28 12, 2021

Peter Jenkins: IoT technology can help optimise offshore wind projects

By |December 28th, 2021|OPINIONS|

4Subsea is a provider of technology that helps operators optimize energy production from subsea oil & gas fields and offshore wind farms. Experts link expertise with data analytics and digital services to maximise the lifetime of assets and reduce operational costs. Peter Jenkins, CEO at 4SUBSEA said in commentary for [...]

22 12, 2021

Giles Dickson: The wind industry is ready to deliver the huge volumes needed to electrify our economies

By |December 22nd, 2021|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS|

In our latest interview with Giles Dickson, we ask about the Electric City 2021 conference held in Copenhagen and the challenges of wind energy development in Europe. The interview appeared on BalticWind.EU latest report straight from Copenhagen.  Which topics brought wind industry representatives to Copenhagen this year? Renewables are now around 40% of the [...]

21 12, 2021

BalticWind.EU VIDEO – Peter Jenkins: IoT technology can help optimise offshore wind projects

By |December 21st, 2021|OPINIONS|

4Subsea is a provider of technology that helps operators optimize energy production from subsea oil & gas fields and offshore wind farms. Experts link expertise with data analytics and digital services to maximise lifetime of assets and reduce operational costs. Peter Jenkins, CEO at 4SUBSEA said in commentary for BalticWind.EU that the company brings [...]

3 12, 2021

MEP Morten Petersen: The streamlining of all regulations of the Fit for 55 package is important now


BalticWind.EU informed, that MEPs set out recommendations for speeding up the deployment of offshore wind, in a report adopted on Tuesday. The report voted in the Industry, Research and Energy committee (ITRE) in response to a European Commission communication stresses that meeting the 2030 and 2050 targets require speeding up [...]

17 11, 2021

WindEurope: Lithuanian offshore auction design proposals jeopardise the low-cost delivery of projects


Lithuania is preparing its regulatory framework for the development of offshore wind in its waters. And new proposed auction rules have recently emerged in the Lithuanian Parliament which will jeopardise the delivery of projects at the lowest cost for society – WindEurope indicates in the press release. […]

9 11, 2021

Preparation for the offshore wind in the Port of Gdynia

By |November 9th, 2021|OPINIONS, POLAND|

The Polish Offshore Wind Sector Deal signed on 15 September 2021 is another milestone in the development of this sector in Poland, next to the Act on the Promotion of Electricity Generation in Offshore Wind Farms of December 2020. This article is part of a series of comments on the main challenges to be [...]

29 10, 2021

Lina Kinning, SWEA: The transparent and open dialogue will be crucial in Swedish offshore grid development

By |October 29th, 2021|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS, SWEDEN|

The Swedish government announced in October that electricity system operator Svenska Kraftnät would be tasked with developing the offshore transmission grid in connection with plans to develop offshore wind power. Lina Kinning, offshore energy and European policy expert at the Swedish Wind Energy Association (SWEA), in a commentary for BalticWind.EU [...]

30 09, 2021

Obstacles on Polish way to 11 GW offshore wind energy (RELATION)

By |September 30th, 2021|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

BalticWind.EU was an institutional patron of the 7th Energy Congress organised by the think-tank DISE Energy. Our representative, Managing Director Paweł Wróbel, together with industry representatives and experts from the offshore wind sector, discussed the development of offshore wind energy in Poland. They all agreed that the road to the planned 11 GW is [...]

28 09, 2021

WindEurope: Offshore wind is essential for the just transition from fossil fuels to renewables in Poland

By |September 28th, 2021|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS, POLAND|

On 15 September 2021 Poland signed its first Offshore Wind Sector Deal. This Government-industry collaboration aims to establish a leading offshore wind industry in Poland. Under the Sector Deal the industry commits to the creation of up to 60,000 direct and indirect jobs in Poland’s wind industry by 2040. The [...]

