23 03, 2023

The Danish Energy Agency has resumed the assessment of Jammerland Bugt Offshore Wind Farm, Lillebælt South Offshore Wind Farm, Omø South Offshore Wind Farm and Nordre Flint Offshore Wind Farm


On March 21, 2023, the Danish Energy Agency informed that it has resumed the case processing of Jammerland Bugt Offshore Wind Farm, Lillebælt South Offshore Wind Farm, Omø South Offshore Wind Farm and Nordre Flint Offshore Wind Farm. The Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities has, in dialogue with the State Aid Secretariat, now [...]

20 03, 2023

Vattenfall’s offshore wind turbines to test sustainable food production


How can fossil-free offshore wind power and sustainable food be produced – all while improving the marine environment and biodiversity in the same marine area? This is what the new collaboration 'Win@Sea' between Danish universities, companies and Vattenfall hopes to investigate. Offshore wind is an efficient and fossil-free energy source, and in recent years many [...]

13 03, 2023

Public hearing concerning the strategic environmental assessment of the plan for Offshore Wind Farms in Kattegat II and Kriegers Flak II


The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) calls for ideas on the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of the plan for Offshore Wind Farms (OWF) in the areas Nordsøen I (Noth Sea), Kattegat II (Danish EEZ of the Kattegat sea area forming a strait connecting Baltic Sea and North Sea) and Kriegers Flak II (Baltic Sea). The signatory [...]

7 03, 2023

The Danish Energy Agency resumes the processing of Aflandshage and Frederikshavn Offshore Wind Farm


The Danish Energy Agency reopens two projects On 1 February 2023, the Danish Energy Agency suspended the processing of 33 open-door projects pending further clarification of EU legal issues. The Ministry of Climate, Energy and Supply has now assessed that the establishment permits issued by the Danish Energy Agency in autumn 2022 for Aflandshage Offshore [...]

10 02, 2023

BalticSeaH2 – Southern Finland’s hydrogen valley development project is progressing as planned


The BalticSeaH2 hydrogen valley project will develop the first significant cross-border hydrogen valley in Europe. The goal is to create an integrated hydrogen economy in the Southern Finland and Estonian region, which enables the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from various industries and the region’s energy self-sufficiency. The area is connected to the wider market [...]

9 02, 2023

Offshore wind energy is not a sprint, but a marathon


Key challenges for offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea in 2023 were the topic of a webinar hosted by BalticWind.EU. Offshore industry experts from the Baltic countries of our region discussed what actions should be taken next year, summed up the last one and discussed key actions for the effective development of the industry. [...]

9 02, 2023

Mette Cramer Buch, DEA: We’ve done a lot of investor dialogue in order to understand the concerns of the industry


Paweł Wróbel, BalticWind.EU: What is the history of location allocation for farm investors in Denmark? How does it currently look like for new sites? Mette Cramer Buch, Chief Advisor, Centre for Global Cooperation of the Danish Energy Agency: Historically, de-risking has been a focus area for the development of our tender model. It's been at [...]

8 02, 2023

MEP Morten Helveg Petersen: Denmark has yet to harvest the economic fruits of its visionary wind policy

By |February 8th, 2023|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, OPINIONS|

On 1. December 2021, the first tendering procedure for offshore wind energy in Denmark without state aid was completed. It was widely celebrated in Denmark as it marked a milestone in Danish offshore wind policy - 30 years after Denmark constructed the first offshore wind farm in 1991. The current success of the Danish offshore [...]

7 02, 2023

Ole Toft, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Poland: There must be a strong political commitment to drive change and development

By |February 7th, 2023|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, OPINIONS|

Paweł Wróbel, BalticWind.EU: What are the elements of the Danish formula for offshore wind energy success? Ole Toft, Ambassador of the Kingdom
of Denmark to Poland: Denmark has a long experience with the development of offshore wind. Many mistakes have been made along the way. At the same time, a number of useful lessons have been [...]

