30 01, 2023

Baltic Sea Offshore Wind – 2022 Summary & 2023 Outlook

By |January 30th, 2023|TOP NEWS|

Baltic Sea Offshore Wind – 2022 Summary & 2023 Outlook Dear readers  I am pleased to present special report summarising series of interviews„Baltic Sea Offshore Wind – 2022 Summary & 2023 Outlook”. The year 2022 was full of events that have permanently changed the conditionsfor the offshore wind [...]

24 01, 2023

“Baltic Sea Offshore Wind – 2022 Summary & 2023 Outlook”: Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy

By |January 24th, 2023|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS, TOP NEWS|

The year 2022 was full of events that are permanently changing the conditions for the offshore wind industry. We asked industry leaders and key policy-makers for their assessment of what has been achieved in the past year and what the forecasts are for 2023. In today’s interview of the „Baltic Sea Offshore Wind – 2022 [...]

17 01, 2023

Pressing challenges presented by the current energy crisis among priorities of Swedish Presidency in the EU

By |January 17th, 2023|OFFSHORE, REGULATORY, TOP NEWS|

The Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson presented the programme of the Swedish Presidency of the Council during the plenary session of the European Parliament today. Below we present priorities for energy, environment and climate of the Swedish Presidency from 1 January until 30 June 2023. Energy The EU must be well-equipped for next winter and to address [...]

10 01, 2023

“Baltic Sea Offshore Wind – 2022 Summary & 2023 Outlook”: Jakub Budzyński, Vice President of the Management Board of the Polish Offshore Wind Energy Society

By |January 10th, 2023|OPINIONS, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

The year 2022 was full of events that are permanently changing the conditions for the offshore wind industry. We asked industry leaders and key policy-makers for their assessment of what has been achieved in the past year and what the forecasts are for 2023. In today’s interview of the „Baltic Sea Offshore Wind – 2022 [...]

5 12, 2022

EU determined to secure its clean energy industrial base

By |December 5th, 2022|OFFSHORE, TOP NEWS|

The European Commission is launching “Clean Tech Europe”, a new platform to strengthen its value chains for clean energy. The new Platform aims to advance the key industries that will deliver Europe’s clean and digital transitions. These include wind and solar energy, heat pumps, storage, grids and renewable hydrogen. The European Union is more determined [...]

2 12, 2022

In fear of China – will the European wind energy industry repeat the fate of the continent’s makers of solar panels?

By |December 2nd, 2022|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS, TOP NEWS|

CEO of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy Jochen Eickholt put forward a thought-provoking opinion on Linkedin. Referring to the New York Times’ piece on the state of the European wind industry, he indicated that although people would think that the sector should be blooming in current circumstances, actually “it is not – and there many reasons [...]

1 12, 2022

SeaSapphire – new joint venture powered by Eolus and Simply Blue Group begins development of 4 floating wind farms in the Baltic Sea


The joint venture named SeaSapphire, powered by Eolus and Simply Blue Group, is commencing the development of four commercial scale floating offshore wind parks in The Baltic Sea –two projects in Sweden and two in Finland. Simply Blue Group, is an Irish blue economy project developer, developing pioneering projects in floating offshore wind, e-Fuels, wave [...]

30 11, 2022

Polish power grids development plan 2023-2032 – a response to offshore wind development in the Baltic Sea


A Polish power grid operator (PSE) has presented a plan for the development of the transmission system until 2032. Offshore wind energy is one of the key areas of system transformation. It is followed by investments in infrastructure for power output from the Baltic Sea and its transmission to southern Poland.  "Development Plan for Meeting [...]

28 11, 2022

Bornholm energy island is blazing the trail for offshore expansion in the baltic sea


Energinet and 50Hertz (Danish and Germany’s TSO) have now reached an important next step in their cooperation on Energy Island Bornholm. In November, they expanded their existing cooperation with new agreements on, amongst other things, ownership and costs of the power cables and power installations. According to TSOs that is going to breathe life into [...]

22 11, 2022

Acceleration of clean and just transition to renewable energy needed to meet COP27 agreements

By |November 22nd, 2022|OFFSHORE, REGULATORY, TOP NEWS|

The United Nations Climate Change Conference COP27 closed on November 20th with an agreement to provide “loss and damage” funding for vulnerable countries hit hard by climate disasters. “This outcome moves us forward” said Simon Stiell, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary. “We have determined a way forward on a decades-long conversation on funding for loss [...]

