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8 01, 2025

5th Edition of MEWy ‘Trends and Visions for Offshore Wind Energy Development’ competition

By |January 8th, 2025|EVENT, OFFSHORE, POLAND|

The Maritime University of Szczecin and the Marshal's Office of the West Pomeranian Region invite you to take part in the fifth edition of the Trends and Visions for Offshore Wind Energy Development' competition. The competition is aimed at secondary school pupils, students and PhD students. Competition entries can be submitted until 21 February 2025. [...]

8 01, 2025

Equinor and Polenergia: 2024 summary and 2025 plans for wind farms in the Baltic Sea

By |January 8th, 2025|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Equinor and Polenergia have presented a summary of their offshore wind farm activities in the Baltic in 2024, and announced details of their plans for 2025. The Bałtyk 2, Bałtyk 3 and Bałtyk 1 projects are entering key implementation phases and 2025 promises to be a period of intense construction and operational activities. Progress on [...]

6 01, 2025

European Commission clears acquisition of EEW Offshore Wind EU by EEW and Sumitomo


The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control of EEW Offshore Wind EU by EEW Holding, both of Germany, and Sumitomo of Japan. The transaction relates primarily to the manufacturing of large steel tubes used in the construction of offshore wind farms. The Commission concluded that the notified [...]

3 01, 2025

EEAS: EU will propose sanctions on Russia’s ‘shadow fleet’ to protect undersea cables in the Baltic Sea


European Commission and the High Representative released joint statement on the Investigation into Damaged Electricity and Data Cables in the Baltic Sea. Incident involving undersea cables in the Baltic Sea of December 25th is the latest in a series of suspected attacks on critical infrastructure. We commend the Finnish authorities for their swift action in [...]

3 01, 2025

Damage to EstLink 2 cable raises energy prices in Baltic countries


During the Christmas holidays, the EstLink 2 cable linking Finland and Estonia was damaged, restricting the ability to import cheaper energy from the Nordic countries to the Baltic region. As a result, electricity prices in the Baltic countries, including Lithuania, recorded an increase, although the Christmas period helped to mitigate the effect somewhat. According to [...]

2 01, 2025

Renewables Finland: onshore wind power is being built without government subsidies


Up to 70 percent of Finland’s more than 8,200 MW wind power capacity has been built on a market-based model without government subsidies. Considering the relatively young age of the sector, the newest projects have long been constructed without any subsidy funding. Finland’s first market-based wind farms were built in 2019, and the pace of [...]

2 01, 2025

NKT awarded two High-Voltage projects 

By |January 2nd, 2025|GERMANY, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

NKT has been awarded two turnkey projects in Germany under the existing multi-year framework agreement with TenneT, a Dutch-German transmission system operator. These projects are part of TenneT's ambitious 2GW Program, which is considered one of the most significant infrastructure initiatives in Europe's energy transition. TenneT has selected NKT to provide 525 kV XLPE high-voltage [...]

31 12, 2024

Financial Decisions Finalized for Harmony Link Onshore Construction


The Polish electricity transmission system operator, PSE, has approved the financial investment decision for the onshore construction of the "Harmony Link" interconnection. This decision complements the financial commitment made by Lithuania’s transmission system operator, Litgrid, in September, marking a joint commitment to fund and execute this critical project. “With PSE’s decision now in effect, we [...]

30 12, 2024

Increased protection granted to five Natura 2000 sites in the Baltic Sea

By |December 30th, 2024|GERMANY, OFFSHORE|

The EU adopted a set of conservation measures to strengthen the environmental protection of five Natura 2000 sites in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Baltic Sea in December. The initiative, put forward by Germany and agreed by all Baltic EU countries, prohibits fishing with mobile bottom contacting gears in areas of the Fehmarnbelt, Kadetrinne [...]

30 12, 2024

Act on Offshore Wind Power in the Exclusive Economic Zone enters into force – First tenders could be organised at the end of 2025

By |December 30th, 2024|FINLAND, OFFSHORE, REGULATORY|

On 19 December 2024, the President of the Republic approved the Act on Offshore Wind Power in the Exclusive Economic Zone. The Act will help promote offshore wind power in Finnish exclusive economic zone, clarify the regulation of offshore wind power projects within the zone and ensure that the rights to the exploitation of offshore [...]

27 12, 2024

Iberdrola Germany and SCHWENK Zement Partner in green electricity supply from Baltic Sea offshore wind farm

By |December 27th, 2024|GERMANY, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Iberdrola Germany and SCHWENK Zement GmbH & Co. KG have entered into a long-term cooperation agreement for the supply of green electricity from the Windanker offshore wind farm, currently under construction in the Baltic Sea. The agreement will provide SCHWENK with 1,500 GWh of green electricity over the duration of the contract. This supply will [...]