7 02, 2023

Denmark puts offshore ambitions at risk as it suspends processing of projects under the Open Door scheme


Most new offshore wind farms in Denmark are established after a tendering procedure, however, the Open Door procedure is also applicable. In the Open Door procedure, a project developer takes the initiative to establish an offshore wind farm of a self-selected size and location. In such a scenario, The Energy Agency must grant three permits [...]

11 01, 2023

“Baltic Sea Offshore Wind – 2022 Summary & 2023 Outlook”: Morten Helveg Petersen, Member of the European Parliament (Denmark, Renew Europe)

By |January 11th, 2023|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, OPINIONS|

The year 2022 was full of events that are permanently changing the conditions for the offshore wind industry. We asked industry leaders and key policy-makers for their assessment of what has been achieved in the past year and what the forecasts are for 2023. In today’s interview of the „Baltic Sea Offshore Wind – 2022 [...]

3 01, 2023

Vestas’ V236-15.0 MW prototype wind turbine produces first kWh


Vestas has finalised installation of the V236-15.0 MW prototype turbine at the Østerild National test centre for large wind turbines in Western Jutland, Denmark. The prototype has successfully produced its first kWh of power and will now undergo an extensive test and verification programme to ensure reliability before full type certification and serial production begins. “This [...]

29 12, 2022

The DEA issues permits for preliminary site investigations of three possible Offshore Wind Farms sites

By |December 29th, 2022|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

On 16 December 2022, the Danish Energy Agency has issued permits to the Danish TSO, Energinet, regarding initiation of preliminary site investigations in the Kattegat II and Kriegers Flak II areas as well as the new location chosen for the Hesselø offshore wind farm. The site investigations will be initiated by Energinet in early Q1 [...]

29 12, 2022

Ørsted assumes full ownership and takes final investment decision on FlagshipONE, the largest green e-methanol project in Europe


Ørsted’s Board of Directors has taken final investment decision (FID) on the 50,000 tonnes/year FlagshipONE e-methanol project. FlagshipONE will be Ørsted’s first commercial-scale Power-to-X facility and is an important steppingstone towards Ørsted’s ambition of taking a leading position in renewable hydrogen and green fuels. Reinforcing the commitment to the FID, Ørsted has taken full ownership [...]

29 12, 2022

“Baltic Sea Offshore Wind – 2022 Summary & 2023 Outlook”: Kristian Jensen, CEO of Green Power Denmark

By |December 29th, 2022|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, OPINIONS|

The year 2022 was full of events that are permanently changing the conditions for the offshore wind industry. We asked industry leaders and key policy-makers for their assessment of what has been achieved in the past year and what the forecasts are for 2023. In today's interview of the „Baltic Sea Offshore Wind - 2022 [...]

19 12, 2022

Gas Transmission Operators and renewable energy developers to launch the Baltic Sea Hydrogen Collector (BHC) project


Gasgrid Finland, Nordion Energi, OX2, and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners are taking concrete steps to realise the European Hydrogen Backbone vision, developed by 31 gas infrastructure companies, in the Baltic Sea region. The companies have agreed to investigate the possibility to develop new large-scale offshore hydrogen pipeline infrastructure connecting Finland, Sweden, and Central Europe by 2030 [...]

30 11, 2022

Ørsted backs nature restoration in Danish coastal zones for the benefit of both biodiversity and climate

By |November 30th, 2022|DENMARK, OFFSHORE|

The Limfjord Council is heading a DKK 100 million EU project in Denmark aimed at restoring coastal areas, beach meadows, and shallow fjord areas. The fjords ‘Limfjord’ and ‘Mariager Fjord’ and the seaside area ‘Nærå Strand’ make up the framework for the 'Coastal Life' project, aimed at improving conditions for nature and the climate. Nature, [...]

