Skyborn Renewables Offshore Finland Oy, which is planning offshore wind power off Kokkola, Pietarsaari and Uudenkaarlepy, approached about a thousand residents and property owners in the area in question in the form of a survey. The survey itself was carried out by the consulting company Ramboll Finland Oy.
The residents’ survey will clarify the thoughts of permanent and leisure residents as well as landowners about the project’s planned electricity transmission on the mainland. At the same time, its effects on housing, recreation, and the pursuit of livelihoods are studied. The survey was addressed to all permanent and leisure residences located within a kilometre of the power lines and to those property owners who own forest, field or other properties within 50 meters of the center line of the planned power lines.
Skyborn plans to erect a maximum of 150 offshore wind turbines in Finland’s economic zone, approximately 25 kilometers from the coast. The maximum height of the power plants is 390 meters and their unit power is a maximum of 30 MW. The project is called Reimari .
The electricity and possible hydrogen produced by the power plants are transferred to the shore by sea cables and pipes. There are a total of six landing sites to be explored, from Kokkola to Uuteenkaarletovy.
From the Ranta power station, electricity transmission continues as 400 kilovolt overhead lines through the town of Kokkola, Pietarsaari, Pedersör and Uudenkaarlepyy, depending on the option chosen. The power lines to be built will connect to the main grid either through the existing Kokkola Hirvisuo substation or the planned Uudenkaarlepy Sandås connection station.
For power lines, Skyborn is investigating nine different options.
A power line about 20 kilometers long would go from Kokkola’s Puotiniemi to Hirvisuo. Landing south of Ykspihlaja, in Kvikanti, on the other hand, would mean about 4.5 kilometers of power line to Hirvisuo. This route would pass through a built-up area, and a residential area is also planned along it. In Pietarsaari, the power station would be built in Storlöten, i.e. in the immediate vicinity of the Merilä and Svedja camp centers. From there, a 27.7 kilometer power line would go towards the Sandås substation. In Uussakaarlepyi, power lines from the power stations to be built in Öni, Kanäs, or Jutbergs are options. Their length varies from 6.5 kilometers to 11.5 kilometers.
The resident survey was carried out as part of the environmental impact assessment procedure. The survey was open until January 15.
In January, Skyborn will also publish a survey open to everyone, which will find out the general opinion about Reimari’s offshore wind power project