27 12, 2024

European Energy and Novo Holdings announce joint venture to triple renewable energy capacity of German onshore wind parks

By |December 27th, 2024|GERMANY, ONSHORE, PROJECTS|

A partnership between Novo Holdings and European Energy will repower 17 operational wind parks in Germany with new and more efficient wind turbines. The respective wind parks went operational between 2002 and 2008, and since then, significant advances have been made in wind turbine technology, resulting in more efficient, higher-capacity turbines that can generate substantially [...]

27 12, 2024

PFI Yearbook 2025: Opportunities and Challenges for Baltic Offshore Wind


The decarbonisation agenda is a pressing priority for governments worldwide, and the Baltic Sea region is emerging as a critical area for renewable energy development, particularly offshore wind. In April 2024, eight countries bordering the Baltic Sea – Lithuania, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Poland, and Sweden – signed the Vilnius Declaration, pledging to collaborate [...]

23 12, 2024

TotalEnergies, European Energy and SONFOR close deal on two Danish offshore wind projects


TotalEnergies acquires a majority stake in the two Danish offshore wind projects Jammerland Bay and Lillebælt South from European Energy and SONFOR. The projects have received construction permits from the Danish Energy Agency, giving the green light for the construction of the two offshore wind farms. TotalEnergies acquires 85% of the share capital in the [...]

20 12, 2024

NATO determined to protect critical undersea energy infrastructure


Europe wants to build lots more renewables to strengthen its energy security and industrial competitiveness. The geopolitical situation poses new questions around the security of these assets. At its Annual Roundtable on Energy Security NATO confirmed its determination to protect critical energy infrastructure. The war in Ukraine has radically changed the threat landscape across Europe, [...]

18 12, 2024

Ignitis Renewables to Introduce Lithuania’s Most Advanced Bird Protection Technology

By |December 18th, 2024|LITHUANIA, ONSHORE|

Ignitis Renewables is set to become the first company in Lithuania to implement cutting-edge bird monitoring technology developed by ProTecBird. This innovative system will detect and identify birds approaching wind turbines in real time. Upon detection, the turbines will be temporarily halted, safeguarding birds from potential collisions. The technology aims to balance environmental conservation with [...]

18 12, 2024

More than 500,000 new wind technicians needed by 2028 to meet global wind energy ambitions


The world will need 532,000 new wind technicians by 2028 to meet the increasing demand for onshore and offshore wind, according to the Global Wind Workforce Outlook, a new report from the Global Wind Energy Council and Global Wind Organisation. The report finds that 40% of those roles will need to be filled by new entrants, [...]

18 12, 2024

First list of STEP Seals to promote high-quality EU projects in strategic technologies


The Commission has published the first projects that were awarded a Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP) Seal, a quality label which gives more visibility to promising projects in clean and resource-efficient tech, and deep and digital tech. This label will help attract additional EU public and private funding and support services. The first 130 projects [...]

17 12, 2024

No push for offshore wind energy development in Sweden

By |December 17th, 2024|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

The Swedish Wind Energy Association (Svensk Vindenergi) has given a negative assessment of the proposals outlined in the offshore wind report submitted to the Swedish government by a special committee. The association points to the lack of solutions for projects that are already in the permitting process and doubts that the proposed changes will contribute [...]

16 12, 2024

The significant role of Finnish municipalities in advancing renewable energy and nationwide vitality


In next spring’s municipal elections, decisions will be made not only about Finnish renewable energy projects but also about the future of Finland’s economic growth. Municipalities play a direct role in many key aspects of renewable energy projects. Renewables Finland believes that municipalities’ decision-making authority and influence must remain strong in the preparation phase of [...]

16 12, 2024

Energy Community Ministerial: Commissioner Jørgensen underlines importance of integration into EU electricity market

By |December 16th, 2024|OFFSHORE, ONSHORE, REGULATORY|

The first Projects of Energy Community Interest (PECIs) have been adopted at the Energy Community Ministerial Council in Vienna. With the participation of Commissioner for Energy and Housing Dan Jørgensen – his first official meeting outside Brussels – the meeting also approved a recommendation aiming to enhance the deployment of renewable energy projects in Energy Community countries. Comprising [...]

15 12, 2024

High stakes: the Arctic test of sustainable development


EU researchers are helping policymakers reconcile competing demands in a region full of natural resources, beauty and tradition. By  Bárbara Pinho Above the Arctic Circle in Finland’s municipality of Inari, the largest and most sparsely populated region of Finnish Lapland, leading sources of income are tourism and the cold-climate testing of cars, tyres and components. The [...]

