The impact of offshore wind farms on fishing activities, assumptions of the interim compensation scheme and planned works in the Baltic Sea will be the main topics of the information meetings that Equinor and Polenergia are organising for the fishing community in connection with the Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 projects. The meetings will take place from 17-21 March 2025 in six coastal towns.

The companies invite fishermen with both fishing and recreational activities in the area of fishing squares L5, L6, L7, L8, M7, M8, N7, N8 to the meetings. The aim will be to present the timetable of work in the Baltic Sea, explain what changes may occur due to the construction of wind farms and what solutions are planned to facilitate the joint operation of fisheries and offshore wind farms in the future.

– The meetings are an important part of the dialogue we have had with the local community from the very beginning of the investment planning. Our aim is to take into account issues that are relevant to both projects and community interests. The upcoming events aimed at fishermen will be a space to discuss issues important to their business – says Andrzej Popadiuk, Stakeholder Manager, Equinor Poland.

During meetings with Equinor and Polenergia representatives, participants will be able to ask questions, make comments and share experiences. Key topics will be discussed, including the schedule of marine works and their potential impact on fishing areas and fishermen’s activities. The meetings will also include a presentation of the design of a temporary compensation scheme to support fishing and recreational fishermen in the investment area. This system will remain in place until regulations are implemented at national level.

– We hope that an open discussion with fishermen will contribute to mutually satisfactory solutions. We want to create a space in which we will jointly discuss the challenges posed by the construction of offshore wind farms and look for ways to make both industries work – says Marta Porzuczek, Director of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development at Polenergia Group.

Meetings have been planned in six locations along the Baltic Sea. The first one will take place on 17 March in Kołobrzeg, and the following ones will be organised: on 18 March in Darłowo and Jarosławiec, on 19 March in Ustka, on 20 March in Łeba, and finally on 21 March in Władysławowo.

The future of the offshore sector and fisheries

The offshore wind farms Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 are ambitious projects, the implementation of which is expected not only to increase green energy production in Poland, but also to create new opportunities for local communities. Equinor and Polenergia encourage interested fishermen to attend the meetings and actively engage in discussions to help better tailor the implementation of the investments to local needs.

More information on the meetings can be obtained by visiting the projects’ website:

A detailed schedule of meetings can be found below:

Miejsce spotkania Data spotkania  Godzina spotkania  Adres spotkania 
Kołobrzeg 17.03.2025  12.00-14.00  Stowarzyszenie Rybacka Lokalna Grupa Działania „Morze i Parsęta”,ul. Szyprów 1 (sala konferencyjna) 


Darłowo 18.03.2025  11.00-13.00  Darłowska Lokalna Grupa Rybacka ul. Wilków Morskich 15A (Darłówko Zachodnie) 


Jarosławiec 18.03.2025  16.00-18.00 Hotel Plaza Spa, ul. Bałtycka 16 (sala konferencyjna)
Ustka 19.03.2025  12.00-14.00  Urząd Gminy Ustka ul. Dunina 24 (sala konferencyjna) 
Łeba 20.03.2025  12.00-14.00  Centrum informacji o morskich farmach wiatrowych Bałtyk,  ul. Kościuszki 88 
Władysławowo 21.03.2025  12.00-14.00  Centrum MERK ul. Portowa 15 (sala konferencyjna)
