About Maja Moskal

News Editor | Event Coordinator. In charge of editing articles and linguistic revisions as well as social media publications and event coordination. Member of the BalticWind.EU team since December 2021.
28 11, 2023

EU Grid Action Plan will help renewables, urgent action needed on excessive connection queues

By |November 28th, 2023|OFFSHORE|

The EU Commission launched an Action Plan for Grids - a 14-point plan to modernise Europe’s electricity grid and prepare for the renewables-based electrification of the energy system. It says €584bn of new investments are required by 2030 to upgrade Europe’s grids. Absolutely. And these investments can’t come soon enough. The current grid can’t accommodate [...]

7 11, 2023

HOFOR’s investment in the Øresund offshore wind project is put on hold

By |November 7th, 2023|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

HOFOR's Aflandshage project on green electricity for 300,000 households is put on hold. The project will be abandoned completely, unless it proves possible to continue the project in another form in the near future. During 2023, HOFOR has prepared agreements with suppliers to build the Aflandshage Wind Farm. The preparation has taken place on the [...]

7 11, 2023

OX2 and Nordkalk to collaborate on development of e-fuel production on Gotland, Sweden

By |November 7th, 2023|OFFSHORE, PROJECTS, SWEDEN|

OX2 and Nordkalk will together investigate the opportunities for production of e-fuel. The e-fuel could be used in Nordkalk’s own facilities, but also for shipping and other industries and to make Gotland a hub for green growth and development. The parties will now initiate a pilot study on how a facility should be planned. E-fuel [...]

17 10, 2023

Lack of ambition and attention risks making electricity grids the weak link in clean energy transitions

By |October 17th, 2023|CLIMATE, OFFSHORE|

First-of-its-kind global study finds the world must add or replace 80 million km of grids by 2040, equal to all grids globally today, to meet national climate targets and support energy security Efforts to tackle climate change and ensure reliable supplies of electricity could be put at risk unless policy makers and companies quickly take [...]

17 10, 2023

Suomen Hyötytuuli starts FEED for turbine foundations in Tahkoluoto offshore wind farm extension project

By |October 17th, 2023|FINLAND, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Suomen Hyötytuuli is developing an extension to Tahkoluoto offshore wind farm on the west coast of Finland. The wind turbines of at least 15 megawatts will be built in deeper waters than ever before in Finland. The company has now launched FEED (Front End Engineering Design) for Suomen Hyötytuuli’s own concept, which is the base [...]

10 10, 2023

Jan De Nul Group and Hellenic Cables sign export cable contracts for Baltyk II & III offshore wind farms

By |October 10th, 2023|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

A consortium of Jan De Nul Group and Hellenic Cables will design, manufacture, transport and install a package of four 220 kV HVAC export cables to connect the Polish offshore wind farms Baltyk II and Baltyk III to shore. Upon completion, these wind farms developed by the joint venture of Equinor and Polenergia will provide [...]

28 09, 2023

Organised public market consultation on the development of the second Lithuanian offshore wind farm

By |September 28th, 2023|LITHUANIA, OFFSHORE|

The Ministry of Energy invites offshore wind farm developers and those interested in the development of offshore wind farms to take part in a public consultation on the second offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea. The consultation will take place remotely in English on Tuesday, 10 October 2023, at 10:00 a.m. During the public [...]

6 09, 2023

100 Questions for Ocean Winds – BC-Wind Suppliers Day coming up on September 13 in Gdańsk

By |September 6th, 2023|OFFSHORE, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

Ocean Winds (OW) invites you to their next Suppliers Day, which will be held under the formula "100 Questions for Ocean Winds - how to establish a cooperation". The goal is to continue the dialogue with companies interested in cooperation within the BC-Wind offshore wind farm supply chain. The meeting will provide an opportunity to [...]

1 09, 2023

Industrial Development Agency JSC begins construction of wind tower factory in Gdansk

By |September 1st, 2023|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

The Industrial Development Agency JSC (ARP S.A.), together with strategic partners GRI Renewable Industries, S.L. and Baltic Towers Sp. z o.o., is launching a new investment to support the development of Offshore Wind Energy (OWE). This is a landmark event for the Polish renewable energy sector. On August 31, 2023, construction of an offshore tower [...]

24 07, 2023

The 1st edition of “Education for sustainable development: offshore wind energy” postgraduate program ends

By |July 24th, 2023|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

The first edition of the postgraduate course "Education for sustainable development: offshore wind energy" conducted at the University of Gdańsk UG by the Center for Sustainable Development together with UG's Research Centre for Marine Economy (Centrum Badań nad Gospodarką Morską) concluded with a ceremonial meeting of the study's graduates with the Vice – Rector for [...]

17 03, 2023

Specialists examine the bottom of the Baltic Sea – PGE Baltica carries out geophysical surveys for the Baltica 1 project

By |March 17th, 2023|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Approximately 80 km from the Polish Baltic coast, in the Central Shoal area, in the area where one of PGE's offshore wind farms, Baltica 1, will be built, research is being carried out to identify the Baltic seabed. These activities are essential prior to construction of the offshore wind power plant. Since the end of [...]

15 03, 2023

The first day of EDU OFFSHORE WIND 2023 is completed

By |March 15th, 2023|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

The 1st Educational Career Fair EDU OFFSHORE WIND has started in Gdansk. In two days full of lectures, demonstrations of specialised equipment, discussions and panel debates, the Amber Expo hall is a place where experts in the offshore wind industry and young people interested in working in the sector can come together. The event is [...]

13 03, 2023

Work in offshore wind – career of the future

By |March 13th, 2023|OFFSHORE, POLAND|

Offshore wind energy is a promising economic sector that will provide employment for at least the next few decades. More and more Polish universities are opening new courses related to the preparation, construction and operation of offshore wind power plants - from engineering studies through master's specialisations to post-graduate and MBA studies. PGE Group is [...]

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