13 12, 2024

Switching people on to green power in Europe


Researchers are helping residents across the EU opt for clean energy. By Helen Massy-Beresford Europe has a common goal of clean energy and numerous paths towards it. One of the routes leads through playgrounds in Berlin. Outdoor children’s spaces in the German capital have been a focal point of efforts to inform women about the [...]

13 12, 2024

Evaluator: Liivi Bay Offshore Wind Farm Has No Significant Negative Environmental Impact

By |December 13th, 2024|ESTONIA, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

The Liivi Bay offshore wind farm, developed by Enefit Green, has undergone an environmental impact assessment. The expert group identified that, with the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures, the farm has no significant negative impacts on the natural and human environment and promotes labor market activity and increases municipal revenues. The expert group from Skepast [...]

12 12, 2024

Transition elements of Baltic Power farm foundations from Polish factories in final stages of production. Construction moves offshore already in January 2025

By |December 12th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

At Smulders' Polish facilities, the final production work is being carried out on key foundation elements for the Baltic Power offshore wind farm. These are the so-called transition elements that will connect the foundations to the wind turbines. Once assembled, they will set off for the transhipment port. Already in the first quarter of 2025, [...]

11 12, 2024

Winds of change – the new tech steering commercial shipping towards a more sustainable future


Cargo ships and cruise liners may soon be harnessing the power of wind and waves to reduce their carbon emissions thanks to EU-funded researchers. By Tom Cassauwers In August 2023, a five-year old cargo ship, Pyxis Ocean, made history when it set sail from Shanghai, China, heading towards the southern Brazilian port of Paranaguá. A [...]

11 12, 2024

Poland’s Climate Ministry announces new offshore support limits

By |December 11th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

Polish Ministry of Climate has published a new version of the regulation on maximum energy prices at auctions for offshore wind farms. The changes, resulting from an amendment to the so-called Offshore Act, introduce differentiation of support rates under 25-year strike price contracts depending on the location of the wind farms, with the aim of [...]

11 12, 2024

EU approves €2.6 billion Estonian State aid scheme to support offshore wind energy

By |December 11th, 2024|ESTONIA, OFFSHORE, TOP NEWS|

The European Commission has approved a €2.6 billion Estonian scheme to support renewable offshore wind energy to foster the transition towards a net-zero economy. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework (‘TCTF') adopted by the Commission on 9 March 2023 and amended on 20 November 2023 and on 2 [...]

10 12, 2024

Baltic Power: key construction phase to begin in January 2025


In January 2025, the Baltic Power offshore wind farm will enter a critical phase of its development. The project, a joint venture between Orlen and Northland Power, will see the start of the marine stage of construction, which involves the installation of the wind turbine foundations. These massive structures will support the installation of turbines [...]

10 12, 2024

ELWIND environmental impact assessment program for the ELWIND Estonia area has been approved

By |December 10th, 2024|ESTONIA, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) program describes the entire environmental impact assessment process, such as the scope and methodology of environmental studies to be conducted in the Estonian marine area, community involvement, etc. Proposals, objections, and questions regarding the program were submitted during the public display period and at public discussions by neighboring countries, state [...]

9 12, 2024

No offshore bids in Denmark – disappointing but sadly not surprising

By |December 9th, 2024|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, TOP NEWS|

Denmark’s latest 3 GW offshore wind auction round ended without any bids. That’s a huge disappointment for Denmark and for Europe’s wider energy security and electrification efforts. The failure to attract bids results from Denmark’s auction design – including its unhealthy uncapped negative bidding. The Danish Government must now quickly retender the lost volumes. And [...]

25 11, 2024

Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 offshore wind farms with energy sales agreements

By |November 25th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

Joint venture companies Equinor and Polenergia, which are developing the Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 offshore wind farm projects, have signed energy sales agreements with Danske Commodities, which will be responsible for selling the electricity produced by the farms on the Polish wholesale and balancing market. Danske Commodities, which is part of Equinor, will also [...]

21 11, 2024

Maritime appetite for cyber risk notably higher than other key industries, new report reveals

By |November 21st, 2024|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS|

A new report published by DNV reveals that the majority (61%) of maritime professionals believe the industry should accept increased cyber risk from digitalization if it enables innovation and new technologies. The sector’s appetite to take on emerging risks arising from digital transformation is notably higher than other critical infrastructure industries including energy, manufacturing and [...]

