6 08, 2024

Rovco completes critical UXO Clearance for Iberdrola’s Windanker offshore wind farm


Rovco has completed a critical unexploded ordnance (UXO) clearance project for Iberdrola’s Windanker offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea. Advanced Technology in Action Situated near Rügen Island within the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the Windanker wind farm required thorough UXO clearance to ensure safe construction. In Q2 2024, Rovco deployed its state-of-the-art 3D [...]

5 08, 2024

Polish company to perform conceptual design for Baltica 1 offshore wind farm


PGE Baltica, a PGE Group company, has signed an agreement with ENERGOPROJEKT-KATOWICE S.A. to develop a conceptual design for the Baltica 1 Offshore Wind Farm. The conceptual design is an indispensable element of the investment process related to the construction of offshore wind farms, which aims to select the most optimal power derivation technology. The [...]

2 08, 2024

EIB activates first tranche of counter-guarantee facility


The European Investment Bank (EIB) has announced it will provide a €500mn counter-guarantee to Deutsche Bank aimed at boosting Europe’s wind turbine manufacturing industry. This announcement marks the first tranche activated under the EIB’s €5bn counter-guarantee scheme which constitutes the EIB’s key contribution under the EU Wind Power Package. The counter-guarantees will improve access to [...]

1 08, 2024

Comprehensive Surveys Advance Korsnäs Offshore Wind Project


During the summer, more than 10 experts with training in fisheries, hydrobiology, limnology and research diving will be at sea, as well as engineers specializing in marine research and measurements. The teams have worked throughout the project area, including both the northern extension and the southern part, which has already been mapped in previous years. [...]

3 07, 2024

Equinor and Polenergia with contracts for the transport and installation of foundations and offshore stations for the Bałtyk 2 and 3 projects


Equinor and Polenergia have signed contracts for the transport and installation of foundations and offshore substations for the Baltic 2 and Baltic 3 projects. Offshore work in 2026-2027 will be carried out by Heerema Marine Contractors, using, for among others, a ship with a heavy lift crane. The Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 offshore wind [...]

1 07, 2024

Sif and Smulders sign Capacity Reservation and Early Works agreement for the Bałtyk 2&3 Transition Pieces


Equinor and Polenergia owned joint venture companies leading the development of the Bałtyk 2&3 offshore wind farms, located in the Baltic Sea, have signed a Capacity Reservation and Early Works agreement with the consortium of Smulders Projects Belgium NV and Sif Netherlands BV, for the manufacturing of 100 Transition Pieces for both projects. Bałtyk 2&3 [...]

27 06, 2024

WindEurope: Negative bidding continues to burden offshore wind development


Germany and the Netherlands have recently issued the results of their latest offshore wind auction. They awarded a total capacity of 6.5 GW. That’s good for Europe’s energy transition. But the auction design in both countries included negative bidding. This puts unnecessary additional pressure on offshore wind developers – with adverse consequences for the wider [...]

21 06, 2024

First wind turbine installed at Borkum Riffgrund 3, Germany’s largest offshore wind farm


The first wind turbine has successfully been installed at the German offshore wind farm Borkum Riffgrund 3. With an installed capacity of 913 MW, it will be the largest offshore wind farm in Germany once in operation. Borkum Riffgrund 3 is also the first offshore wind farm to be awarded without subsidies in the world. This has primarily [...]

21 06, 2024

Significant Cuts in Research Funding Threaten Innovations in Energy Transition Technologies in Germany


In 2024, Germany faces a considerable reduction in federal funding for project research, particularly impacting energy research. The Fraunhofer Group for "Energy Technologies and Climate Protection" warns that a 30% reduction in funding for new projects compared to the previous year could severely hinder the country's ability to innovate in essential energy transition technologies. This [...]

21 06, 2024

New Bat Protection Guidelines Threaten Wind Energy Projects in Denmark


A recent report by the DCE - National Center for Environment and Energy, commissioned by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, has sparked significant concern among renewable energy developers. The updated guidelines recommend halting wind turbine operations at wind speeds up to 8-10 meters per second to protect bat populations. This directive is seen as a [...]

