12 01, 2023

“Baltic Sea Offshore Wind – 2022 Summary & 2023 Outlook”: Daniel Badman, CEO of the Swedish Wind Energy Association

By |January 12th, 2023|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS, SWEDEN|

The year 2022 was full of events that are permanently changing the conditions for the offshore wind industry. We asked industry leaders and key policy-makers for their assessment of what has been achieved in the past year and what the forecasts are for 2023. In today’s interview of the „Baltic Sea Offshore Wind – 2022 [...]

10 01, 2023

Sweden approves the construction of Harmony Link in its area in the Baltic Sea


The Government of the Kingdom of Sweden has granted permission for the construction of Harmony Link, Lithuania's offshore link to Poland, in its exclusive economic zone, Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator Litgrid has announced. The HVDC cable will run for about 15 kilometres in Sweden's exclusive economic zone. "The Swedish government's approval of Harmony Link [...]

19 12, 2022

Gas Transmission Operators and renewable energy developers to launch the Baltic Sea Hydrogen Collector (BHC) project


Gasgrid Finland, Nordion Energi, OX2, and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners are taking concrete steps to realise the European Hydrogen Backbone vision, developed by 31 gas infrastructure companies, in the Baltic Sea region. The companies have agreed to investigate the possibility to develop new large-scale offshore hydrogen pipeline infrastructure connecting Finland, Sweden, and Central Europe by 2030 [...]

1 12, 2022

SeaSapphire – new joint venture powered by Eolus and Simply Blue Group begins development of 4 floating wind farms in the Baltic Sea


The joint venture named SeaSapphire, powered by Eolus and Simply Blue Group, is commencing the development of four commercial scale floating offshore wind parks in The Baltic Sea –two projects in Sweden and two in Finland. Simply Blue Group, is an Irish blue economy project developer, developing pioneering projects in floating offshore wind, e-Fuels, wave [...]

18 11, 2022

WindEurope: EU countries’ offshore spatial plans will allow the generation of 220 GW of offshore wind power


EU countries have earmarked around 52,000 km2 for wind energy development, as shown in WindEurope's analysis of offshore spatial plans. Such an area, if fully utilized, will allow the installation of 220 GW of wind power. Among the leaders are Belgium and Germany, which together want to allocate 15% of their territorial waters for wind [...]

11 11, 2022

Baltic Sea Transmission System Operators prepare to manage risks on electricity adequacy


The leaders of the Baltic Sea electricity transmission system operators met in Helsinki on 2nd of November to discuss the energy crisis in Europe and the electricity adequacy of the region.  The transmission system operators of the Baltic Sea region actively cooperate and share information on the security and the electricity supply situation in the [...]

3 11, 2022

Border consultation for Utposten 2 wind farm

By |November 3rd, 2022|OFFSHORE, PROJECTS, SWEDEN|

Svea Wind Offshore, a Swedish RES developer, is launching consultations as part of the border-setting process for the Utposten 2 wind farm.  A meeting organised by Svea Wind Offshore will take place in Gävle on 21-22 November. The meeting in Gävle will include a general presentation of the project and information on the planned activities, [...]

19 10, 2022

Swedish Wind Energy Association: In the Tidö Agreement, the government should ensure technology neutrality and a level playing field

By |October 19th, 2022|OFFSHORE, REGULATORY, SWEDEN|

On 14 October, Daniel Badman, VD/CEO of the Swedish Wind Energy Association (Svensk Vindenergi), commented on the Tidö Agreement presented by the Moderate Coalition Party (Moderaterna), Christian Democrats, Liberals and Sweden Democrats. The political agreement is the basis for a deal that allows the formation of a government after the September parliamentary elections.  According to [...]

10 10, 2022

The Land and Environmental Court in Sweden rejects the application for offshore wind power within Gävle municipality

By |October 10th, 2022|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

The Land and Environmental Court in Östersund has informed on the 5th of October that it has rejected Utposten 2's application for a permit for offshore wind power within Gävle municipality. We have reported on the Utposten 2 project here. This is because the applicant did not meet the requirements of the Environmental Code for [...]

31 08, 2022

The Marienborg Declaration: Baltic Sea Countries declare more cooperation in offshore wind


On 30 August 2022 the Heads of Governments and Energy Ministers of the 8 countries around the Baltic Sea signed the Marienborg Declaration. They committed to new volumes for the build-out of offshore wind in the Baltic Sea and agreed to cooperate more closely on it and on energy more [...]

15 08, 2022

Sweden’s acceleration in offshore wind energy

By |August 15th, 2022|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

Over the last few months the Swedish Government has made important announcements on offshore wind. Sweden does not yet use the full offshore wind potential its large coastlines offer. But they want to make up the lost ground. And the wind industry is lining up impressive gigawatt-scale projects in Swedish [...]