28 11, 2022

Bornholm energy island is blazing the trail for offshore expansion in the baltic sea


Energinet and 50Hertz (Danish and Germany’s TSO) have now reached an important next step in their cooperation on Energy Island Bornholm. In November, they expanded their existing cooperation with new agreements on, amongst other things, ownership and costs of the power cables and power installations. According to TSOs that is going to breathe life into [...]

21 11, 2022

Energy islands are the future of offshore wind energy

By |November 21st, 2022|DENMARK, GERMANY, OFFSHORE|

So far 30 GW offshore wind farms in Europe are nearly all connected to the energy system through subsea power cables that run to mother country. As WindEurope indicates in the not-too-distant future many of them will connect to new “energy islands” which will centralise the transmission of the energy they produce. Some of these [...]

18 11, 2022

WindEurope: EU countries’ offshore spatial plans will allow the generation of 220 GW of offshore wind power


EU countries have earmarked around 52,000 km2 for wind energy development, as shown in WindEurope's analysis of offshore spatial plans. Such an area, if fully utilized, will allow the installation of 220 GW of wind power. Among the leaders are Belgium and Germany, which together want to allocate 15% of their territorial waters for wind [...]

11 11, 2022

Baltic Sea Transmission System Operators prepare to manage risks on electricity adequacy


The leaders of the Baltic Sea electricity transmission system operators met in Helsinki on 2nd of November to discuss the energy crisis in Europe and the electricity adequacy of the region.  The transmission system operators of the Baltic Sea region actively cooperate and share information on the security and the electricity supply situation in the [...]

26 10, 2022

Ørsted and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners join forces to develop approx. 5.2 GW of offshore wind in Denmark

By |October 26th, 2022|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, PROJECTS|

Ørsted and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) have entered into a partnership to develop approx. 5.2 gigawatts of offshore wind in Denmark across four projects – 3 GW of which are in the Baltic Sea. The partnership can accelerate the green transformation greatly, create value in the offshore wind industry, strengthen value- and job creation, and create [...]

20 10, 2022

The Danish Energy Agency invites to a supplementary hearing regarding Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm


Supplementary 5-weeks public hearing on the sea-based part of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of the plan for Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm (OWF). The signatory parties of the Climate Agreement on green electricity and heat of 25 June 2022 have decided to move Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm to a more southern location (light-green area in the above [...]

12 10, 2022

Siemens Gamesa turbine prototype set a 24-hour world record

By |October 12th, 2022|DENMARK, OFFSHORE|

  Siemens Gamesa has recently announced that their SG 14-222 DD offshore wind turbine prototype, which is the world's largest in operation, has set a new world record. The prototype turbine produced 359 megawatt-hours within a 24-hour time period, which according to Siemens Gamesa, is comparable with energy needed to drive 1.8 million kilometers in [...]

2 09, 2022

Danish Energy Agency launches consultation on six more location applications under open-door program


As of 4 April 2022, the Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen) has received 47 applications within the framework of the so-called open-door program. 16 of them were rejected due to overlap with state land reservations. The agency has received a number of applications for very large projects (capacity of more than [...]

2 09, 2022

Bornholm Energy Island – an agreement between Denmark and Germany on implementation of project to supply up to 4.5 million homes with electricity

By |September 2nd, 2022|DENMARK, GERMANY, OFFSHORE|

Denmark and Germany have agreed to complete the planned Bornholm Energy Island, after Ministers Habeck and Jørgensen gave the green light for it to be annexed to their countries. Once established in 2030, the Energy Island will be the first of its kind that can supply 3.3 to 4.5 million [...]

31 08, 2022

The Marienborg Declaration: Baltic Sea Countries declare more cooperation in offshore wind


On 30 August 2022 the Heads of Governments and Energy Ministers of the 8 countries around the Baltic Sea signed the Marienborg Declaration. They committed to new volumes for the build-out of offshore wind in the Baltic Sea and agreed to cooperate more closely on it and on energy more [...]

