On 26 February the European Commission launched the Clean Industrial Deal, its new vision for competitiveness and energy security. It aims to further strengthen Europe’s strategic clean tech manufacturing sectors. The European wind energy supply chain is currently investing over €11bn in new factories to meet the Clean Industrial Deal objectives. On the 13th of March, WindEurope launched its new video series ‘Wind Works for Europe’. The series brings you to key construction sites across Europe to learn all about the ongoing supply chain expansion.

WindEurope launched its new campaign ‘Wind Works for Europe’. The European wind industry is currently investing over €11bn to build new factories or expand existing sites across Europe. Wind Works for Europe portrays the companies and people behind this ongoing supply chain expansion.

Wind Works for Europe illustrates the economic benefits of producing wind energy in Europe. The European wind industry currently contributes €52bn to the EU’s GDP and employs 370,000 people. By 2030 this job figure is set to increase to 550,000. Each wind turbine built in Europe generates €16m of economic activity.

Europe’s supply chain is ready to shoulder the coming expansion

Europe’s wind energy supply chain is ready to shoulder the coming wind energy expansion. But as things stand, the EU is only building less than half of the new wind energy capacity it needs.

Wind Works for Europe highlights that the current low installation rates are not a manufacturing capacity issue. The existing and constantly growing European wind energy supply chain can produce the 140 GW of new wind power capacity we expect the EU to install in the 2025-2030 period. And it is ramping up to deliver more. Sustained wind deployment in the EU over the 2030s would allow wind to almost quadruple its output compared with today, delivering 1,830 TWh by 2040.

Instead, the main reasons for the current wind energy installation rate are poor permitting, slow grid build-out and insufficient electrification. The single episodes of Wind Works for Europe offer a more detailed analysis of the challenges faced by different segments of the European wind energy supply chain.

Driving the Clean Industrial Deal

The campaign comes shortly after the EU presented the Clean Industrial Deal, its new vision for competitiveness and affordable electricity prices. Wind energy can become the central building block in Europe’s Clean Industrial Deal vision. Competitive and home-grown wind energy will underpin the targeted electrification and decarbonisation of Europe’s economy. Each episode of Wind Works for Europe features a new investment in the European wind supply chain. From blades to towers. From substations to cables. We explore how wind energy is powering a competitive Europe.

“Wind energy is uniquely positioned to support the EU’s Clean Industrial Deal objectives. Wind is competitive, scalable and home-grown. It reduces the need to import fossil fuels. It boosts Europe’s energy security. And it lowers electricity bills for European businesses and households”, says Malgosia Bartosik, WindEurope Deputy CEO.

Wind Works for Europe is available on the dedicated campaign website as well as on WindEurope’s Windflix channel.

Learn more about the European wind industry, join the WindEurope Annual Event in Copenhagen, 8-10 April.

Source: WindEurope