21 11, 2024

Ignitis on the future of ecology in the Baltic Sea

By |November 21st, 2024|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE, OPINIONS|

The situation in the Baltic Sea, one of the five most polluted seas in the world, has not improved in recent years, but efforts of various public groups, public authorities and businesses can yield results. Curonian Nord offshore wind farm, currently under development by an international green energy company, Ignitis Renewables, can also benefit the [...]

20 11, 2024

NERC has announced second tender to develop Lithuanian offshore wind farms park

By |November 20th, 2024|LITHUANIA, OFFSHORE, TOP NEWS|

The National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC) has launched a second tender to select a developer for an offshore wind farm in Lithuania’s territorial waters of the Baltic Sea. Tenderers have until 18 March 2025 to submit their applications and documents to NERC. The winner of the tender, which recognises national security interests, is expected to [...]

20 11, 2024

Ocean Winds and partners invite you to a webinar on innovation in offshore wind energy!

By |November 20th, 2024|EVENT, OFFSHORE, POLAND|

The event is dedicated to companies and organisations working in the field of technological innovation and interested in collaborating on projects in the offshore wind energy sector. Workshops and presentations will be conducted in Polish and English, and an option for participants to translate from English to Polish via the Zoom platform will be available. [...]

19 11, 2024

Litgrid published the protocol of intentions for connecting wind farms to electricity transmission networks

By |November 19th, 2024|LITHUANIA, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

In order to ensure a smooth process of signing documents for the offshore wind tender, the electricity transmission grid operator Litgrid publishes the draft protocol of intentions for connection to electricity transmission networks. Litgrid will sign this document with all developers seeking to participate in the tender for the use of marine territory for the [...]

19 11, 2024

COP29: GWO and IRENA demonstrate workforce development plans


GWO and IRENA will initiate discussions of how global standards can best support skilled workforce development, in line with 2030 targets. Co-publication of the Jobs4RE Workforce Training Guidelines for the Wind Industry is set to follow in 2025.  Global Wind Organisation (GWO) is combining forces with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to present “Jobs4RE- [...]

18 11, 2024

EU economy greenhouse gas emissions: -2.6% in Q2 2024

By |November 18th, 2024|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE, ONSHORE|

In the second quarter of 2024, the EU economy greenhouse gas emissions were estimated at 790 million tonnes of CO2-equivalents (CO2-eq), a 2.6% decrease compared with the same quarter of 2023 (812 million tonnes of CO2-eq). The EU’s gross domestic product (GDP) registered a 1.0% increase in the second quarter of 2024, compared with the same quarter of 2023.  This information comes from data [...]

18 11, 2024

ELWIND team and Baltic Delegation visit Denmark


How are renewable energy projects implemented in other countries, and how do municipalities collaborate with local communities? What can we learn, and what practical ideas can we adopt when implementing the joint Latvian-Estonian offshore wind energy project ELWIND? In cooperation with the Danish Embassy in Latvia, a trip was organized for municipal representatives and opinion [...]

18 11, 2024

Lithuania set the maximum price for electricity from RES and the lowest price limit for the transaction

By |November 18th, 2024|LITHUANIA, OFFSHORE|

Lithuanian National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC) approved the highest possible price for the purchase and sale of electricity from renewable resources - 125.74 EUR/MWh and the lowest price limit for the transaction - 75.45 EUR/MWh. The maximum possible transaction price is determined taking into account the average annual amount of electricity production; average variable and [...]

15 11, 2024

Final preparations to start installation work on offshore part of Baltic Power farm. Polish fishermen will support construction safety at sea

By |November 15th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Three Polish fishing vessels will support the construction of the Baltic Power offshore wind farm. They will begin work with the start of the offshore installation work scheduled for early 2025. Baltic Power is the only offshore wind farm project in the Polish part of the Baltic that has reached the construction phase. In addition [...]

14 11, 2024

Polish government adopts law to promote electricity generation in offshore wind farms

By |November 14th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

The Polish government has adopted a law to promote the development of offshore wind energy by allowing different maximum electricity prices to be set depending on the specific characteristics of individual maritime areas. The new legislation gives the Minister for Climate and Environment the ability to issue a regulation that will set differentiated maximum prices [...]

14 11, 2024

TAURON achieves milestone in construction of onshore wind farms

By |November 14th, 2024|ONSHORE, POLAND|

TAURON has commissioned the Mierzyn wind farm, thereby achieving 0.5 GW of onshore installed capacity. The power plant, with a total capacity of 58.5 MW, is located in the municipality of Karlino, in the West Pomeranian province. Production from the latest power plant will meet the energy needs of 68,000 households. - The expansion of [...]