11 06, 2024

FRS Windcat orders CTV vessels to service Polish wind farms


FRS Windcat Polska Sp. z o.o. has ordered two CTVs (crew transfer vessels) from the ALU International Ltd. shipyard in Gdansk, with an option for additional vessels. These vessels will support the development of Polish offshore wind farms. FRS Windcat Poland, established in 2018 as part of the FRS and Windcat alliance, operates a fleet [...]

30 05, 2024

BEMIP Offshore Wind priorities for 2024


The BEMIP Offshore Wind Working Group is implementing strategic priorities for 2024 to further advance offshore renewable energy in the Baltic Sea region. With a substantial potential of over 93 GW for offshore wind energy, the focus is on capitalizing on this resource while enhancing regional cooperation. During the Energy Security Summit held in Marienborg, [...]

21 05, 2024

Ørsted offshore wind farm in Skåne designated as an energy area


The area where Ørsted plans to build the Skåne offshore wind farm (Skåne Havsvindpark) has been designated as an 'energy area' by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (Länsstyrelsen and Skåne Regeringen) in the overview version of Sweden's new Baltic Sea spatial plans. In addition to the Skåne offshore wind farm, several other [...]

7 05, 2024

Denmark launches second public phase of the planning for the offshore wind farms Kattegat and Kriegers Flak II in the Baltic Sea


The Danish Energy Agency initiates the second public phase and opens for comments on the draft plan for Kattegat and Kriegers Flak II and the associated environmental report. Public meetings will be held in Rødvig (Zealand) on 14 May and in Grenå (Jutland) on 16 May 2024. The Danish Energy Agency invites citizens, companies, authorities [...]

17 04, 2024

Polenergia and Equinor enter into reservation agreements with Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland

By |April 17th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Offshore project companies Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III have signed reservation and preliminary work agreements with Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland SE. The contract covers transportation and installation of offshore wind turbine foundations and an offshore transformer station, said Polenergia in a stock exchange release. Polenergia has a 50% stake in the two companies, which are [...]

12 04, 2024

50Hertz begins work on the Ostwind 3 grid connection for the offshore wind farm Windanker


50Hertz can finally begin work on the Ostwind 3 grid connection for the offshore wind farm Windanker in the Baltic Sea. The Ministry for Economics, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has now issued the permits for the onshore route of four kilometers as well as a substation with a surface of approx. ten hectares in the municipality [...]

10 04, 2024

Ørsted and Cadeler Sign Long-term Agreement for Offshore Wind Installation Vessel Capacity

By |April 10th, 2024|OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Ørsted and Cadeler signed a firm long-term lease agreement for a newbuilt Wind Farm Installation Vessel. With the agreement, Ørsted secures installation vessel capacity from Q1 2027 to end of 2030 for upcoming construction projects. The signing of the long-term agreement on April 8, 2024 discloses Ørsted as the client in Cadeler’s announcement made on October [...]

8 04, 2024

IWES offshore: Boulder detection for monopile foundations and submarine cables for Baltic Power


The Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES has conducted a boulder detection campaign in the Baltic Sea on behalf of Baltic Power for the foundations of the planned wind turbines. It also applied the surveying technology along the planned subsea cable routes for the very first time. The innovative Manta Ray G1 measuring system [...]

29 03, 2024

PGE and Ørsted sign contract for transportation and installation of offshore substations for Baltica 2 project


PGE Group and Ørsted have selected a supplier to transport to the area of the future farm and install offshore substations for the Baltica 2 project - one of two phases of the Baltica Offshore Wind Farm. The successful bidder, Seaway7, is a world leader in offshore wind power projects. The company will use both [...]

25 03, 2024

Equinor and Polenergia with agreements to design foundations for Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III offshore wind farms

By |March 25th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Equinor and Polenergia have signed final agreements for the design of foundations for the Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III projects being developed by the two companies in the Baltic Sea. The development of design documentation for the locations of the two offshore wind farms, including the detailed design of the foundations, was entrusted to Rambøll. [...]

21 03, 2024

“Van Oord” signs a contract for construction of an offshore wind farm support base and an oversized cargo terminal in the Port of Liepaja

By |March 21st, 2024|LATVIA, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

In order to promote the development of the offshore wind energy industry in the Baltic Sea, one of the leading companies in the industry - Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors B.V. (Van Oord) plans to create a world-class offshore wind farm support base and an oversized cargo terminal in the Port of Liepaja. The [...]