18 11, 2022

WindEurope: EU countries’ offshore spatial plans will allow the generation of 220 GW of offshore wind power


EU countries have earmarked around 52,000 km2 for wind energy development, as shown in WindEurope's analysis of offshore spatial plans. Such an area, if fully utilized, will allow the installation of 220 GW of wind power. Among the leaders are Belgium and Germany, which together want to allocate 15% of their territorial waters for wind [...]

17 11, 2022

PWEA: Poland’s potential in the Baltic is 33 GW

By |November 17th, 2022|OFFSHORE, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

Poland’s offshore wind potential is 33 GW, according to estimates from the Offshore Wind Poland conference. The new PWEA report also indicates 20 new areas in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea, including 18 in the exclusive economic zone and two in the territorial sea. If the Baltic's total potential is exploited, offshore wind [...]

27 10, 2022

Estonian-Latvian offshore wind farm joint project location revealed


Today, the Estonian Government confirmed the location of the ELWIND joint Estonian-Latvian offshore wind energy project in the Estonian maritime area. Based on studies and analyses, the most suitable development area for the joint project in Estonian waters is the sea area west of the Sõrve peninsula. "Estonia's offshore wind energy is an untapped potential [...]

24 10, 2022

Lithuanian government strengthens communication of first offshore wind farm


"Offshore Wind Park" is a strategic investment of Lithuania. Implementation will significantly increase the country's energy security by reducing the country's dependence on energy imports. The Ministry of Energy has just launched a page where it presents the most important information about the project. In one place you can find, among other things, the status [...]

17 10, 2022

BEMIP: Milestones for the BALTIC SEA offshore development – countries of the region are to agree capacity goals by January 2023

By |October 17th, 2022|OFFSHORE, REGULATORY, TOP NEWS|

Member states of the Baltic Sea region are supposed to agree their capacity goals for offshore renewable energy for 2030-2040-2050 by 24 January 2023 to enable the EU transmission operators’ network to devise a plan for the development of the strategic integrated offshore grid. The deadline is close, and the European Network of Transmission Operators [...]

13 10, 2022

Baltic Power project driving new investments


Poland’s first installation terminal to be located in Świnoujście and a turbine factory to be built by Vestas in Szczecin are two new investment projects now afoot in connection with the Baltic Power offshore wind farm.  The joint venture project between the ORLEN Group and Northland Power will require 76 state-of-the-art 15 MW turbines from [...]

6 10, 2022

Lessons from explosions on Nord Stream I and II for wind farms in the Baltic Sea


When pursuing offshore wind farm projects, it is necessary to consider a variation of risks to ensure their safe operation. The recent events related to the explosions that damaged the Nord Stream I and II pipelines further highlight such necessity, writes PhD Rafal Miętkiewicz, Assistant Professor at the Polish Naval Academy of the Heroes of [...]

19 08, 2022

BalticWind.EU Country Report POLAND Q2 2022

By |August 19th, 2022|POLAND, POLAND REPORT, TOP NEWS|

BalticWind.EU Country Report POLAND / Q2 2022 Dear Readers, I am pleased to present you with another in a series of quarterly reports summarizing the Polish offshore wind energy market. In the shadow of offshore wind energy topics in the Baltic countries, the Russian war in Ukraine is [...]

5 08, 2022

BalticWind.EU Country Report LITHUANIA Q2 2022


BalticWind.EU Country Report LITHUANIA / Q2 2022 Dear Readers,   It is my pleasure to present to you the next in a series of quarterly reports summarising the Lithuanian offshore wind energy market. In the passing quarter, energy topics were dominated by the Russian-induced war in Ukraine. Since the [...]

25 07, 2022

Virginijus Sinkevičius: Eutrophication remains a major environmental threat to the Baltic Sea and affects the entire ecosystem


Paweł Wróbel: The Nature Restoration Law will set restoration targets and obligations across a broad range of ecosystems at land and sea in the EU. How is this to work in practice for marine areas? Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries: The proposal includes targets on marine ecosystems. We will be looking [...]

15 07, 2022

WindEurope: Negative bidding in German offshore wind law threatens supply chain


The German Parliament has adopted a new Offshore Wind Law (WindSeeG). It makes important changes to the design of Germany’s offshore wind auctions. It established two different types of auctions, one of which involves negative bidding with no caps on the amounts developers bid. This is bad: uncapped negative bidding means additional costs for electricity [...]