14 11, 2024

OX2 hands over 62.5 MW Wysoka Wind Farm to Ingka Investments

By |November 14th, 2024|ONSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

OX2 has commissioned the Wysoka Wind Farm, owned by IngkaInvestments, the investment arm of the Ingka Group, the world's largest IKEA franchise company. The farm has installed the largest wind turbines in Poland, achieving unprecedented power in the local onshore market. Located in the Piła district, in the Greater Poland voivodeship, the wind farm consists [...]

13 11, 2024

COP29: Europe’s Focus on Climate Finance and Offshore Wind Development

By |November 13th, 2024|CLIMATE, EVENT, OFFSHORE, TOP NEWS|

As the COP29 UN Climate Change Conference opens in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 11 to 22, climate leaders, including the European Union (EU), gather to address one of the most pressing challenges of our time: securing a sustainable, climate-friendly future. This year, the summit is poised to prioritize climate finance, critical emissions reductions, and renewable [...]

12 11, 2024

Vattenfall bets on offshore and invests €5 billion in Germany’s energy transition


Vattenfall, following the sale of its Berlin district heating business, has announced a new strategy for the German market, which involves significant investment in the development of renewable energy production infrastructure and the development of electromobility. Investments in excess of €5 billion are planned until 2028. The main objective is to create a zero-carbon energy [...]

8 11, 2024

Litgrid has updated preliminary conditions for the connection of offshore wind farms to the electricity transmission grid


In order for Lithuania to develop offshore wind parks in the Baltic Sea and to reduce the country's dependence on electricity imports and fossil fuels, preparatory work is underway for the tender in which the developer of the park will be selected. The electricity transmission grid operator Litgrid has announced the updated preliminary conditions for [...]

7 11, 2024

Three years of ‘Career with the wind’ – Ocean Winds educates young people in Poland for offshore wind energy

By |November 7th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

Ocean Winds, together with the Industrial Development Academy (PAR), has summed up the third edition of the ‘Career with the Wind’ programme - an educational initiative aimed at preparing technical school students for work in the offshore wind energy sector. The programme is aimed at young people from across Poland to familiarise them with career [...]

7 11, 2024

European Commission: EU greenhouse gas emissions fell by over 8% in 2023, driven by impressive growth in renewable energy


The European Commission has published the 2024 Climate Action Progress Report, showing that net EU greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions fell by 8.3% in 2023 compared to the previous year. This is the largest annual drop in decades, with the exception of 2020 when COVID-19 led to emission cuts of 9.8%. Net GHG emissions are now 37% below 1990 levels, while GDP [...]

6 11, 2024

What Will Finland Look Like in 2040 in the Sectoral Low-Carbon Roadmaps?


Below we present an editorial published by the Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The author - Katja Tuokko is a Senior Specialist in the Energy Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. She has been involved in coordinating the update of the Sectoral Low-Carbon Roadmaps. By summer 2023, only three years [...]

6 11, 2024

Korsnäs Offshore Wind Project – Pioneering Finland’s Green Energy Future

By |November 6th, 2024|FINLAND, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Finland is on the brink of a major transformation in renewable energy with the development of its first industrial-scale offshore wind farm in Korsnäs, a small coastal community near Vaasa. This ambitious project, led by Vattenfall in collaboration with Metsähallitus, highlights Finland’s growing commitment to renewable energy and energy independence. With a projected capacity between [...]

5 11, 2024

Sweden rejects the application of 13 offshore wind farms

By |November 5th, 2024|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN, TOP NEWS|

Swedish Defence Minister Pal Jonson informed that Swedish government decided to reject the applications of 13 offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea, while granting one (Poseidon) on the Swedish west coast.  According to the Minister Jonson - the reaction time in the event of a missile attack could go from 2 minutes to 60 seconds [...]

5 11, 2024

On the road to COP 29 in Baku: Current Climate Plans Fall Dangerously Short of 2030 Goals

By |November 5th, 2024|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE, ONSHORE|

The United Nations’ latest NDC Synthesis Report reveals a sobering reality: current national climate commitments fall drastically short of the reductions required to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Despite recent efforts, nations’ existing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), even if fully implemented, would yield only a 2.6% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, relative to [...]

5 11, 2024

Report: Sweden Must Step Up in the Competitive Arena of Offshore Wind Investment

By |November 5th, 2024|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

A recent report by Svensk Vindenergi, updated from June 2023, offers a crucial lens on the investment climate for offshore wind in Europe, spotlighting significant differences across various markets. With data covering 11 countries around the Baltic and North Seas, this report underscores Sweden's unique and somewhat isolated stance in terms of regulatory and investment [...]