13 06, 2022

Siemens Gamesa: Green hydrogen will ensure Europe’s energy security


One of the leading component manufacturers in the offshore wind sector, Siemens Gamesa, has published a white paper entitled “Unlocking European Energy Security”. The authors of the publication argue that the development of the hydrogen economy will not be possible without rapid implementation of RES. Green hydrogen is the key to unlocking energy security in [...]

11 04, 2022

ABB and Ramboll to collaborate on offshore substation development

By |April 11th, 2022|DENMARK|

ABB and Ramboll have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on pursuing new prospects for offshore substations within the global offshore wind market. The companies’ combined strengths in energy, offshore, construction, operation and maintenance not only bring credibility for EPC contractors offering services for substations, but also enable an [...]

28 03, 2022

The data measurements are the way to go for designing and operating offshore wind structures

By |March 28th, 2022|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, TOP NEWS|

Ramboll together with Aalborg University have delivered a PhD project that provides greater reliability upon the design and operational phase of offshore wind farms. The results show how measurement data based on the digital twin technology can help operators save money, reduce CO2 emissions, and increase lifetime of offshore wind [...]

2 02, 2022

Fugro has secured a contract to undertake cable route surveys for the Energy Island project

By |February 2nd, 2022|DENMARK, OFFSHORE|

The Energy Island will serve as an offshore power plant distributing up to 10 GW of offshore wind to Denmark and other neighbouring markets. Fugro will perform a combination of geophysical, geotechnical services and laboratory testing to provide valuable insight into the ground engineering challenges along the cable route from the Danish landfalls to [...]

5 01, 2022

Denmark announces new Power-to-X strategy

By |January 5th, 2022|DENMARK, OFFSHORE|

The Danish Government has released a proposal for a new strategy to promote and navigate the future development of Power-to-X (PtX) projects in Denmark. The Danish PtX strategy aims at reducing CO2 emissions, balancing the Danish power system and providing export opportunities for green fuels and PtX technology. […]

15 12, 2021

Eni and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners extend their collaboration in offshore wind to Poland

By |December 15th, 2021|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, POLAND, TOP NEWS|

Eni, through its subsidiary Eni gas e luce that will become Plenitude in 2022, and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), through its New Markets Fund I, have extended their offshore wind partnership in France by signing an agreement to collaborate also in connection with the anticipated allocation of offshore wind areas in Poland. By implementing [...]

6 12, 2021

Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Denmark opened in Klaipeda – a chance to strengthen relations in the offshore wind sector

By |December 6th, 2021|DENMARK, LITHUANIA, OFFSHORE|

Jonas Nazarovas, Managing Director of AB DFDS Seaways, has become the first Honorary Consul of Denmark in the Klaipeda region. The solemn ceremony was attended by Ambassador Hans Brask and new Danish Consul Jonas Nazarovas, Klaipeda Mayor Vytautas Grubliauskas and Vice-Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, Daiva Garbaliauskaitė. [...]

29 11, 2021

Denmark and Lithuania discuss offshore wind energy development in Klaipeda

By |November 29th, 2021|DENMARK, LITHUANIA, OFFSHORE|

Today in Klaipeda starts the”Offshore industry in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea: get ready for business”conference, which will bring together representatives of the offshore wind energy sector from Denmark and Lithuania, as well as parties interested in the development of the industry. According to Danish Ambassador to Lithuania [...]

25 11, 2021

Lithuania’s ambitions, DNV’s forecasts, and IOT sensors – BalticWind.EU talk with the wind industry


Today’s industry talks at the WindEurope Electric City 2021 in Copenhagen focus on the challenges of scaling offshore wind, achieving RES targets, repowering, and technologies. Our speakers included Daiva Garbaliauskaitė, Vice-Minister of Energy of Lithuania as well as Ditlev Engel, from Energy Systems at DNV, and Peter Jenkins from 4SUBSEA. […]

24 11, 2021

Recycling, net-zero 2050, grid development – wind industry talks in Copenhagen

By |November 24th, 2021|DENMARK, GERMANY, OFFSHORE|

Yesterday the entire wind industry came to Copenhagen to discuss the transformation of energy systems, in particular wind energy. BalticWind.EU is one of the media partners of the event. Our representatives are meeting and talking to industry representatives about the challenges facing wind energy, particularly in the Baltic Sea region. Recycling of blades and other [...]