20 03, 2024

German National Ports Strategy to be underpinned by funding as quickly as possible


The German government presented its new ports strategy on 20 March. The strategy contains a collection of measures, but no plans for financing. Therefore, the onshore and offshore wind energy associations, the OFFSHORE-WINDENERGIE foundation and the Hamburg Renewable Energy Cluster are appealing to the government to take the needs of the energy transition into account [...]

14 03, 2024

Klaipeda Port announced a tender for the construction of an offshore wind marshalling harbour


To accommodate the development of the two Lithuanian wind farms, as well as other projects in the Baltic Sea, Klaipeda Port announced an international tender for the reconstruction works of quays and dredging of the first stage. „With favorable conditions for the development of offshore wind farms and numerous wind farm projects in progress, the [...]

8 03, 2024

RockWave awarded contract for subsurface data reprocessing for Bałtyk 1 Offshore Wind Farm project in Poland


RockWave, a leading provider of seismic processing and imaging services for multiple energy sectors, proudly announces that it has been awarded a significant contract from Equinor and Polenergia at their offshore wind development area, the 'Bałtyk 1 Wind Farm'. This award underscores RockWave's commitment to delivering top-tier seismic processing solutions to the renewable energy sector. [...]

7 03, 2024

Polish companies conduct geological research for PGE offshore wind project


PGE Baltica, a PGE Group company, has signed an agreement with a consortium of companies: Geofizyka Toruń S.A., Przedsiębiorstwo Geologiczne GEOPROJEKT Szczecin sp. z o.o. and "PROJMORS" Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Morskiego sp. z o.o. to perform geological surveys, including geotechnical and geophysical surveys and resultant documentation for the land-sea drilling for the Baltica 1 offshore [...]

6 03, 2024

Ignitis Renewables advances toward the first Baltic offshore wind farm in Lithuania with precision measurements and strategic insights


Ignitis Renewables, an international green energy company, continues the development of the first offshore wind farm in the Baltic States and is taking wind and meteorological measurements in the Baltic Sea that are necessary for the project. For this purpose, a floating measuring station with specialised equipment was brought to the maritime area of the [...]

4 03, 2024

IWES offshore: Boulder detection for monopile foundations and submarine cables in the Baltic Sea for Baltic Power Offshore Wind Farm


The Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES has conducted a boulder detection campaign in the Baltic Sea on behalf of Baltic Power for the foundations of the planned wind turbines. It also applied the surveying technology along the planned subsea cable routes for the very first time. The innovative Manta Ray G1 measuring system [...]

1 03, 2024

Ignitis Renewables launches environmental impact assessment for offshore wind farm


Ignitis Renewables, an international green energy company, is preparing to build the country’s first offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea and, in compliance with the imposed requirements, has prepared an environmental impact assessment (EIA) programme for this project, which is of great importance to Lithuania’s energy sector. The environmental impact assessment itself will be [...]

27 02, 2024

RWE announces winner of global Innovation Competition


Indeximate Ltd., a start-up founded in the UK in 2022, has won RWE’s second global Innovation Competition. The competition was launched with the aim to find innovative solutions in the domains of system integration, circularity and environmental protection in offshore wind that can support RWE´s growth ambitions and sustainability targets. In order to select the [...]

26 02, 2024

Baltica 2 Offshore Wind Farm Secures Building Permits

By |February 26th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Ramboll and Projmors have successfully secured two building permits for the Baltica 2 offshore wind farm project, signaling a significant milestone in the advancement of clean energy solutions in the Baltic Sea. In a recent announcement made on their LinkedIn profile, Ramboll and their partner Projmors - Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Morskiego Sp. z o.o. have [...]

22 02, 2024

50Hertz receives planning approval decisions for the Ostwind 3 offshore route

By |February 22nd, 2024|GERMANY, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Authorisations have been granted for the grid connection of the Windanker offshore wind farm in territorial waters and in the EEZ. Transmission system operator 50Hertz has received the planning approval decisions for the offshore route of the Ostwind 3 grid connection. This applies to the section in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the section [...]