4 11, 2024

Finnish Government Launched Coordination Group to Advance Offshore Wind Development

By |November 4th, 2024|FINLAND, OFFSHORE|

Finland's Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has established a coordination group to accelerate offshore wind power development. The group will work on creating a comprehensive "situation picture" of the sector, coordinating the timeline, and selecting sites for offshore wind projects in Finland’s territorial waters and exclusive economic zone. This initiative aligns with Finland's ambitious [...]

4 11, 2024

Baltic States agreed to work on Joint Energy Hub Project


As Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia prepare to synchronize their electricity grid with Continental Europe in just 100 days, the Baltic States have already set their sights on the next transformative initiative: a Joint Baltic Energy Hub. On 31 October in Vilnius, Dainius Kreivys, Lithuania’s Minister of Energy; Kaspars Melnis, Latvia’s Minister of Climate and Energy; [...]

4 11, 2024

Estonian and Finnish cooperation on the protection of underwater energy transmission connections


The Estonian Ministry of Climate and Finland’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concerning the protection and repair of underwater energy infrastructure. The Underwater Energy Infrastructure MoU was signed by Minister of Climate and the Environment Kai Mykkänen and Estonia’s Minister of Climate Yoko Alender in Helsinki in September [...]

1 11, 2024

Seaway7 awarded offshore wind contract by Ørsted

By |November 1st, 2024|OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Seaway7 has announced the award of a substantial contract by Ørsted for the transport and installation of the inter-array cables of the Hornsea 3 offshore wind project located in the UK sector of the North Sea. Seaway7’s scope of work covers the transportation and installation (T&I) of 192 66kV inter-array cables, measuring approximately 500 kilometres [...]

31 10, 2024

RWE leads offshore biodiversity monitoring at Kaskasi wind farm

By |October 31st, 2024|GERMANY, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

As part of a new partnership with leading scientists to improve monitoring of marine life, RWE has launched the SeaMe (Sustainable ecosystem approach in Monitoring the marine environment) project at its Kaskasi offshore wind farm off the German coast. The objective is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between offshore wind farms and [...]

31 10, 2024

How to kick-start the Polish offshore industry? Industrial policy concept at the Offshore Wind Poland Conference

By |October 31st, 2024|EVENT, OFFSHORE, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

By 2030, Europe will be short of all key components, services and human resources for the sector. For some segments of the supply chain, bottlenecks are already visible today or will become apparent in 1-2 years. The Polish industry has great potential to be a significant player in the global offshore wind supply chain. However, [...]

30 10, 2024

OX2 to manage a 211 MW wind farm in Finland

By |October 30th, 2024|FINLAND, ONSHORE, PROJECTS|

OX2 has signed an asset management agreement for Piiparinmäki wind farm with Nuveen Infrastructure. Under the agreement, OX2 will be responsible for the technical, commercial and financial management of the Piiparinmäki wind farm, to ensure optimal asset performance on the behalf of Nuveen Infrastructure, the private infrastructure investment business of $1.2tn global asset manager Nuveen. [...]

30 10, 2024

Ocean Winds signs contract with Bureau Veritas Polska for certification of BC-Wind offshore wind farm

By |October 30th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Warsaw, 21 October 2024: Ocean Winds, a joint venture formed by EDPR and ENGIE dedicated to offshore wind energy, has signed an agreement with Bureau Veritas Polska Sp. z o.o. to carry out the certification of the Polish BC-Wind offshore wind farm project. The certification will be carried out in accordance with IECRE OD-502:2018 scheme [...]

30 10, 2024

Maritime Future Concept Highlights Role of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Baltic Region’s Energy Transition

By |October 30th, 2024|GERMANY, OFFSHORE|

The state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has unveiled its new Maritime Future Concept, a strategic roadmap aimed at strengthening its maritime economy as a crucial component of the region’s socio-economic and environmental transformation. The Concept, presented today to Minister-President Manuela Schwesig and Minister of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour, Reinhard Meyer, aims to position the state [...]

29 10, 2024

Polish government believes in offshore – there will be new regulations for rapid development

By |October 29th, 2024|EVENT, OFFSHORE, POLAND|

The Ministry of Climate and Environment has prepared a draft amendment to the law on the promotion of electricity generation in offshore wind farms. The regulations aim to accelerate and streamline implementation, as well as to improve investment conditions for offshore wind farm projects. The request for an entry on the list of works of [...]

28 10, 2024

North Seas countries set out clear vision on wind supply chain and grid build-out

By |October 28th, 2024|DENMARK, EVENT, OFFSHORE, TOP NEWS|

The Energy Ministers of the 9 North Seas countries held their annual meeting yesterday in Odense, Denmark. They reaffirmed their ambition to transform the North Seas into “Europe’s green power plant.” They gave clear recommendations to the new EU Commission how best to support that. Notably on the need to further strengthen Europe’s wind energy [...]