16 09, 2021

Giles Dickson: Polish Offshore Wind Sector Deal is a great example of government-industry collaboration

By |September 16th, 2021|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

On 15 September, representatives of the Polish government, business, companies, financial and research institutions signed a sector deal on offshore wind energy. The agreement is to become the basis for building a new industry in Poland. Giles Dickson, WindEurope CEO, said a few words about this initiative in a special [...]

15 09, 2021

Michał Kurtyka: We want the greatest possible participation of Polish entrepreneurs in the development of offshore wind energy sector

By |September 15th, 2021|OPINIONS, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

The energy potential of the Polish part of the Baltic Sea is considered to be one of the largest in the region. For this reason, offshore wind energy will be a key tool enabling the construction of a modern, zero-emission and safe energy system – says Michał Kurtyka, Minister of [...]

2 09, 2021

WindEurope: Offshore wind continues to break new boundaries

By |September 2nd, 2021|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS|

Offshore wind continues to break new boundaries – WindEurope said in a statement. Europe has 120 offshore wind farms already. The EU wants much more and sees offshore wind producing around 20% of our power by 2050. The first 6 months of this year have seen some significant developments which give confidence that this can be achieved. [...]

30 08, 2021

Michal Olszewski: The offshore wind construction projects are exposed to various risks

By |August 30th, 2021|INTERVIEW, OPINIONS|

– The insurers must take into account many more potential risks – such as the risk related to the use of vessels, heavy cranes or e.g. the risk associated with varying wave heights. Due to the above-described reasons, the insurance market has created insurance terms and conditions dedicated and specific to offshore wind construction and [...]

6 08, 2021

Andris Vanags: Latvia has a lot of untapped potential in the wind sector

By |August 6th, 2021|LATVIA, OPINIONS|

The European Commission (EC) has adopted a package of legislative proposals setting out legislative tools to achieve Europe’s climate goals which will promote greener solutions, sustainability and energy independence. The main changes include improving the legislation to promote wider use of renewable energy, an elaborated and stricter system of emission [...]

8 07, 2021

Aistis Radavičius: The biggest challenge is the misconception of offshore wind energy as an expensive form of electricity


Today, our editorial team recommends a special comment from the independent renewable energy expert Aistis Radavičius for BalticWind.EU. Radavičius explained that there are already many international and Lithuanian companies in the Klaipeda port that operate in the offshore business, but mostly have contracts outside Lithuania in other countries that develop [...]

7 07, 2021

William Beuckelaers: OffshoreWind4Kids – the best way to learn offshore wind energy by doing

By |July 7th, 2021|OPINIONS, TOP NEWS|

OffshoreWind4Kids is a workshop introducing children to the world of renewable energy, in particular offshore wind energy. The energy transition will not be achieved without the participation of the public and qualified personnel. Learning about offshore wind energy can start in childhood – the author of OffshoreWind4Kids proves it perfectly. [...]

2 07, 2021

Stefan Thimm: IPCEI can help with European cooperation in the field of offshore wind energy sector and green hydrogen


Stefan Thimm, Managing Director of BWO, comments to BalticWind.EU on the German maritime spatial zoning plan and potential of offshore wind development on Baltic Sea from Germany side. Germany is one of the leaders in offshore wind energy development in the Baltic Sea. Wind power plants are already operating in German waters. Stefan Thimm, [...]

23 06, 2021

Urtė Daškevičiūtė: Offshore wind power will have a substantial impact on Lithuanian wind energy market


Lithuania has great ambitions to develop offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea. The report indicates 4.5 GW of the potential for the development of wind turbines in Lithuanian waters. We asked the Lithuanian Wind Power Association (Lietuvos vėjo elektrinių asociacija) about the challenges facing the industry in the context of wind energy developed [...]

21 06, 2021

Virginijus Sinkevičius: EU has the most ambitious offshore renewables target worldwide


European Commission has adopted new approach for a sustainable blue economy in the EU. We ask Virginijus Sinkevičius, EU Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries about the role of offshore wind as well as how to coordinate renewables development in the Baltic Sea region while taking into account environmental protection. What are the main challenges facing Europe's [...]