20 02, 2024

PGE and Ørsted finalized all contracts for wind turbine installation vessels for Baltica 2 project


PGE Group and Ørsted have contracted vessels to install the second part of the wind turbines for the Baltica 2 project, one of two phases of the Baltica Offshore Wind Farm. The installation of wind turbines for Baltica 2 was divided into two phases, and the contractor for each phase was selected by separate tenders. [...]

20 02, 2024

OX2 and SMHI will collaborate to restore parts of the Baltic Sea through artificial oxygenation


SMHI has been granted a research grant from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate to investigate, in collaboration with, among others, OX2, whether artificial oxygenation can contribute to restoring parts of the Baltic Sea that are currently oxygen-free. The oxygen gas is a by-product from hydrogen production at two [...]

19 02, 2024

Equinor and Polenergia with contracts for foundations of offshore wind farms Bałtyk II and III

By |February 19th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Equinor and Polenergia have signed final agreements with the supplier of foundations for the Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III offshore wind farms. Dutch company SIF Netherlands B.V. will produce 100 monopiles for both projects. Monopiles are key components required for investments of strategic importance to Poland's energy transition. The subject of the contracts is 100 [...]

16 02, 2024

Equinor and Polenergia have selected Siemens Gamesa as their wind turbine supplier for the Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III OWFs


Equinor and Polenergia have selected Siemens Gamesa as their wind turbine supplier for the Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III offshore wind farms located in the Baltic Sea. The two energy companies have signed final contracts for the production, delivery and service of 100 modern offshore wind turbines. The signed contracts are crucial for the development [...]

13 02, 2024

PGE Baltica begins geological survey for Baltica 1 project


PGE Baltica, a PGE Group company, has begun ground investigations for the onshore section for the Baltica-1 offshore wind farm. The study area will encompass the construction site of a future onshore transformer station and cable bench, i.e. infrastructure related to power derivation. The survey is carried out by a Polish company Geoteko. - Geological [...]

12 02, 2024

DEA calls for remarks on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the plan for Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm (OWF)

By |February 12th, 2024|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Call for remarks on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the plan for Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm (OWF). A public meeting about the consultation material will be held in Gilleleje on 19 March 2024. The Danish Energy Agency invites the public, companies, authorities and other interested in the coming Hesselø OWF to submit remarks on [...]

8 02, 2024

Elering is considering northwestern Estonia for the onshore connection of EstLink 3


Elering has applied to the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority to be granted a superficies license for constructing the third electricity interconnection between Estonia and Finland, with the onshore connection point situated in northwestern Estonia. The third electricity interconnection with Finland will further contribute to the security of supply, achieving climate and energy policy [...]

8 02, 2024

OX2: Offshore wind farm Galene has made great progress in terms of development in 2023

By |February 8th, 2024|OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

The offshore wind farm Galene, which OX2 is developing off the west coast of Sweden together with Ingka Investments, has made great progress in terms of development in 2023. Emelie Zakrisson, Head of OX2 Offshore Sweden, tells more. In January, the county administrative board of Halland gave the green light for the project, initially called [...]

6 02, 2024

The ELWIND wind park project begins cooperation with a Dutch company “Ventolines”


The Latvia-Estonia cross-border offshore wind park project ELWIND begins cooperation with the Dutch company Ventolines. This technical consultant service provider has accumulated significant experience in wind park development. "Ventolines has contributed to wind park development projects in the Netherlands, Sweden, the USA and other countries, proving its competence and professionalism. For the needs of Elwind, [...]

26 01, 2024

TotalEnergies and European Energy expand their collaboration to offshore projects in Scandinavia


As part of its integrated development in electricity, TotalEnergies has signed a new agreement with European Energy to develop offshore wind projects in three Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland and Sweden. 405 MW of offshore wind power under development in Denmark The agreement entails the acquisition by TotalEnergies of a 85% equity stake in the Jammerland [...]

22 01, 2024

CIP launches new company dedicated to developing energy island projects globally


Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners is launching Copenhagen Energy Islands (“CEI”): A new company dedicated to developing energy islands globally with backing from Nordic, European, and North American investors. Copenhagen Energy Islands will build on CIP’s long-standing experience and expertise within offshore wind to develop energy island projects globally. Copenhagen Energy Islands is currently developing a portfolio [...]