18 07, 2022

SWEA: Swedish armed forces should facilitate wind power expansion

By |July 18th, 2022|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

Swedish Wind Energy Association (Svensk Vindenergi) has issued a position statement on the opinions issued by the Swedish armed forces on offshore wind energy projects. Since 2017, Sweden’s armed forces have rejected 9 out of 10 offshore wind farm projects. Such actions could significantly limit the development of the offshore wind sector in Sweden. [...]

9 06, 2022

New report on effects of offshore wind farms on marine life

By |June 9th, 2022|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

Professor Lena Kautsky from Stockholm University is one of the authors behind the new report, which concludes that consideration needs to be taken to sensitive benthic areas, sound-sensitive animals, as well as seabirds when wind farms are established and that the turbine foundations can act as artificial reefs. […]

12 05, 2022

Hexicon and Elia Grid International collaborate on integrating offshore farms with onshore grids

By |May 12th, 2022|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

Hexicon and Elia Grid International (EGI) join forces to connect the wind energy produced by Floating Offshore Windfarms (FOW) to the onshore grid, and that on a global scale. The two companies will develop concepts and projects to integrate large scale floating offshore wind parks into the onshore power systems. The 5-year long cooperation consists [...]

11 05, 2022

Norwegian Deep Wind Offshore starts up in Sweden

By |May 11th, 2022|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

Norwegian company, Deep Wind Offshore recognizes massive potential and great opportunities in the Swedish offshore wind market and is establishing its own company in Sweden.  The aim is to promote and create local jobs and work with local suppliers to build a strong and robust supply chain for offshore wind industry. In the first phase, [...]

4 05, 2022

SWEA: Permitting phase includes 67 TWh of offshore wind potential

By |May 4th, 2022|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

According to the Swedish Wind Energy Association (SWEA), a total of 67 TWh of offshore wind power is in the permitting phase. Projects for which permit applications are currently pending could be commissioned in as little as six years, but then the permitting processes will need to be streamlined and coordinated, the Swedish industry organization [...]

27 04, 2022

The Nordic Hydrogen Route in the Gulf of Bothnia region will be developed. Wind turbines play an important role

By |April 27th, 2022|FINLAND, OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

Two Nordic entities – Gasgrid Finland and Nordion Energi – will launch the Nordic Hydrogen Route, the first large-scale cross-border hydrogen network in Europe. The companies are looking to develop pipeline networks that would transport the energy carrier from producers to consumers. Wind energy – onshore and offshore – will [...]

25 04, 2022

N-Sea completes environmental baseline survey for Södra Midsjöbanken offshore wind farm

By |April 25th, 2022|OFFSHORE, PROJECTS, SWEDEN|

RWE Renewables is currently developing the 1600MW Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) Södra Midsjöbanken located in the southern Baltic Sea. N-Sea, along with their partner Ocean Ecology, were contracted for late season provision of vessel, equipment, and personnel to perform a geophysical site survey and environmental baseline survey, as well as [...]

7 04, 2022

Sweden accelerates wind energy development – the government presents a package of solutions


The Swedish government has presented a package of solutions for accelerating the development of wind energy. Wind turbines for Sweden are intended to be a source of cheap and green electricity. The package consists of four decisions aimed at meeting increased electricity demand and strengthening Sweden’s energy security through wind [...]

28 03, 2022

Sweden’s climate policy framework must be a “plan to accelerate action”

By |March 28th, 2022|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN, TOP NEWS|

Swedish Climate Policy Council presented the latest edition of its annual report assessing the effectiveness of the government’s climate change efforts to the Minister for Climate and the Environment, Annika Strandhäll. According to experts, there is a need for better coordination of the activities of state bodies and greater efficiency [...]

4 02, 2022

The Gulf of Bothnia has the potential to become the most important hydrogen cluster in Scandinavia

By |February 4th, 2022|FINLAND, OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

Researchers at Finland’s LUT University of Applied Sciences, commissioned by St1 and Fortum, have mapped the conditions necessary for electricity production in the Perämeri region. The region has great potential to become a center for carbon-free steel, fuel, and chemical production. This development will require a significant increase in wind [...]

11 01, 2022

Sweden could lead the Baltic region in ‘green’ steel production


Produkcja stali i morska energetyka wiatrowa to dwa obszary, które są coraz bardziej zależne od siebie. Nie będzie wiatraków bez stali, natomiast „zielonej” stali – bez produkcji OZE i bezemisyjnego wodoru. Pierwsze kroki w bezemisyjnej produkcji stali poczyniła Szwecja i to właśnie ten kraj może zostać liderem regionu Morza Bałtyckiego [...]

