OX2’s offshore wind project development continues to progress despite challenging market and regulatory conditions. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the Halla project, located in Finland’s exclusive economic zone, has been completed and submitted to the competent authority. This marks the first EIA report for an offshore wind project in Finland’s economic zone.

The Halla project is located in the Gulf of Bothnia, approximately 35 km off the coast, near the cities of Oulu and Raahe in Finland’s exclusive economic zone. The Halla offshore wind farm is planned to include up to 160 wind turbines, with an estimated annual electricity production of around 12 TWh and a maximum capacity of 2,400 MW. The EIA report is one of the most extensive environmental impact assessments ever conducted in Finland. The assessment covers the wind farm, its internal electrical transmission, hydrogen pipelines, construction-related marine dumping sites (some located within and others outside the wind farm area), offshore electrical stations, hydrogen production facilities at sea, marine cables, the onshore hydrogen pipeline, and the storage and transmission of hydrogen and electricity on land.

The EIA process thoroughly and comprehensively assessed the potential impacts of the Halla project, generating substantial new data on previously unstudied marine areas within Finland’s economic zone. The report examines the effects of offshore wind power on marine ecosystems and the land, as well as the impact of wind power on maritime navigation and the integration of wind power into the overall energy system. Alongside the EIA report, extensive technical studies have been carried out for the project, including wind measurements, ice condition assessments, and seabed surveys.

Offshore Wind Construction Feasible in the Gulf of Bothnia  

According to the conducted studies and assessments, no particularly harmful environmental impacts have been identified within the project area. This is due to the area’s water depth and its considerable distance from the coastline. Field surveys conducted in the project area, such as species mapping, provide valuable baseline data for Finland’s previously unstudied open sea areas. 

Wind measurements conducted over more than two years show that the wind conditions at the proposed site are favorable for offshore wind production. OX2 is also involved in the IceWind project with VTT, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Aalto University, and other offshore wind developers, which investigates ice conditions and their effects on the foundation structures of offshore wind turbines. The aim of the IceWind project is to develop foundation structures suitable for turbines in icy conditions.

The comprehensive greenhouse gas accounting for the Halla project shows that the climate benefits over the project’s lifecycle would be significant.  

Should the Halla offshore wind project progress to the permitting phase, further detailed studies will be conducted. Additionally, the requirements for safe maritime navigation will be considered during the project development, with further refinement in the subsequent permitting stages in collaboration with authorities. 

Electricity Demand is Expected to Grow Significantly in the Future  

The transmission system operator Fingrid predicts that electricity consumption in Finland could double by 2035.

“Decentralized and diverse energy production is a strength of Finland. Offshore wind power could play a significant role in achieving Finland’s carbon neutrality goals, strengthening energy self-sufficiency, and, above all, enabling other investments related to the energy transition. The preliminary results of the Halla project’s EIA report reinforce the view that we have the capacity and expertise to develop responsible renewable energy solutions even in demanding conditions,” said Janne Lamberg, Business Director for Offshore Wind at OX2 Finland.

The owner and developer of the Halla project is Halla Offshore Wind Oy, which is owned by OX2 and Ingka Investments. OX2 is responsible for the project development tasks within the project companies. Ingka Investments is part of Ingka Group, which also owns IKEA. It is an investment fund that invests in renewable energy, among other sectors.

OX2 has three offshore wind projects in Finland’s exclusive economic zone in the Gulf of Bothnia: Halla, Laine, and Tyrsky. The EIA report for the Laine project is also expected to be completed in spring 2025.

Key Details of the Halla Offshore Wind Project  

  • Development phase, OX2 began development in 2021  
  • Located in the Gulf of Bothnia, approximately 35 km off the coast near Oulu and Raahe, in Finland’s exclusive economic zone  
  • Up to 160 wind turbines  
  • Estimated annual electricity production: approximately 12 TWh  
  • Maximum capacity: 2,400 MW  

Key Details of the Halla Project’s EIA Report  

  • The report was prepared by the consulting company Afry Finland Oy.  
  • The report includes significant new information about the marine areas of the Bothnian Bay. The study covered underwater ecosystems and species, sediment quality, currents, fish, and bird populations. It also examined landscape impacts, conducted extensive water modeling, and studied noise and flicker effects.  
  • The EIA report was submitted to the Northern Finland ELY Centre on January 24, 2024, and will be publicly available from February 12, 2025, for 60 days.

Source: OX2