24 11, 2021

50Hertz and Energinet sign cooperation agreement for offshore hub in Baltic Sea

By |November 24th, 2021|DENMARK, GERMANY, OFFSHORE|

Neighbouring transmission system operators 50Hertz (Germany) and Energinet (Denmark) seek to work together on the realisation of the ‘Bornholm Energy Island’ offshore hub by 2030. In the scope of the conference WindEurope Electric City 2021 in Copenhagen, CEOs Thomas Egebo of Energinet and Stefan Kapferer of 50Hertz today signed a corresponding cooperation agreement on the [...]

2 11, 2021

Offshore wind energy at COP26 climate summit

By |November 2nd, 2021|DENMARK, OFFSHORE|

The long-awaited climate summit in Glasgow - COP26 - kicked off on October 31. The venue for the meeting of decision-makers from around the world is significant - the UK is the European leader in the development of offshore wind energy, aiming to install 40 GW by 2030. Representatives from the wind sector will also [...]

14 10, 2021

Fugro’s seawatch lidar buoys to record wind measurements for offshore energy islands


Fugro has secured a contract with Energinet to provide floating wind lidar measurements for what will be the world’s first offshore artificial energy island, which is being constructed for the Danish Government. Fugro will install and operate four SEAWATCH wind lidar buoys at two locations, Energioe Nordsoen and Energioe Baltic, that will act as [...]

12 10, 2021

A chance of cooperation between Lithuania and Poland in offshore wind? Ignitis and PKN Orlen talks in progress


On October 8 a ceremonial meeting of the Polish government and the PKN Orlen company with representatives of the Lithuanian government was held in Mažeikiai, Lithuania. A new investment of Orlen in the form of deep crude oil processing in the refinery was announced. On the occasion of the meeting the representatives of both sides [...]

12 10, 2021

Denmark considers new location for Hesselø offshore farm, Baltic Sea is among alternatives


The Danish Energy Agency has launched an analysis of alternative areas for the Hesselø offshore wind farm, which will be built as part of the 2018 Danish Energy Agreement. Preliminary studies of the seabed have shown that the originally assumed area has a soft clay bottom. If the seabed is found to be completely [...]

29 09, 2021

Wind Denmark calls for green energy policy plan

By |September 29th, 2021|DENMARK, OFFSHORE, REGULATORY|

Danish wind energy association Wind Denmark presented a series of proposals to accelerate the expansion of wind and solar power at the Vindtræf 2021 industry conference. Denmark needs huge amounts of energy from RES to meet its growing electricity demand by 2030. "Wind Denmark estimates that 70-110 billion kWh of electricity will be needed in [...]

23 06, 2021

Ramboll selected as consultant to two offshore wind farms off the coast of Copenhagen


Newsroom: Offshore wind farms Aflandshage and Nordre Flint are part of Denmark’s green transition and Copenhagen’s ambition to become the world’s first CO2-neutral capital by 2025. In total, the two wind farms will result in a CO2 reduction of 75,000 tonnes and cover the power consumption of more than 400,000 households. Ramboll has been [...]

22 06, 2021

Nordic TSOs have been working on strategy for wind energy development


Four Scandinavian transmission network operators - Energinet, Fingrid, Statnett and Svenska Kraftnät - are working on the development plan for the Nordic TSO Strategy until 2030. The document focuses on the development of wind energy in countries and sector integration. Works on the strategy started in autumn 2020. A webinar was organized in March [...]

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