28 06, 2022

Port of Tallinn to build a new quay to service wind farms

By |June 28th, 2022|ESTONIA, OFFSHORE|

The supervisory board of Port of Tallinn decided to invest up to EUR 53 million to build a new 310-meter quay with a 10-hectare area beyond the quay in Paldiski South Harbour. The investment is co-financed by European Commission in the amount of EUR 20 million through the military mobility project EstMilMob, which aims to [...]

7 06, 2022

Baltic RCC began operations. The center will coordinate the development of electric power systems


The Baltic Regional Coordination Centre (Baltic RCC) has officially started operations in Tallinn. An executive was elected for this purpose. The purpose of the center will be to coordinate the planning of the development of electricity systems as well as some of the day-to-day activities of the operators to guarantee the security of electricity supply. [...]

25 05, 2022

Estonia to start processing 20 applications for permits to build offshore wind farms


The Estonian Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (TTJA) has announced that it will start the procedure of analyzing applications for construction permits for 20 offshore wind farms. On May 12, the Estonian government passed the Estonian Maritime Spatial Plan, which gives TTJA the opportunity to carry out procedures for [...]

18 11, 2021

Estonian Maritime Spatial Plan completed

By |November 18th, 2021|ESTONIA, OFFSHORE|

The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Estonia has announced that the final draft of the Estonian Maritime Spatial Plan has been prepared. The document will be available to the public for a month and will be submitted to the government for adoption at the end of the year. [...]

17 11, 2021

The Presidents of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia signed the “Baltic Way to Climate Neutrality” Declaration


The Presidents of the Baltic States, i.e. Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, met on 15 November in Vilnius and signed the “Baltic Road to Climate Neutrality” Declaration . The document envisages joint action and cooperation of the Baltic States in a number of areas for the benefit of the climate. Among [...]

28 10, 2021

BLIX to create an offshore grid technology catalogue for TSOs Elering and Augstsprieguma tīkls

By |October 28th, 2021|ESTONIA, LATVIA, OFFSHORE|

The Estonian TSO Elering AS and the Latvian TSO Augstsprieguma tīkls (AST) are developing a business case, investigating the possibilities to invest in an offshore grid. In order to evaluate the business cases of future projects, an offshore grid technology catalogue is needed. BLIX Consultancy has been commissioned to perform [...]

6 10, 2021

Skepast&Puhkim to prepare environmental impact assessment for Liivi wind farm


Estonian energy company Eesti Energia has announced that work has begun on the environmental impact assessment of the Liivi offshore wind farm, which will be built in the waters of the Gulf of Riga. A consulting firm Skepast&Puhkim is responsible for preparing the assessment. The Liivi offshore wind farm will be located about 10 km [...]

30 05, 2021

Latvia and Estonia are looking for ways to connect offshore wind installations to the countries’ energy systems


Electricity Transmission System Operators in Latvia and Estonia, AS Augstsprieguma tikls (AST) and Elering AS, have signed a cooperation agreement to investigate possible ways to evacuate power from planned offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea and connect them to onshore transmission systems in both countries.  Operators informed that preliminary analysis of the route [...]

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