18 01, 2024

Ignitis Renewables and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners win a second seabed site in Estonia’s offshore wind tender


International green energy company Ignitis Renewables and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) through its Growth Markets Fund II are the winners of the auction-based competitive tender for development of an offshore wind farm in the Liivi 1 sea area in Estonia, having placed the highest bid in the amount of EUR 1.16 million. Having previously won [...]

17 01, 2024

Million-EUR investment by Windar Renovables in the port of Szczecin

By |January 17th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

In the first half of 2026, a production facility will begin operations in the Szczecin harbour, producing structural components (towers and foundations) for offshore and onshore wind turbines. The manufactured components will be transported using, among other things, sea transport. The lease agreement for port areas has just been signed by the Szczecin and Świnoujście [...]

16 01, 2024

Lithuania’s second offshore wind park tender announced


Lithuania announced its second offshore wind park tender, spanning 90 days from January 16th to April 15th, invites companies with a proven track record in offshore wind project development. The proposed 700 MW offshore wind park, situated approximately 30 kilometers from Palanga, represents a substantial leap toward harnessing the Baltic Sea's vast wind energy potential. [...]

16 01, 2024

PGE Baltica publishes offshore procurement proceedings 2024

By |January 16th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

PGE Baltica has published information about procurement proceedings planned to be launched in 2024 for potential suppliers interested in cooperation. The proceedings concern purchases carried out for PGE Baltica's project companies. The list includes procurements related to the construction of an operations and maintenance base in the Port of Ustka. Moreover, works for farm projects [...]

15 01, 2024

Skyborn Renewables engages local insights through resident survey for offshore wind power expansion in Finland

By |January 15th, 2024|FINLAND, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Skyborn Renewables Offshore Finland Oy, which is planning offshore wind power off Kokkola, Pietarsaari and Uudenkaarlepy, approached about a thousand residents and property owners in the area in question in the form of a survey. The survey itself was carried out by the consulting company Ramboll Finland Oy. The residents' survey will clarify the thoughts [...]

11 01, 2024

OX2 prepares to connect the Galene offshore wind farm

By |January 11th, 2024|OFFSHORE, PROJECTS, SWEDEN|

Last year, OX2 and Ingka Investments were given the go-ahead by the government to build the Galene offshore wind farm in the Kattegat near Varberg. Work is now beginning on preparing a connection to the electricity grid. The project company has signed a cooperation agreement with Ellevio and submitted applications for connection. The purpose of [...]

9 01, 2024

Germany approves Ostwind 3 offshore grid connection project

By |January 9th, 2024|OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Germany continues to make significant strides in harnessing the potential of offshore wind energy, as the German maritime authority, BSH, has recently granted approval for the Ostwind 3 offshore grid connection project. This initiative is set to facilitate the transmission of power generated by up to 300 MW of turbine capacity in the Baltic Sea. [...]

5 01, 2024

Environmental Impact Assessment Report for North-West Estonian Coastal Wind Farm approved by the Ministry of Climate Change

By |January 5th, 2024|ESTONIA, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Enefit Green plans to build a wind farm with a capacity of up to 1,100 MW in the North-West Estonian coastal sea. The proposed wind farm will be located on low-lying areas at least 12 km northwest and north of the coast of Hiiumaa. Based on the approved report, the Ministry of Climate Change imposed [...]

4 01, 2024

Fred. Olsen Windcarrier wins contract with Ørsted and PGE

By |January 4th, 2024|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Fred. Olsen Windcarrier has been awarded a WTG installation contract with Ørsted and PGE for the installation of wind turbines at the Baltica 2, lot 3 offshore wind farm in Poland. Fred. Olsen Windcarrier will mobilise one of its special purpose-built jack-up installation vessels to the designated loadout quay and subsequently to the Baltica 2 [...]