11 07, 2022

PKN ORLEN and Klaipėdos Nafta establish cooperation in the field of offshore wind energy


KN (Klaipėdos Nafta AB), the operator of oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, and the companies of the largest Polish oil group ORLEN, ORLEN Neptun I and Energa Wytwarzanie, signed a letter of intent on the possibility of cooperation in the provision of operation and maintenance (O&M) services for wind farms in the Baltic [...]

7 07, 2022

50Hertz: Starting shot for Ostwind 3 approval procedure


The application documents for the section in the EEZ relate both to the construction and operation of the approximately 24-kilometre-long submarine cable and to 50Hertz’s own transformer platform at the Windanker wind farm. The planning approval authority – the BSH – is currently checking the documents for completeness.  […]

30 06, 2022

Tomasz Lisiecki: The offshore wind industry is at its beginning and we are at the start of the training road 

By |June 30th, 2022|POLAND, TOP NEWS|

For the offshore wind industry, besides dedicated study programs and technical schools, the training offer is also crucial. One of the training centres in Poland uses VR (virtual reality) technologies. Tomasz Lisiecki, Chairman of the Board of the New CompetencIes Centre (NCC), comments for BalticWind.EU. The commentary was originally published in “BalticWind.EU Quarterly Country Report [...]

29 06, 2022

Waldemar Tarczynski: The University of Szczecin will educate RES market specialists in Poland 

By |June 29th, 2022|OPINIONS, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

The University of Szczecin attentively follows the changing energy market in Poland, in particular the growing role of the RES sector, which plays a key role in the energy transition. Prof. Dr. Waldemar Tarczynski, Rector of the University of Szczecin, answers questions from BalticWind.EU about the university’s plans regarding its educational path. He does not [...]

28 06, 2022

Małgorzata Sikora: Koszalin University of Technology provides a versatile offer of studies for the offshore wind sector 

By |June 28th, 2022|OPINIONS, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

Koszalin University of Technology is one of the Polish universities that wants to educate future specialists of the offshore wind energy industry. In an interview with BalticWind.EU Małgorzata Sikora, PhD, Eng., Professor of the Koszalin University of Technology, talks about the university’s plans, educational offer, and cooperation with companies in the energy sector. The commentary [...]

27 06, 2022

Piotr Stepnowski: University of Gdansk is committed to the development of the offshore wind energy sector  

By |June 27th, 2022|OPINIONS, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

The University of Gdansk (UG) is the largest university in the Pomeranian region. It employs 1810 research and teaching staff, who conduct education and research at 11 faculties for 24,000 students and PhD students. – The University of Gdansk treats the offshore wind energy sector strategically, taking into account the possibility of applying the results [...]

27 06, 2022

Giles Dickson: Biodiversity and renewables go hand in hand


The European Commission has published its Nature Protection Package.  The package implements the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy, part of the European Green Deal.  It’s also supporting the REPowerEU Action Plan, the measures to reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian fossil fuels and accelerate the growth of renewables, which the Commission presented on 18 May.  The expansion [...]

22 06, 2022

Jakub Budzyński: Effective cooperation between business and young specialists is the key to offshore wind development

By |June 22nd, 2022|OPINIONS, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

On BalticWind.EU we spoke to Jakub Budzyński, Vice-President of the Polish Offshore Wind Energy Society (PTMEW). We ask about Polish staff in the offshore wind sector and the state of their preparation. How many specialists are employed in the Polish offshore wind energy sector?  The commentary was originally published in “BalticWind.EU Quarterly Country Report Poland [...]

21 06, 2022

Wójcik: To overcome challenges in Lithuania is necessary to think about offshore wind as a regional market 


Lithuania is mobilizing for the development of offshore wind. Mariusz Wójcik, Director Project Development & Advisory for Offshore Wind, Poland and Baltics in Ramboll Polska, in his comment for BalticWind.EU points out the challenges Lithuania is facing, the opportunities arising from the development of offshore wind in Lithuania and explains the aspects of financing wind [...]

4 05, 2022

Simon Redfern: Poland is very much high up the list of countries where SSE Renewables see opportunities


Simon Redfern is a senior executive with over 35 years’ experience on a range of large, high-value infrastructure projects in the offshore wind, telecoms and offshore oil & gas sectors. For the last 20 years he has focused on the offshore wind from building the earliest UK Round 1 projects to consulting on a wide [...]

28 03, 2022

The data measurements are the way to go for designing and operating offshore wind structures

By |March 28th, 2022|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, TOP NEWS|

Ramboll together with Aalborg University have delivered a PhD project that provides greater reliability upon the design and operational phase of offshore wind farms. The results show how measurement data based on the digital twin technology can help operators save money, reduce CO2 emissions, and increase lifetime of offshore wind [...]