1 11, 2021

Vattenfall explores new ways to quantify biodiversity

By |November 1st, 2021|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

Vattenfall and French based CDC Biodiversité, a leading European organization in biodiversity assessments, have started a collaboration to assess Vattenfall’s biodiversity footprint. This is an important step for Vattenfall on the journey to secure a net positive approach for nature by 2030. […]

29 10, 2021

Lina Kinning, SWEA: The transparent and open dialogue will be crucial in Swedish offshore grid development

By |October 29th, 2021|OFFSHORE, OPINIONS, SWEDEN|

The Swedish government announced in October that electricity system operator Svenska Kraftnät would be tasked with developing the offshore transmission grid in connection with plans to develop offshore wind power. Lina Kinning, offshore energy and European policy expert at the Swedish Wind Energy Association (SWEA), in a commentary for BalticWind.EU [...]

27 10, 2021

Swedish fishermen concerned about offshore wind development plans

By |October 27th, 2021|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

The Swedish government announced in October that electricity system operator Svenska Kraftnät would be tasked with expanding the transmission grid in offshore areas in connection with plans to develop offshore wind power. National fishermen were concerned about the announcements. They have issued a letter to the government on this issue. [...]

13 10, 2021

Cloudberry wants to develop 2.5 GW wind farms in the Baltic Sea


Nordic company Cloudberry is planning to strengthen its business portfolio in the area of offshore wind energy. The target of the independent developer is the Baltic Sea. The Nordic renewable energy producer has hired Charlotte Bergqvist, who will assist Cloudberry in exploring investment opportunities. Cloudberry is an Oslo-based company active in the renewable energy market [...]

5 10, 2021

Wind turbines expansion in the Baltic Sea requires international cooperation on bird conservation


BirdLife International, a global federation of organizations dedicated to the conservation of wild bird species, has prepared a complex study on the impact of offshore wind farms on bird populations in the Baltic and North Seas. The key is marine spatial planning, based on scientific research and expert knowledge. The report „Impact of offshore [...]

4 10, 2021

Green Investment Group takes over Kattegatt offshore farm project in Sweden


Leading renewable energy developer Green Investment Group (GIG), has acquired the rights to the Kattegatt offshore wind farm, located off the coast of Falkenberg Municipality in the Halland region of Sweden. Green Investment Group, owned by investment giant Macquarie, has acquired the rights to the Kattegatt offshore wind farm from investor Agrivind AB. The [...]

21 07, 2021

Newsroom: A strong result and a development drives the transition for Vattenfall


Vattenfall’s President and CEO Anna Borg comments on the interim report for January-June 2021. “Achieving our goal of enabling fossil-free living within one generation requires that we cooperate with customers and other partners – also outside of the energy sector. Partnerships therefore have a central role in Vattenfall’s strategy”, says [...]

22 06, 2021

Nordic TSOs have been working on strategy for wind energy development


Four Scandinavian transmission network operators - Energinet, Fingrid, Statnett and Svenska Kraftnät - are working on the development plan for the Nordic TSO Strategy until 2030. The document focuses on the development of wind energy in countries and sector integration. Works on the strategy started in autumn 2020. A webinar was organized in March [...]

22 06, 2021

Newsroom: Sweden plans to reduce grid interconnection costs for offshore wind developers

By |June 22nd, 2021|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

Newsroom: Sweden plans to reduce grid interconnection costs for offshore wind developers According to the Renewables Consulting Group’s (RCG) Global Renewable Infrastructure Projects (GRIP) database, Sweden has already granted grid connection to 28.9 GW of offshore wind grid connection. Tor Inge Vevatne, Director and General Manager of RCG Nordic, says reduced grid connection costs [...]

17 06, 2021

Swedish developer of floating wind platforms will go public

By |June 17th, 2021|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

According to the Swedish media, the wind company Hexicon plans to debut on the stock exchange. On June 4, 2021, it announced its intention to conduct an offer to sell its own auctions. The prospectus has already been approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. The entity specializes in the development of floating wind [...]

29 05, 2021

For projects Långgrund 1 and 2 still against the wind. The Swedish Armed Forces say “no”


The investor Svea Vind Offshore plans to build two wind farms Långgrund 1 and Långgrund 1 in the waters of the Baltic Sea. Swedish media reports that the armed forces continue to refuse to approve the projects. Långgrund 1 (1,395 MW) and Långgrund 2 (capacity unknown) are offshore wind farm projects that Swedish investor [...]

29 05, 2021

The Swedish government wants to reduce the costs of connecting offshore wind energy farms to the power grid

By |May 29th, 2021|OFFSHORE, SWEDEN|

In February, the Swedish Ministry of Infrastructure proposed to reduce the costs of connecting offshore wind farms to the electricity grid, which are borne by electricity producers. On February 2, 2021, a proposal for regulations announced four years ago was published on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure, aimed at reducing the costs [...]

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