3 01, 2024

Denmark establishes a new bidding zone at the Bornholm Energy Island

By |January 3rd, 2024|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

The Danish Energy Agency has contributed to the establishment of a new bidding zone that will enter into force with the commissioning of Bornholm Energy Island. The bidding zone is being established on the basis of a structural congestion identified by Energinet in the electricity transmission grid that will connect Bornholm Energy Island with Zealand [...]

21 12, 2023

Van Oord starts cable installation at Iberdrola’s Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm

By |December 21st, 2023|GERMANY, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

After Van Oord’s heavy lift installation vessel Svanen completed installation of all fifty monopiles for Iberdrola Deutschland’s Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm, Van Oord now continues installing transition pieces and starts cable installation. This week the inter-array cable loading onto Van Oord’s cable-laying vessel Nexus has commenced. In total, Van Oord will install approximately 70 [...]

21 12, 2023

Ocean Winds wraps up “Careers with Wind” educational program

By |December 21st, 2023|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Ocean Winds, a company operating in the field of offshore wind farms and developing the BC-Wind project in the Baltic Sea, together with the Industrial Development Academy (Przemysłowa Akademia Rozwoju), is implementing the "Careers with Wind" („Kariera z wiatrem”) educational program to impart knowledge and increase the competence of high school students in the field [...]

19 12, 2023

Wood Thilsted chosen to deliver jacket design project for Ocean Winds

By |December 19th, 2023|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Wood Thilsted (WT) has been appointed to complete the preliminary foundation designs for the BC-Wind project as FEED and Detailed Design WTG foundation designer. WT’s appointment comes in response to the particularly challenging conditions of the project and continues WT’s legacy of innovation whilst also supporting the growth of the Polish offshore wind sector. BC-Wind [...]

13 12, 2023

Ignitis Renewables and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners win Estonia’s first offshore wind tender


International green energy company Ignitis Renewables and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) through its Growth Markets Fund II are the winners of the auction-based competitive tender for development of an offshore wind farm in the Liivi 2 sea area in Estonia, having placed the highest bid in the amount of EUR 1.7 million. The maritime area [...]

13 12, 2023

Unlocking the Power of the Wind: Denmark’s Push for Green Energy Beyond Planned Lifetimes

By |December 13th, 2023|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

In a world grappling with the urgent need for sustainable energy solutions, Denmark is taking a significant step towards maximizing the potential of its wind farms. Green Power Denmark, a prominent advocate for renewable energy, applauds the decision by the Danish Energy Agency to resume processing applications for the extension of the operational lifetimes of [...]

12 12, 2023

Electricity Grid Operators are Strengthening Regional Cooperation in the Baltic Sea


The electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) of the nine Baltic Sea Region countries will continue to cooperate actively to ensure the reliability of the region's electricity supply, the implementation of the project to synchronise the Baltic electricity grids with continental Europe and to develop the future energy system for large-scale offshore wind power. This decision [...]

12 12, 2023

OX2 sells stake in next generation Swedish offshore wind portfolio to Ingka Investments

By |December 12th, 2023|OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

OX2 has agreed with Ingka Investments, the investment arm of Ingka Group – the biggest IKEA retailer – to sell a 49 percent stake in next generation Swedish offshore wind projects. The transaction is expected to impact OX2’s operating income positively with approximately 200 MSEK* in 2023. Following the transaction OX2 expects operating income for [...]

11 12, 2023

Arcadis Ost 1 wind farm has been inaugurated

By |December 11th, 2023|GERMANY, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

The Arcadis Ost 1 wind farm off the coast of Rügen in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is now supplying its full capacity to the German electricity transmission system, providing consumers with an additional 250 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy. 50Hertz built the submarine and onshore cable connection to the Lubmin substation and worked with wind farm operator [...]

7 12, 2023

A shipwreck discovered during the seabed survey in the Baltic Sea


During the ongoing survey organised by an international green energy company, Ignitis Renewables, to assess the feasibility of the offshore wind farm, a 70 metres long and 6 metres high sunken ship was discovered. The wreck, lying 38 metres deep, was discovered by a geophysical survey vessel, Fugro Frontier. “After receiving the information about the [...]