28 03, 2022

Sweden’s climate policy framework must be a “plan to accelerate action”

By |March 28th, 2022|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN, TOP NEWS|

Swedish Climate Policy Council presented the latest edition of its annual report assessing the effectiveness of the government’s climate change efforts to the Minister for Climate and the Environment, Annika Strandhäll. According to experts, there is a need for better coordination of the activities of state bodies and greater efficiency [...]

22 03, 2022

Green Genius and Polenergia join forces for the first offshore competition in Lithuania


Renewable energy company Green Genius, which develops solar, biogas, wind, and green hydrogen energy projects in 8 European countries, has signed a cooperation agreement with Poland’s largest private energy company, Polenergia. Together, they will seek to win a tender by the Lithuanian state for a wind farm in the Baltic [...]

15 03, 2022

Pertti Tapio: Metsähallitus’ goal is to complete the selection of an offshore wind partner in 2022


Finnish state-owned company Metsähallitus is currently working on the Korsnäs offshore wind farm project, which will be built in 2028 at the earliest. We asked Metsähallitus wind energy project leader Pertti Tapio about the progress.  In the first phase of the Korsnäs offshore wind farm project, 70-100 turbines with a nominal capacity of 12-20 [...]

11 03, 2022

Polish opening of the Baltic Sea to floating wind farms


Floating wind farms (so called “floating wind”) are one of the main directions of development of this sector. Also in the case of the Baltic Sea, investors more and more often indicate the potential lying in this technology, especially in places where due to the bottom characteristics and depth level the application of floating farms [...]

8 03, 2022

Prof. Wolfgang Lukas: Business administration and management skills are increasingly coming to the fore


Offshore Wind Energy Centre was established at the Maritime University of Gdynia. Breakthrough management studies for offshore wind sector staff will be launched in Poland in March. The Polish university is carrying them out in cooperation with Hochschule Bremerhaven and Business Academy SouthWest – leaders of management and specialist programmes for the Offshore Wind Energy [...]

7 03, 2022

Gdynia will provide education of key personnel for the development of wind farms in the Baltic Sea

By |March 7th, 2022|OPINIONS, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

A groundbreaking Offshore Wind Energy Center has been established at Gdynia Maritime University. This is where the future workforce that will build the offshore wind sector in the Baltic Sea will be educated. In March, the first groundbreaking managerial studies are launched. We talk to the creators of the Executive Offshore Wind MBA in Poland. [...]

1 03, 2022

Energy sector’s responsibility in the face of war in Ukraine

By |March 1st, 2022|OPINIONS, TOP NEWS|

Last week, when Russia brutally attacked Ukraine triggering a war just across the border of the European Union, is a moment in history when the development of the offshore wind industry must also be viewed through the prism of these tragic events. Ukraine's independence has been compromised, and so has Europe's security. In this context, [...]

24 02, 2022

Ignitis Group: The offshore wind as a huge opportunity

By |February 24th, 2022|LITHUANIA, OPINIONS, TOP NEWS|

The Baltic Sea will be one of the European regions supporting the energy transformation of the European Union. Particular potential is seen in offshore wind energy, and Ignitis Group is interested in its development. We asked the company about specific plans. The company commentary was published in our quarterly report LITHUANIA Q4 2021. […]

22 02, 2022

Algis Latakas: We hope the Klaipėda Seaport will become an extremely important resource platform for offshore wind 

By |February 22nd, 2022|LITHUANIA, OPINIONS, TOP NEWS|

The Baltic Sea needs port investments. By the end of the decade, 12.5 percent of the European offshore wind fleet could be located in this region, but it needs prepared service and installation ports. The port of Klaipeda has great aspirations too. Director-General of Klaipėda State Seaport Authority, Algis Latakas, commented for BalticWind.EU.  […]

16 02, 2022

Morten Petersen: The offshore renewables strategy will help to fulfill large CO2 reductions

By |February 16th, 2022|OPINIONS, REGULATORY, TOP NEWS|

During the February 2022 plenary session, Parliament voted on an own-initiative report on the EU offshore renewable energy strategy, as prepared and adopted by the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. This constitutes Parliament’s response to the Commission’s strategy paper on the subject, adopted in November 2020 as part of [...]