25 10, 2024

European Commission: Quarterly reports confirm EU electricity market stabilised in Q2 of 2024, with more than half of electricity from renewables

By |October 25th, 2024|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE, ONSHORE|

EU electricity market returned to a much more stable and predictable situation in the second quarter of 2024 relative to the same period in 2023, according to the new Quarterly Reports for electricity as well as gas markets published by the European Commission on 24 October. The reports highlight the acceleration of a number of [...]

25 10, 2024

German Economy and Energy Ministry Unveils Action Plan to Protect Wind Energy Sector and Ensure Fair Competition


Germany has unveiled a five-point Action Plan to ensure fair competition and data security in the wind energy sector. The German Economy and Energy Ministry (BMWK) is addressing challenges that threaten the European and German wind energy supply chain, particularly unfair competition from international, non-European competitors, and cybersecurity risks linked to non-European wind turbines. Key [...]

25 10, 2024

Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Top Priorities for European Ports

By |October 25th, 2024|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS|

The European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) has launched its Environmental Report 2024 during the GreenPort Congress in Le Havre, hosted by HAROPA PORT. The report is part of the EcoPorts initiative, which promotes environmental sustainability across European ports. This year’s edition features data from 83 ports across 21 countries, offering valuable insights into environmental management [...]

24 10, 2024

Danish Energy Agency adopts plan for Kattegat and Kriegers Flak II offshore wind farms

By |October 24th, 2024|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

The Danish Energy Agency adopts a plan for the future offshore wind farms Kattegat and Kriegers Flak II. This is based on an environmental assessment of the plan and having received consultation responses. The plan for Kattegat and Kriegers Flak II describes the framework for two future offshore wind farms in Kattegat and the Baltic [...]

23 10, 2024

Statkraft applies for a licence for 2.1 GW offshore wind power near Stockholm

By |October 23rd, 2024|OFFSHORE, PROJECTS, SWEDEN|

Statkraft has submitted a licence application to the Swedish government for the Baltic Offshore Delta North wind farm with an installed capacity of 2.1 GW. The wind farm is located in Sweden's economic zone, approximately 100 kilometres east of Stockholm and 55 kilometres east of Sandhamn Island. The Stockholm region will have the potential to [...]

22 10, 2024

Electrification Alliance: The electrification of energy-intensive industries is a key pillar of a competitive, decarbonised industrial sector in Europe


Electrification Alliance, supported by i.e. WindEurope published its poistion paper on Clean Industry Deal. Electrification must power the Clean Industrial Deal as it improves the EU’s resilience, and unlocks flexibility and cost savings. Key recommendations are following: Electrification is necessary and possible: Many industrial processes can already be electrified today, for large parts of the [...]

22 10, 2024

ELWIND prepares the EIA programme 


ELWIND published details on the preparation of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) program. It program describes the entire process of environmental impact assessment, for example the scope and methodology of environmental studies conducted in the Estonian marine area, community involvement, etc. Proposals, objections and questions about the EIA program could have been submitted during the [...]

21 10, 2024

First monopiles for Baltic Power offshore wind farm ready

By |October 21st, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

The first shipments of foundation monopiles for the Baltic Power offshore wind farm have set off from Steelwind's factory in Nordenham. There will be 26 shipments to the transhipment port, from where they will depart for the offshore construction site in early 2025. Source: Baltic Power Baltic Power is the most advanced offshore [...]

18 10, 2024

Partnership Formed to Boost Finnish Offshore Wind Market

By |October 18th, 2024|FINLAND, OFFSHORE|

Etha, Sitowise, and Pondera have formed a strategic alliance to enhance the development of offshore wind projects in Finland. This partnership aims to deliver a wide range of services across the entire project lifecycle, offering expert solutions to bring Finnish offshore wind projects to the market. The collaboration brings together the distinct expertise of each [...]

17 10, 2024

Iberdrola and Masdar Complete Turbine Installation at Baltic Eagle Offshore Wind Farm

By |October 17th, 2024|GERMANY, OFFSHORE, TOP NEWS|

The installation of all wind turbines at the 476 MW Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm has been successfully completed. This marks a major milestone for the joint venture between Iberdrola, a global leader in renewable energy, and Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company – Masdar, the UAE’s clean energy pioneer. Once fully operational, Baltic Eagle will [...]