6 12, 2023

PGE and Ørsted selected a contractor for certification of Baltica 2

By |December 6th, 2023|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

PGE Group and Ørsted signed a contract with DNV for certification of components of the offshore wind farm. This year, DNV was officially authorized by the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure to certify offshore wind farms. “The Baltica Offshore Wind Farm is the largest offshore wind project in Poland given the capacity planned for development. This [...]

4 12, 2023

Industry Skills Center as a response to growing demand for skilled workers

By |December 4th, 2023|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Lębork's district council is the initiator of a PLN 12,000,000 project to establish the first Industry Center dedicated to Wind Energy in Poland. Working with industry leaders such as the ORLEN Group, the Polish Offshore Wind Energy Society (PTMEW) and Windhunter Academy, they have launched an initiative to create a pioneering wind energy competence center [...]

30 11, 2023

Energa Wytwarzanie and Northland Power will cooperate on servicing offshore wind farms

By |November 30th, 2023|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Thanks to an approval issued by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, Energa Wytwarzanie of the ORLEN Group and Canadian company Northland Power can establish a joint venture to provide maintenance services for offshore wind farms in Poland. The new company will carry out activities in such areas as technical management of offshore wind [...]

28 11, 2023

Offshore electricity grids among 166 cross-border energy projects for EU support to help deliver the European Green Deal

By |November 28th, 2023|OFFSHORE, PROJECTS, TOP NEWS|

Today, the Commission informed that is taking another step to make the EU's energy system fit for the future by adopting the first list of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs) that is fully in line with the European Green Deal. These key cross-border infrastructure projects will help the EU [...]

24 11, 2023

Baltic Power publishes Request For Information (RFI) for maintenance work

By |November 24th, 2023|OFFSHORE, POLAND, PROJECTS|

Baltic Power announces a Request for Information (RFI) "Balance of Plant" (BoP) Operations & Maintenance. Companies interested in participating can visit the website for more information and direct contact. Baltic Power recently launched a new section on the website - tenders - to make it even easier to follow the ongoing tendering procedures for the [...]

24 11, 2023

Metsähallitus launches tendering process for 3 GW after government adopts a resolution

By |November 24th, 2023|FINLAND, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

On 23 November 2023, the Government adopted a resolution on launching an auction procedure concerning offshore wind power sites located in the public water areas of Finland.  The offshore wind power sites to be auctioned are located in public water areas governed by Metsähallitus in the regions of Ostrobothnia and North Ostrobothnia. The auction procedure [...]

23 11, 2023

Metsähallitus and Vattenfall agree to expand Korsnäs Offshore Wind Farm project

By |November 23rd, 2023|FINLAND, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Metsähallitus and Vattenfall have agreed to expand the Korsnäs Offshore Wind Farm project so that the new project area will allow for an increased capacity. Vattenfall became a Metsähallitus project partner for the Korsnäs Offshore Wind Farm project in December 2022 when it won an extensive international tendering process. In connection with the transaction, a [...]

21 11, 2023

Smulders and NEPTUN WERFT join forces to build offshore converter platforms in Rostock

By |November 21st, 2023|GERMANY, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Smulders is joining forces with the MEYER Group, which includes NEPTUN WERFT in Warnemünde, to build offshore converter platforms at the Warnemünde site. To this end, they have the intention to jointly found the companies NEPTUN SMULDERS Offshore Renewables and NEPTUN SMULDERS Engineering, which will take over the design and manufacture of the platforms. The [...]

20 11, 2023

Fugro supports Ignitis Renewables in Lithuania’s first offshore wind farm


Ignitis Renewables, an international green energy company, has awarded Fugro a contract to conduct a geophysical survey at Lithuania's first offshore wind farm site. This critical step in the project's development aims to enhance the understanding of seabed conditions, which will inform the location, construction and design of future wind turbines at the Baltic Sea. [...]

20 11, 2023

Parkwind and partners to complete installation of final towers and turbines at Arcadis Ost 1 despite stormy weather

By |November 20th, 2023|GERMANY, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Parkwind and partners defy autumn storms to complete installation of final towers and turbines at Arcadis Ost 1. The final three turbines of Parkwind’s 27-turbine Arcadis Ost 1 offshore wind farm were installed during the stormy autumn season in less than 8 days to complete construction of the world’s first fully floating installed commercial offshore [...]

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