21 01, 2022

BalticWind.EU Country Report LITHUANIA Q4 2021

By |January 21st, 2022|TOP NEWS|

BalticWind.EU Country Report LITHUANIA / Q4 2021 Dear Readers,  I am pleased to present you with the first of a series of quarterly reports summarizing the offshore wind energy market in Lithuania.  This is one of those markets where, even though there are no operational wind farms yet, [...]

21 12, 2021

BalticWind.EU Special Report WindEurope ElectricCity 2021

By |December 21st, 2021|TOP NEWS|

BalticWind.EU Special Report WindEurope ElectricCity 2021 In the first BalticWind.EU Special Report, we summarise WindEurope’s Annual Event ElectricCity 2021. The conference organized in Copenhagen gathered about 8000 wind industry experts. Being there we had the chance to follow the most important events, which we report for you in the [...]

20 12, 2021

BalticWind.EU VIDEO – Daiva Garbaliauskaitė: Offshore wind is a silver bullet and the core of electricity

By |December 20th, 2021|INTERVIEW, LITHUANIA, TOP NEWS|

Lithuania has ambitions to develop offshore wind energy, which will significantly support the decarbonisation of the energy sector. Lithuanian Deputy Minister of Energy Daiva Garbaliauskaitė talks to BalticWind.EU about the importance of wind turbines development in the Baltic Sea.  This interview will be part of the BalticWind.EU Special Report WindEurope ElectricCity 2021, which will be available [...]

19 12, 2021

BalticWind.EU VIDEO – Rytis Kėvelaitis: Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, are new and exciting markets for offshore winds


The Baltic Sea will be one of the European regions supporting the European Union’s energy transition. Particular potential is seen in offshore wind energy. We talk about the role of the Baltic Sea in decarbonising the region’s economies with Rytis Kėvelaitis, Founder and CEO at Energy Unlimited.  Kėvelaitis stressed that three Baltic states, Lithuania, [...]

15 12, 2021

Eni and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners extend their collaboration in offshore wind to Poland

By |December 15th, 2021|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

Eni, through its subsidiary Eni gas e luce that will become Plenitude in 2022, and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), through its New Markets Fund I, have extended their offshore wind partnership in France by signing an agreement to collaborate also in connection with the anticipated allocation of offshore wind areas in Poland. By implementing [...]

3 12, 2021

MEP Morten Petersen: The streamlining of all regulations of the Fit for 55 package is important now


BalticWind.EU informed, that MEPs set out recommendations for speeding up the deployment of offshore wind, in a report adopted on Tuesday. The report voted in the Industry, Research and Energy committee (ITRE) in response to a European Commission communication stresses that meeting the 2030 and 2050 targets require speeding up [...]

1 12, 2021

MEPs set out recommendations for speeding up the deployment of offshore wind

By |December 1st, 2021|OFFSHORE, REGULATORY, TOP NEWS|

MEPs set out recommendations for speeding up the deployment of offshore wind, in a report adopted on Tuesday. The report voted in the Industry, Research and Energy committee in response to a European Commission communication stresses that meeting the 2030 and 2050 targets require speeding up the deployment of offshore renewable energy (ORE), but a [...]

25 11, 2021

Lithuania’s ambitions, DNV’s forecasts, and IOT sensors – BalticWind.EU talk with the wind industry


Today’s industry talks at the WindEurope Electric City 2021 in Copenhagen focus on the challenges of scaling offshore wind, achieving RES targets, repowering, and technologies. Our speakers included Daiva Garbaliauskaitė, Vice-Minister of Energy of Lithuania as well as Ditlev Engel, from Energy Systems at DNV, and Peter Jenkins from 4SUBSEA. […]

24 11, 2021

Baltic Offshore Wind Award – Call for nominations

By |November 24th, 2021|AUTHORS, TOP NEWS|

Today, at WindEurope Electric City 2021 in Denmark, we are very pleased to announce the opening of the nomination process for the first Baltic Offshore Wind Awards, to recognize the top 20 leaders of our industry who have had the biggest impact on offshore wind development in the Baltic Sea region this year. The [...]

4 11, 2021

Offshore wind, grids, environment – let’s talk about the future of the Baltic Sea at Electric City 2021

By |November 4th, 2021|OFFSHORE, TOP NEWS|

November will be the month to talk about wind energy in Europe. A conference organized by WindEurope, Electric City 2021 will be held in Copenhagen to discuss a new perspective on offshore wind development. It is also an excellent opportunity to discuss the role of the Baltic Sea in the development of the wind sector [...]