17 10, 2024

2nd Offshore Congress: Discussion on Achieving Offshore Wind Energy Goals

By |October 17th, 2024|GERMANY, OFFSHORE|

During the 2nd Offshore Congress held in Emden in Germany, around 100 representatives from politics, trade unions, industry, and associations discussed the state and future of offshore wind energy. The discussion clearly emphasised that the northern German states have enormous potential to strengthen their position as the "political heart of Europe." To achieve this, it [...]

17 10, 2024

Coastal Liberty Begins Operations with Green Hydrogen Technology in the Germany

By |October 17th, 2024|GERMANY, TECHNOLOGY|

The Offshore Supply Vessel (OSV) Coastal Liberty has commenced operations using a hydrogen-electric energy system in the German Wadden Sea. This initiative aims to reduce emissions associated with maritime activities, aligning with broader efforts to transition towards sustainable energy sources in the shipping industry. The hydrogen system, developed by Hamburg-based eCap Marine, received class certification [...]

16 10, 2024

Ignitis Group sets plans to enter second 700 MW offshore wind tender in the Baltic Sea


Ignitis Group has unveiled its intention to participate in the second tender for offshore wind rights in the Baltic Sea, which will allocate around 700 MW of capacity. The company has also launched a process to select a partner for potential developments. This tender, overseen by the National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC), is scheduled to [...]

16 10, 2024

First Baltic Power monopiles shipped, marking key milestone in Poland’s offshore wind ambitions


The first monopiles for the Baltic Power offshore wind farm have been shipped from Steelwind’s plant in Nordenham, Germany, and are now en route to the installation terminal. These massive steel foundations will form the backbone of Poland’s first offshore wind farm, with a total of 78 monopiles set to be installed: 76 for the [...]

15 10, 2024

500,000 kilometers of cable: Powering Germany’s energy transition by 2045


Future-Proofing Germany’s Power Grid: Meeting Technology Demands by 2045 Germany is racing to expand and modernize its power grid, a critical move to support the country's energy transition. Renewable energy sources such as offshore wind farms, solar power, and storage systems, alongside growing demand from heat pumps, electric vehicles, and data centers, are placing unprecedented [...]

15 10, 2024

Offshore terminal in the port of Gdańsk: contract signed with the contractor

By |October 15th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

A new industrial and service hub will be established at the Port of Gdańsk, designed to support installation vessels for the construction and operation of offshore wind farms. The Center for EU Transport Projects has signed an agreement with the contractor for the installation terminal. This significant project will receive over PLN 900 million in [...]

14 10, 2024

TotalEnergies renames key German offshore wind projects

By |October 14th, 2024|GERMANY, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

On the occasion of this year's WindEnergy trade fair and following the opening of its Renewable Energies Hub in Hamburg, TotalEnergies has announced the names of the offshore wind projects that the company will develop in Germany in the North and Baltic Seas: NordSee Energies 1, NordSee Energies 2 and OstSee Energies. The Nordsee Energies [...]

11 10, 2024

Finnish government  submited legislative proposal on offshore wind power in the exclusive economic zone


In its plenary session on October 3rd, the Finnish government decided to submit a government proposal to Parliament for legislation on offshore wind power in the exclusive economic zone.  According to Renewables Finland assessment swift progress would enable the rapid initiation of competitive bidding for offshore wind power areas, allowing Finland to capitalize on the significant [...]

10 10, 2024

Gdynia Maritime University invites to ‘Competencies for Offshore Wind’ Conference

By |October 10th, 2024|EVENT, OFFSHORE, POLAND|

The 2nd edition of the 'Competencies for Offshore Wind' conference organised by the Offshore Wind Energy Centre of Gdnia Maritime University will take place on 15 October. Poland is intensively developing the offshore wind energy sector, which is soon to become one of the pillars of energy generation in the country. Multi-billion dollar investments in [...]

10 10, 2024

Litgrid and Svenska kraftnät sign a contract to upgrade NordBalt control system


Litgrid and Svenska kraftnät, Lithuanian and Swedish transmission system operators, have signed a contract with Hitachi Energy to upgrade the control system of NordBalt HVDC interconnector. During the upgrade, control system logic, which will enhance grid stability of the Baltic countries and Sweden, will be installed. “NordBalt interconnector is one of the most important objects [...]

9 10, 2024

Polenergia and Equinor take another important step in developing Bałtyk 1, largest wind farm in the Baltic Sea

By |October 9th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Polenergia and Equinor are taking another important step in the development of the Bałtyk 1 offshore wind farm. The companies have signed an agreement for advisory services in terms of design work and obtaining a set of construction permits. Bałtyk 1 is the project of the largest wind farm in the Polish part of the [...]

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