16 06, 2021

Cooperation in the Baltic region is the cornerstone of the transformation of the Polish energy system

By |June 16th, 2021|OPINIONS, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

Poland may become one of the leaders in the development of offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea, with a potential estimated at up to 28 GW until 2050. Adam Guibourgé - Czetwertyński, Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment, said in his first video column for BalticWind.EU about the most important elements of the [...]

14 06, 2021

Heidi Paalatie: Finland does see offshore wind potential, but co-existance with military radars needs to be solved

By |June 14th, 2021|FINLAND, OPINIONS, TOP NEWS|

According to WindEurope, at the end of 2020, there were 19 offshore wind turbines connected to the Finnish electricity grid within three farms with a total capacity of 71 MW. The offshore wind potential in the Finnish part of the Baltic Sea is estimated at 8 GW (BEMIP). We asked the Finnish Wind Energy [...]

10 06, 2021

Rasmus Errboe: Poland is emerging as the front runner in offshore wind energy sector in the Baltic Sea


The Baltic Sea is one of the areas of interest for investors in the offshore wind energy sector, including Danish giant Ørsted. The Danes will develop two offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea in cooperation with the largest electricity producer. How does the company view the Polish market? We ask Rasmus Errboe, Senior [...]

3 06, 2021

Giles Dickson: Offshore wind energy offers many economic benefits for the Baltic countries

By |June 3rd, 2021|OPINIONS, TOP NEWS|

Can offshore wind investments drive regional cooperation? What lessons must the Baltic countries learn for the future to successfully build farms?Which countries have a chance to be a leader in offshore wind in the Baltic Sea? Check our exclusive multi - threaded interview with Giles Dickson CEO of  Wind Europe. The Baltic Sea and offshore wind - [...]

2 06, 2021

Jerzy Buzek: Baltic Sea will greatly contribute to so much needed energy “wind of change” in the whole EU

By |June 2nd, 2021|OPINIONS, TOP NEWS|

What is the link between offshore wind development and Just Transition of coal regions? How to strengthen technological, industrial leadership and autonomy in the offshore wind sector in the European Union? Can EU funds support the local content of offshore wind supply chain? We are talking to Jerzy Buzek, Member of the European Parliament, former [...]

30 05, 2021

Welcome message from Paweł Wróbel Managing Director of BalticWind.EU

By |May 30th, 2021|AUTHORS, OPINIONS|

With great pleasure and satisfaction I welcome you today to BalticWind.EU. After many weeks of preparation, we give you an innovative platform that aims first and foremost to create opportunities. BalticWind.EU is the space for the dialogue of industry representatives, professionals, start-ups founders, analytics, journalists, academic and research centres. Welcome to the #BalticWindNetwork. https://youtu.be/xHDiCVCOOZc [...]

30 05, 2021

Wojciech Dąbrowski: PGE investment plan provides for the country’s largest capital expenditures on offshore wind farms


PGE Group’s Offshore Program assumes the completion of Baltica Offshore Wind Farm, the largest offshore wind project in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea. The most advanced offshore project of the PGE Group, implemented in partnership with Danish Ørsted - Morska Farma Wiatrowa Baltica (Baltica Offshore Wind Farm) with a total installed capacity of up to 2.5 GW[...]

30 05, 2021

Morten Petersen: We need to shift up a gear in the deployment of offshore wind


The European Union has adopted an offshore wind energy development strategy. What are the biggest challenges facing this industry? Where is the place of the Baltic Sea on the offshore wind map? How does Denmark perceive this region in the context of the development of offshore energy? We are talking to Morten Petersen, Member [...]

29 05, 2021

Dorota Bastrikin: Marine growth and alien species monitoring on offshore underwater structures

By |May 29th, 2021|AUTHORS, OPINIONS|

In the planning stages of the offshore wind developments various monitoring schemes are considered during lifetime of the structures. Some, like structural monitoring are obvious. Other, like marine growth and alien species monitoring may not be so obvious but if planned and scheduled regularly could be cost-saving by allowing practical and effective management of maintenance and decommissioning processes[...]

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