15 10, 2021

We are analyzing business opportunities in terms of investments in the Polish offshore wind sector, states Michał Obiegała, BP

By |October 15th, 2021|POLAND, TOP NEWS|

In September we reported on BalticWind.EU that energy concern bp is interested in investing in the Polish offshore wind energy sector. This was communicated by Michał Obiegała, Regulatory & Government Affairs Manager and Legal Counsel at BP, during the Economic Forum in Karpacz. Today the representative of BP Poland answers [...]

15 10, 2021

Lithuania holds talks on construction of second offshore wind farm with capacity of 700 MW

By |October 15th, 2021|LITHUANIA, OFFSHORE, TOP NEWS|

Vice-Minister of Energy of Lithuania Daiva Garbaliauskaitė attended the international conference “Baltic Offshore Wind Transmission” and a study visit to Denmark. During the event in Warsaw, she informed that the Ministry of Energy, together with the grid operator, is holding talks on the possibility of building a second offshore wind [...]

14 10, 2021

Fugro’s seawatch lidar buoys to record wind measurements for offshore energy islands


Fugro has secured a contract with Energinet to provide floating wind lidar measurements for what will be the world’s first offshore artificial energy island, which is being constructed for the Danish Government. Fugro will install and operate four SEAWATCH wind lidar buoys at two locations, Energioe Nordsoen and Energioe Baltic, that will act as [...]

13 10, 2021

Cloudberry wants to develop 2.5 GW wind farms in the Baltic Sea


Nordic company Cloudberry is planning to strengthen its business portfolio in the area of offshore wind energy. The target of the independent developer is the Baltic Sea. The Nordic renewable energy producer has hired Charlotte Bergqvist, who will assist Cloudberry in exploring investment opportunities. Cloudberry is an Oslo-based company active in the renewable energy market [...]

12 10, 2021

A chance of cooperation between Lithuania and Poland in offshore wind? Ignitis and PKN Orlen talks in progress


On October 8 a ceremonial meeting of the Polish government and the PKN Orlen company with representatives of the Lithuanian government was held in Mažeikiai, Lithuania. A new investment of Orlen in the form of deep crude oil processing in the refinery was announced. On the occasion of the meeting the representatives of both sides [...]

12 10, 2021

Denmark considers new location for Hesselø offshore farm, Baltic Sea is among alternatives


The Danish Energy Agency has launched an analysis of alternative areas for the Hesselø offshore wind farm, which will be built as part of the 2018 Danish Energy Agreement. Preliminary studies of the seabed have shown that the originally assumed area has a soft clay bottom. If the seabed is found to be completely [...]

11 10, 2021

Public consultation on Korsnäs offshore wind farm project begins in December


Finnish company Metsähallitus has announced that the developer of the Korsnäs wind farm will hold its first meetings with local residents in early December 2021. This will be the second offshore wind farm operating in Finland. The local dialogue with residents is about the offshore wind farm that will be installed near the municipality [...]

8 10, 2021

Baltic Offshore Wind Transmission – talks on the future of grid infrastructure

By |October 8th, 2021|OFFSHORE, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

SPONSORED CONTENT On 11-12 October 2021, the international offshore wind industry conference "2nd edition Baltic Offshore Wind Transmission" will be held in Warsaw, Poland. During this event, BalticWind.EU will host debates with representatives from offshore wind investors as well as ENTSO-E. This is an excellent opportunity to examine grid infrastructure development plans for offshore [...]

7 10, 2021

A key moment for Arcadis Ost 1 and Baltic Eagle. Ostwind 2 project receives final approval


German electricity system operator 50Hertz announced that it has received the final, long-awaited approval for its Ostwind 2 infrastructure project in mid-September 2021. The operator received the decision for a 700-meter cable section connecting the Arcadis Ost 1 transformer platform. Ostwind 2 is a project by German operator 50Hertz designed to connect the Arcadis Ost [...]

6 10, 2021

Skepast&Puhkim to prepare environmental impact assessment for Liivi wind farm


Estonian energy company Eesti Energia has announced that work has begun on the environmental impact assessment of the Liivi offshore wind farm, which will be built in the waters of the Gulf of Riga. A consulting firm Skepast&Puhkim is responsible for preparing the assessment. The Liivi offshore wind farm will be located about 10 km [...]

5 10, 2021

Wind turbines expansion in the Baltic Sea requires international cooperation on bird conservation


BirdLife International, a global federation of organizations dedicated to the conservation of wild bird species, has prepared a complex study on the impact of offshore wind farms on bird populations in the Baltic and North Seas. The key is marine spatial planning, based on scientific research and expert knowledge. The report „Impact of offshore [...]

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