turbines will reach 370 m above sea level, while the turbines themselves will be mounted on a permanent foundation. The first phase of the wind farm is expected to begin construction in 2028, while the power plant will start producing energy in 2030.

Aurora Offshore Wind Farm, Graphics: Consultancy Documents of OX2
The wind farm will be located off the coast of Gotland and Öland, at a distance of approximately 20 and 30 kilometres from their respective coasts.
The implementation of projects in the Swedish economic zone requires several permits. As the website reads, a consultation process has been initiated for the Aurora wind farm on a permit application for Natura 2000 areas and a permit application under the Swedish Economic Zone Act and the Continental Shelf Act.
Consultation meetings were held on 26 October in Runsten, Öland and on 27 October in Burgsvik, Gotland. Comments were to be sent to the consultation until 17 November 2021.